The Adversity of Being A Bystander (End)

After that particular event that happened a few hours after our take-off, I made a mental note to not carelessly let my body secrete pheromone. Apparently, the two girls behind me and even Genelos also got "distracted" by it when the event unfolded.

Thankfully, though, our shenanigans went unnoticed. Genelos must have some idea about what happened that time but I am sure the other two girls were clueless about it—that is all that matters.


"Ouch! Sorry."

Someone has just bumped into me and this is not the first time. Turning around to look at the person who has just bumped into me, I find a silver-haired girl wearing a hood like a mysterious Mage.

Of course, she is none other than my new sidekick, Lunea dis Cresundia. Ever since I gave her the book about Middle-Class Spells, she has been so engrossed in reading it that she doesn't even want to let go of it after we landed on the ground.