Main Participants

"Ha-ah… that was pretty tiring. They were more challenging than I thought."

"Ouch… all of my muscle hurts."

"Keuh… my stomach is killing me."

The fight has just finished and the girls are sprawled on the ground, whining about how tired they are. I didn't lend that much of a hand to them, so I let them be; they have done their best.

The result is as I expected: Millonia is the best performer. Winerva and Lunea did all right but after seeing their fight, I conclude that they will be nothing when they are alone.

From now on, Winerva and Lunea will always be together, meanwhile, Millonia will take the role of the sole vanguard. There is still a lot for the two to learn but, overall, they did well in their first battle as my sidekick.

"Oh yeah… by the way, where is Genelos? I believe he was on your shoulder when the fight started," Millonia asks while huffing and puffing.