Two Birds, One Stone (2)

Upon entering the County, we are greeted by the bustling road of Trichonee City. There are two cities in Averia County; Trichonee is the busiest but the least developed.

Despite the claim that it is not a well-developed city because all of its profit goes to the other city which is where the Count lives with his family, Trichonee still looks better than Brontes Dukedom and Scentillion City which are bigger than it.

"Eh…Adventurers? What are they doing here?"

"Don't look at them—you might offend them."

Immediately, as we walk on the street, parting people standing in our way, we attract the people's attention. None of them dares to look at us longer than a few seconds, however, because they are afraid that they are afraid of provoking me.

The citizens of this city hate Adventurers to their core for reasons I don't know. I am not that surprised, though, since Adventurers are a bunch full of lunatics and crackheads.