Interesting Pieces

Unsightly they might look falling together like that, Scott and Raymond can immediately stand up. None of them suffers from any broken bones, it seems—as expected of the physique of a Hero.

"Fuck! Were you the one who killed Logan and Mike?" Raymond shouts. His hands have stopped bleeding and they are healing rapidly.

"Ho-oh…you are pretty bright. Applause, applause." I clap my hand as I sneer.

"So, he is the shadow that is trying to eat us. Damn it! Can't the System be more direct?" Scott mutters.

Maybe, not ending the fight as soon as I can is wiser. These guys spout things I don't even ask and they are information that I can hardly get my hand.

"Ah, so your System gave you a Quest relating to you…" I act as if I have one too. "It seems to me that whoever created the System wants us to clash against each other. I got a Quest saying that I should kill every Hero in this world, which is what a good Demon does."