As It Grows Darker (2)

"State who you are!"

Putting Rexorem on my shoulder, paying no heed to his instruction, I taunt the soldiers to come at me. They look hesitant as they gulp dryly, but they decided to come at me in the end.

As they rush at me at once, I tell the people, "The rebellion has started. Now, put those weapons you are holding to good use. Take Elijah's head and retain your freedom!"

The people roar heatedly at my instruction and, at the same time, the soldier in the lead enters my reach. I kick him right in the solar plexus, denting his armor and crushing his innards; I send him flying like a bullet and he hits one of the soldiers, who is not fast enough to dodge.

While I can tell the soldier whom I have turned into a human bullet has died, I can't say for sure for the one he hit. Both of them show barely any sign of life but I don't think the soldier who was hit by the human bullet can die that easily considering who he is—a Swordman.

"Watch out!"