A vain Attempt (End)



"You got flying castles in your world and you think that blocking a weapon with your neck is impossible?"

OFB immediately retracts his glaive after recovering from his shock. I let him do that because I am not stupid enough to hold it in place with my hand; doing it will only let him destroy my hand. He can still let his stored-up Mana burst forth and destroy my hand with it.

"Are you okay?" asks AFB when OFB is by his side.

"Yes…we need to be careful, though," replies OFB.

Summoning Rexorem from our Bond Seal, I swing it lightly when it is in my hand. I use Wind Magic, obstructing the duo's visions with the sand the wind lifts. The wind is also injecting my Mana into the sand, so it will confuse the duo. Now, they are completely blind since they can't see and sense me.