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When you think about the top dog of an organization as devious as the Black Merchant, you won't consider a calm, scrupulous-looking man to sit on the chair. It just doesn't fit the vibe. The chief executive of this headquarters gives off that vibe. His vibe doesn't suit the atmosphere but that's not what surprised me.

"Hello, dear soon-to-be-partner. I heard you had some very fragrant beans to offer. Can you spill them a little so I can take a smell?"

The man is smiling the entire time. He rests his hands on the desk and leans his body forward, showing keen interest in what I am going to say.

"Ah, silly me. I should have introduced myself first," he remarks as taps on his forehead lightly. Extending his hand, he says, "A pleasure to meet you, Shadow. My name is Hadrian Brontes."