Taking A Step Forward (3)

A few hours after receiving Antares as his prize, Layland found himself at the southernmost part of the Castle's complex. It was one of the sacred places in the complex, yet the most unpopular one due to the Cursed Creation's nature. It was the Resting Crown Jewel Graveyard. The place where every splendid Warrior who fell on the battlefield was buried.

Looking at the gravestone before him, Layland smiled funnily. Kruff didn't leave anything behind to bury. Ilschevar didn't even have any plan to give Kruff a grave because of that. Although saying he fought for the symbolic grave would be an exaggeration, he did need to argue slightly with the Demon King to get it.

If Kruff were there, he was sure he would smack him in the back and laugh while asking why he cared about such superficial stuff. After all, an empty grave meant no more than the memory the fallen left behind.