Under Control (2)

No one but some selected few—Hadrian and the Nobles—knew they had just gotten a Geas carved on their chest. Despite so, they still could tell that something had happened. It was barely noticeable but they could feel the change inside them. Before, they wanted to bow to Layland because of their fear; now, they wanted to bow to him because they felt it was the right thing to do.

"If you look down at your chest right now, you may see an intricate pattern carved on it. I won't trick you into believing it is another thing—I will say the truth. It is a Geas."

Layland's exclamation brought shock upon the people but the revelation wasn't the reason. They couldn't believe that Layland was willing to tell them the truth. It still didn't make their respect toward him suddenly go up, of course. After all, it didn't eliminate the possibility of him not caring enough to consider their views of him.