Till It Is Cold


Sparks flew out as Rexorem effortlessly cut the sword of the Paladin fighting Layland in two. The said Paladin looked at the scene in horror and bafflement; he couldn't believe that the weapon his God had blessed could be destroyed easily.

Having more than a decade of fighting experience, he was quick to recover from his disbelief. He kicked the ground, shooting backwards to dodge Layland's next swing. He managed to do it but Rexorem's tip still managed to nick his nose. Compared to losing his head, of course, it was nothing. Still, he couldn't rejoice.

He was sustaining a lot of injuries. Even though he could still stand and keep dodging, it wouldn't be long until Layland would kill him. His Holy Power had been dried out, so running was not an option either. The only choice he had was to die there. That was what he planned but he wouldn't die alone. He would take Layland down with him.