Till It Is Cold (End)

Ducolles Abyss was where I met Lunea for the first time. Coincidentally, it is also the farthest place from Cresundia and Antares which must be the reason why the Heroes decided to show up there. This is the only place that they are sure doesn't contain any Teleportation Magic Circles. This way, they can kill me without worrying that I might run away.

At least, that is what they want me to think is going on.

Their target in this operation is not me. They are targeting the citizens of Antares for a stupid reason: since they haven't managed to hurt me yet, they want to take something away from me. For this reason, even though they are fully intent on killing me, the Heroes won't try too hard. Their main task is to keep me occupied for as long as they can.

They will send some groups of elite Paladins to Antares during that time who will then wreak havoc and do as much damage as they can to Antares. This will only happen if Velucan and Lemius are absent, of course.