Draconic Demon

"Were you pretending to not know anything about what it means to be an Incarnation?" Azhdaha asks calmly after recovering from his shock.

"Is it not something that everyone knows about?" I ask curiously.

"Great Reset is not just a name, you know? Only those who survived it know what happened in the Ancient Gods Era. I am sure, except for us Dragons, only the Demon Kings know what happened in the Ancient Gods Era. You are a young Demon and not from this world, so it is baffling that you are quite well-versed in history."

Brushing aside the sincere praise, I ask, "Does being an Incarnation mean inheriting the Origin of the Great Demons?"

"That is correct in a way…but there is more to it."

"Can you…I guess not, huh?"

"You can ask your Demon King, you know?"