The Dragons Emerge (End)

The Temple sure reacts quickly. I have been waiting for them to pull a stunt like this, but it is slightly irritating to have it happen around this time.

We have just had a battle a few hours ago. We still have a lot of things to manage and it is putting pressure on Antares. The fact that it is Luxibrae helping the Light Elf, not Rectusomine, means that the Temple is still eager to snatch the "old Relic" that we extracted. If they are more ambitious, they are planning to take Antares down.

Their aim must be to weaken Antares' defense by forcing us to focus on the battle in Lysimork before striking Antares. It is impossible for the Warriors in Antares to not participate in the battle. Luxibrae consists of outstanding soldiers. We will only unnecessarily lose Warriors if we don't take it seriously.