Blowing in The Undesired Direction

While Layland was fully immersing himself in training, his subordinates were busily preparing for the upcoming war with Cresundia. Layland's habit to have thorough preparation before acting regardless of its requirements was already well-known. Many people thought he was being too cautious, so they often shook their heads in amusement whenever he overprepared.

This time, however, a rare moment occurred where everyone could see what Layland was anticipating. For the first time, instead of thinking that Layland's thorough preparation was overkill, they were reassured by it.

It had only been fifteen days since Layland declared the plan to have war with Cresundia. Despite their effort to keep it a secret, the wind had reached Cresundia. The said Kingdom was also preparing for war. With Shanifa controlling it in the dark, its effort should have been supposed to be useless; however, Cresundia was but a name at this point.