The Dimming Light (2)

"Then…why did you kill Mother?" I squeak out desperately despite already knowing the answer.

"There was a reason why your mother couldn't succeed to the throne despite being more loved by the people and capable compared to me. Our predecessors agreed that what our ancestors had done in the past was despicable; however, we are already too deep into this. To bow down and acknowledge our mistake will only lose us our deserved glory."

"You took that glory away from—"

"You misunderstood something, my daughter," Eagnor cuts me off. "We were only supposed to be Freya's favorite creation. Although we were guaranteed a life of peace, we didn't have any means to defend ourselves. To put it bluntly, we were no more than glorified pets. No one could hurt us as we had Freya's protection, but we didn't possess glory either. We were considered part of nature and thus had no standing in this world."