Recruits (End)

The bathing place is quiet as we look at the newcomers. One of them looks back at us awkwardly whereas the other one grins at us as if she has just done something praiseworthy. Millonia is irritated by the duo's appearance but merely sighs instead of berating them. It is a considerably tame reaction from the explosive Millonia.

"The female bath is next to this place," I helpfully inform.

"I am here to prove my worth!" Sofia proudly declares. "I will show you how I will satisfy your—"

"That's not what I meant earlier," I interject. I raise my hand when Sofia is about to retort and say, "I need to see how well you fare against our enemies so I will assign you to some mission. That's how you prove your worth."

"Eh, isn't that boring?"

"Any other way than that will make you worthless in my eyes."