The Concerned Mother

Zenith absently hung up some sheets to dry.

It was another peaceful day. But even so, Zenith couldn't enjoy it. Not after yesterday when Rudy ran away in the middle of Zenith telling the story of Saint Milis and then had to be dragged back by Eris.

She was sure of it now. Something was wrong with Rudy.

At first, Zenith thought that it was just the shock from everything that happened since Paul's dumb mistake. Then she thought it was just because her baby boy was growing up. And then she thought it might be due to the supposed Demon God influence Roxy mentioned... but it wasn't that.

Zenith knew. Her mother's intuition told her that something was wrong with her son, and that it wasn't natural.

It wasn't anything 'bad.' At most, he was acting like a rebellious child should in running away from her lectures and spending the day doing what he liked. But even then, he made sure to take care of his baby sisters, play with Sylphy, and even start to get along with Eris. And he was studious as well, continuing to study magic with Roxy in the evening.

On the surface, nothing was wrong. But Zenith could see it in the way he talked and responded to Milis's teachings that she recited.

When Zenith told the story of Saint Milis and the teachings he passed down, Rudy brushed it off and said there was no need to follow the words of someone who was just strong and good with a sword.

A complete rejection. Not only that, but Rudy said that Saint Milis only had the right to say those words because he was strong.

Instead of being enthralled with the story like he used to be, Rudy had completely ignored Zenith. And not only that, these days he was spending a lot of time out of the house and away from Zenith.

He came back during meal times and acted normally then. But if Zenith brought up even a suggestion about discussing Milis's teaching, Rudy blocked her out.

She could see it. The way his usually bright face turned stony and his emerald eyes turned sharp.

Was it the way she brought up the teachings? Zenith thought that might be the case, but she told Milis's teachings through story and his heroic feats, similar to how she told him Perugius's tale in the past.

So it wasn't anything on her part.

Zenith thought that he might simply be upset at Paul's actions. But that wasn't it either.

Her genius son wasn't someone who would just throw away another person's opinion like that. He was caring and compassionate. Someone who carefully thought about the others around him and did his best to make sure everyone was happy and got along.

So then why had he changed so much?

Zenith knew. The Rudy who set the plan to keep their family together would never have said it was fine to abandon a girl who would suffer a terrible fate. And considering how he risked his life to save Sylphy, he was being a hypocrite as well in saying that.

And it was bad enough that even *Paul* had sensed it.

Before they left with Ghyslaine, Paul and Lily had a talk with Zenith about the reasoning behind the departure.

Paul thought that Rudy was taking life too lightly. That being in Buina village all this time without seeing the broader world had resulted in him seeing everyone outside of his family as worthless. Because of that, Paul wanted to set an example of how one person could make a big difference.

Zenith and Lily didn't agree. After all, if it was just that, then all it would take would be a reminder about how Rudy had saved Sylphy for no reason as well.

And that conversation went nowhere.

Still, Lily felt that Rudy was being crippled by fear that they would be hurt. That he had changed because of anxiety, so she wanted to go with Paul and return safely to prove that there was nothing to fear. And also to trust in his abilities to keep them safe.

That reasoning was one that the three parents could agree on.

If Rudy was acting that way and being so callous because he was driven by wanting to protect his family, then having concrete proof that they would be fine should be enough.

But now that Paul and Lily had left, and now that Zenith spent time watching Rudy interact with the others... she was sure that it wasn't just that.

Rudy was worried. From how hard he was studying and the number of magic experiments he ran, it was clear that he was worried he would fall short. And to prevent that, he was scrambling to become as strong as he could get.

If it was just that, Zenith could accept it. But Rudy was still... off.

He was super protective of Norn and did his best to carefully teach her whatever he could. Reading, writing, magic... even swordsmanship. When Rudy was with Norn, he was patient and doting. The perfect and kind older brother.

With Aisha though... Rudy was a bit more distant. He still doted on her, but Rudy seemed to be subconsciously favoring Norn. And while he taught her just like Norn, he didn't go into as much detail. As if he expected Aisha to understand with just a brief explanation.

Which she did, considering how smart Aisha was, but even then it came off as negligent. Like Rudy was purposefully trying to not get too attached.

At the same time, Rudy talked up Paul.

Zenith knew that Rudy was close to his father. That much could be seen from how Rudy forgave Paul even after all his blunders. But even then, when Aisha asked questions about Paul, Rudy would go out of his way to paint him in the best light possible.

Which would lead to Aisha asking Zenith questions about Paul to confirm what Rudy said.

It was odd. Rudy's actions didn't match what they should be.

With how close Rudy was to Lily... As much as Zenith didn't want to admit it, Rudy should be doting on Aisha over Norn. After all, Lily was the one who believed in Rudy and first noticed he was different. She was also the one who gave him the freedom to live as he wanted without any expectations.

And yet Rudy was treating Aisha the exact opposite, expecting Aisha to be a genius and trying to make her believe her father was the best.

It didn't match up.

Rudy wasn't like that. Not her Rudy.

If anything, Rudy would have treated both of his sisters the same, showering them both with love and affection. And while he was definitely doing that, he was doing that more with Norn.

Was it because he felt guilty about making Zenith worry so much in the past by spending time with Lily?

Zenith thought it might be that... but instead, it seemed more like he was worried that Norn might not like him and was acting to make sure that didn't happen. To be the best brother and one Norn could always rely on.

It didn't make sense.

Even if he was worried about that, Rudy was the one who helped during Norn's delivery. And according to Lily, he was the first person who got the chance to hold Norn, casting healing magic to make sure she was healthy.

And Norn seemed to be subconsciously aware of that considering how the first person she turned to was always Rudy.

So Rudy should know. Norn adored her big brother already and would never hate him.

But he kept acting like he expected that to change at any moment.

Not only that...

Rudy didn't smile anymore.

He had always been a serious child, but these days he seemed much older. Almost like a dour old man who believed the entire world was against him.

The only times he relaxed was when he was with his sisters, Sylphy... and half the time with Eris. At least, when he wasn't bickering with her about inane topics.

But even then, the bright and cheerful smile he used to have was gone.

"Coin for your thoughts, Zenny?"

Zenith flinched and spun around. As she did, she lost her balance, starting to tip.

"Careful there!" Thin but firm arms held Zenith close and steadied her. Elinalise- No, Rostelina.

The beautiful elf woman smiled and said, "Being active is good and all, but you should be careful about the little one in your belly, you know? Leave the chores to me and Rose."

Zenith sighed and said, "I know. But... Doing chores helps calm my mind." Saying that, Zenith started to squat to pick up another sheet from a basket full of wet laundry.

"Bad Zenny." Rostelina grabbed Zenith before she could grab any sheets and pulled her back up. After that, she gently patted Zenith's belly and said, "Squatting is dangerous when you're this far along. Trust me."

Zenith frowned. But then she sighed and said, "Fine." After that, she brushed off Rostelina's arm and looked around.

The sun was high in the sky and in the distance Zenith could see Rudy sparring with Sylphy and Eris. And from inside the house, Zenith could hear the sounds of cooking. No doubt Rose, preparing lunch for everyone.

Zenith turned to look at Rostelina and said, "Are Norn and Aisha napping?"

"Mmhm!" Rostelina nodded and said, "Those cute babies got tired out after I told them some stories and went straight to sleep."

Zenith smiled and said, "Thank you again for helping to take care of them, Lina." She sighed and looked back at Rudy and the others. "I'm not sure how I would handle things without your help." She looked back at Rostelina and said, "Roxy and Rose are nice, but it's really reassuring to have someone as you around to help."

Rostelina smiled back and said, "It's the least I could do for one of my closest friends, Zenny." She pulled Zenith into a one-armed hug and said, "Don't mention it, alright? Just relax and make sure to stay healthy so you can deliver another cute baby for me to dote on, alright?"

Zenith laughed and said, "I'll do my best."

Rostelina nodded and then waved her hand. As she did, the ground stirred before grass grew and laced together, forming a comfy chair. "Then have a seat and relax. I'll take care of the laundry."

Zenith did so. But as she sat down, she frowned and said, "Since when can you use magic so well?"

Rostelina pulled a sheet out of the basket and hung it up on the laundry line. As she did, she shrugged and said, "It came naturally to me after I reunited with my Master."

Zenith rested her hands over her belly and said, "You never did mention who this mysterious 'Master' of yours is, Lina. Or why you call him that."

Rostelina giggled and said, "It's a long story, Zenny." She pulled out some shirts from the basket and started hanging those. "I'll tell you... Mm, let's say after Paul gets back. But forget about me for now." She glanced back at Zenith from over her shoulder and said, "What's got you so upset to get up and do laundry to calm down, Zenny? Didn't you hate doing it in the past?"

Zenith smiled and said, "Like I said, doing chores helps me to calm down. And I'm a mother now. It would be a bad example for my kids if I hated them, wouldn't it?"

"Mm." Rostelina hung up some pants and said, "I don't think liking chores has anything to do with being a good parent, but sure. Now, what's troubling you, Zenny?" She turned around and said, "Is it Paul? Lily?"

Zenith shook her head. "It's neither of those." She looked off in the distance and said, "I'm worried about Rudy."

"Rudy?" Rostelina turned to look at him and hummed. "...I suppose he does seem extra serious for a kid. Should I try to get him to loosen up?"

Zenith's eyes turned sharp and she said, "No, Lina."

Rostelina held up her hands and said, "Relax! I'm a taken woman now. And even if I wasn't, I like real men, not boys. But I do know how to calm children down."

Zenith looked skeptical, but she slowly nodded. "...If you say so."

"It's the truth. Besides, the only man who can satisfy me these days is- Ah." Rostelina cleared her throat and said, "Sorry about that. We can talk about the dirty stuff later. Anyway... If you're worried about Rudy, I think I know how to cheer him up."

Zenith shook her head. "It's not a matter of being cheered up, Lina." She looked back at Rudy and furrowed her brows. "Something's wrong with him. I just know it. But I don't know what's wrong or how to help him." She sighed. "...But maybe I'm just imagining things."

Rostelina turned to look back at Rudy before her crimson eyes turned sharp. "No. You should always trust your mother's intuition. And... Hm. He didn't mention this, but I guess he thought I could fix it...?"


Rostelina smiled and then patted her chest. "Leave it to me, Zenny. I'll have Rudy back to normal in no time. But for now..." She lifted a pair of lacy black panties from the basket and said, "Do you really want to hang these out to dry, or...?"

Zenith blushed.