Children of the Beast Race – II

Stella clutched her wand and then cautiously peered down the dark alleyway.

It was sketchy. If it was back in Japan, Stella would never have gone anywhere close to a place like that. But...

'I'm no ordinary girl!'

Right. She wasn't an ordinary high school girl, and she definitely wasn't an ordinary girl in general.

Watching Onii-chan use magic, experimenting with magic formations on her own, and even secretly using healing magic to grow a little faster... Yes. Stella was definitely not an ordinary girl. Instead, she was a magical girl, one setting off to solve mysteries and beat up the bad guys!

...Okay. Maybe not that.

Still, it would help Onii-chan if some of the bad guys weren't around, right?

Right. So...

'Focus, Stella!'

The flash of white that Stella saw was gone now. They had chased it down the alleyways towards the ships, but it suddenly vanished.

Wata floated through the air and spun around, frowning. "...I don't see anything, Stella."

Fai walked next to Stella and looked around as well. "...Yep! All clear!"

Miko cautiously stopped behind Stella and looked around too. After a quick survey, she looked towards Stella and said, "Is... Is it okay for us to be here?"

Stella looked towards Miko and crossed her arms. "What? Are you scared?"

Miko nodded. "Yes."


Stella hadn't been expecting that answer.

Miko frowned and said, "I'm surprised that you aren't scared." She pressed her hands against her chest and looked around, trembling. "People can be scary, especially in places like this."

"Well, I can be scary too." Stella held up her wand and then stared at the run-down door in front of them.

...Now that Miko mentioned it, Stella felt her heart speed up a bit.

Even if Stella knew she was safe, it was still a bit scary. In her past life, she wouldn't be caught anywhere near places like this. She had read horror stories about kids and even high school girls being lured into shady places and then trafficked against their will.

But because of that...

'I can do it.'

Right. This place definitely looked like the sort of shady area where innocent people would be trafficked. And since this was a world where slaves existed, there were probably a lot of those here too.

And Stella had the ability to free them. So...

She swallowed down her fear and hesitation and then said, "Wata. Can you break down the door?"

Wata puffed up his chest and said, "Easy!" After that, he floated towards the door and snapped his fingers.

A flash of blue light lit up the dark alley. The moment it did, the run-down door frosted over, turning white. And then it shattered, dissolving into icy particles.

Fai pouted. "Aw. I wanted to break something."

Wata floated back to Stella's side before turning towards Fai. "No burning down the whole town, Fai. Do you want Rudy to yell at you?"


Miko looked between Wata and Fai before turning her gaze back to Stella. As she did, Miko frowned and said, "...I don't understand you, Stella. Why aren't you scared?"

Stella started walking through the opening and said, "Because I'm smart and prepared."

Right. Onii-chan was the strongest, and the necklace he gave her would definitely protect her against bad guys. Although...

Stella paused and then turned towards Fai. "Could you stay close and protect Miko, Fai?"

"Aw..." Fai frowned and said, "But I want to walk next to you, Stella!"

"And I appreciate that. But Miko is squishy, so we need to protect her."

Miko puffed her cheeks and said, "I-I am not squishy! I'm... I might be a little pudgy, but I'm not squishy!"


Stella wasn't about to open that can of worms. Nope. Besides, there were more important things to worry about.

After watching to make sure Fai was seriously protecting Miko, Stella started walking again.

It was dark, but a quick flick of her wand lit up the surroundings as a floating light ball emerged.

And like that, the party advanced.

The building was damp, and the doorway seemed to be leading underground, giving the impression of walking into the mouth of a breathing creature.

Stella knew that wasn't the case, but with the moist air, warm atmosphere, and icky smell surrounding her, she couldn't help but feel a bit worried.

It was irrational. Stella knew that. After all, Onii-chan was nearby and she could call for help at any time. Not that she wanted to.

This was a chance to prove to everyone that she wasn't just a kid. If she managed to foil like a big criminal plot, then everyone would definitely stop coddling her. And she could even show off to Norn nee-chan too.

Imagining all of that brought a smile to Stella's face.

A smile that froze as the group stepped out into an open area.

"By Milis..." Miko let out a hushed whisper and instinctively took a step back.

Fai's usual bright demeanor vanished, replaced by anger. Anger that caused her flaming red hair to actually become flames for a brief moment before she closed her eyes and brought it under control.

Wata was angry as well. But unlike Fai, his anger was cold, causing the air around him to frost up.

As for Stella...

"...I-Is this real?"

A dark and empty stone room, barely lit by a flickering oil lantern and the light orb she had summoned.

Within that room, cages were laid out, each containing nude boys and girls.

There were a few who looked to be around ten, but most of them were younger. Primary school age.

They were handcuffed and gagged. Some had animal or elf ears, but there were a few who were definitely just human.

All of them were crying or trembling in fear. Some had bruises on their skin or their face. And others... No, it looked like they didn't suffer 'that.'

But even so-

"Stella!" Wata cried out and flew in front of Stella, conjuring an ice barrier.


Stella's eyes widened, staring at the sword stopped right in front of her eyes. It wasn't moving. But the force that had been thrown must have been immense.

Wata had conjured a thick wall of frosty ice, but cracks were rapidly spreading through it, making it look like a broken window.

Through that broken window, Stella could see someone moving.

"Tch." A man walked into the center of the room from a dark hallway, dragging a bloodied white dog behind him. Staring at Stella, he clicked his tongue and said, "I was worried that this dog drew in some adventurers, but it's only a bunch of kids and their pet."

Stella gulped and took a quick stock of the situation.

The captured children in the cages were huddling in fear. Wata was on edge and Fai had moved in front of Miko, who was trembling with wide eyes.

'It's okay.'

Right. It was fine. She wasn't alone, and even then, it was just a random thug.

Judging from the man's shaggy dark hair, gaunt eyes, and scruffy beard, he was just an ordinary thug. The sort of typical bandit. He definitely wasn't anything special. So...

'Let's save them.'

She could do it. The children... Stella didn't know how they got here or why they were here, but it definitely couldn't be for any good reason. And it was clear that man was underestimating them, so...

Stella swung her wand and focused.

Magic formations flashed and stone spires shot up from the floor, aiming at the bad guy. At the same time, she ran forward.

"Stella! Argh!" Wata groaned and then shattered the ice wall, quickly moving towards Stella's side.

The bandit snorted and said, "Stupid kid." Reaching up with his left hand to crack his neck, he took a step back, completely relaxed.

And then his eyes widened. "What?"

Stella smiled.

'It worked.'

A theory that Stella was working on. Inspired by how Wata, Wyn, and Fai used magic, she figured out how to use magic formations to directly control the elements.

The bandit thought it was just stone spires, but in actuality...

"Go on time out for a bit, Mister Bandit."

Stella swung her wand and caused the stone to flow like water before wrapping around the bandit.

"You brat!" The bandit cursed and then tried to break free, struggling against the stone constraints.

Seeing that, Stella swung her wand again and then wrapped up his mouth too. After that, she turned her attention to the caged children.

Onii-chan was definitely going to be impressed by this. Although it wouldn't be good to have all the kids walk out since they were naked... Maybe she should try making clothes like Onii-chan?

Wata flew over and then snapped his fingers, causing the locks on the cages to freeze and shatter. After that, he turned to the bloodied dog lying on the ground and said, "Hey, Stella. I think we should heal that dog."

Stella looked over and then cleared her throat. "R-Right."

She didn't forget about the dog at all. Definitely not. Especially since it seemed like the one who struggled to escape and get them to come and help.

Stella walked over to the dog, ignoring the dark glare the bound up bandit was giving her. Holding out her wand, she stood over the dog and smiled. "Don't worry, Doggy. Just a bit and I'll have you all-"

Miko suddenly gasped and then said, "Stella- No, Wata, block him!"

Stella blinked.

A flash of silver erupted around the man. Shortly after, a loud *CRACK* echoed as he broke out of the restraints, suddenly drawing a knife from his sleeve.

Stella's eyes widened and she took a step back.

At least, she tried.

But the bandit glared at her, and her body couldn't move.

Stella suddenly remembered it. The terrifying glare that Mister Ruijerd had way back when that made it seem like the entire world would crash down.

Onii-chan was able to stand against that.

But Onii-chan was Onii-chan.

Faced with that glare... No. That killing intent. With the realization that the man wanted and was going to kill her...


She tried to force her body to move. And her hand clumsily swung her wand.

But she couldn't concentrate.

Wata moved like before and tried to make an ice barrier. But before he could, a dagger flew towards him, stopping him in the middle of casting.

Wata reflexively ducked away. But then he realized that Stella was left wide open. "No!"

The bandit sneered and dashed forward, pulling out another dagger from his boot.

Stella's mind stopped, staring at the gleaming blade rushing towards her head.

And then-

Blood sprayed.

Fai was standing in front of Stella, arms thrown out wide, somehow arriving in an instant to serve as a human shield.

Because of that, Stella thought the blood came from her.

But then she realized that wasn't the case. Instead...

"I knew I should have cleaned up these ship rats earlier."

A familiar calm and collected voice. Not only that, but a familiar hand patted Stella's head.


Stella blinked and watched as Rudy appeared in front of her.

Was it because he was in a rush? Instead of his dyed hair and fancy clothes, his hair was white again and he was wearing a plain gray shirt and pants.

Before Stella could even comprehend what was happening, people started appearing from the dark hallway further in the room.

"Is it a raid?!"

"They got Jerald!"

Rudy clicked his tongue and then turned to face them. "Exploiting children like this... And scaring my baby sister." He stepped forward and cracked his knuckles. "Well. I've been meaning to test out my physique. Thank you for volunteering."

Filled with relief, Stella suddenly found her legs giving out. Against her will, she staggered back and fell on her butt.

Even so, that was fine. She was safe. The bad guy was-

Stella's mind froze.

She had instinctively glanced over to see what Rudy did to stop the bandit.

And she couldn't comprehend it.

No. She could comprehend it.

It was clear.

The bandit was dead.

It was a rational result.

He tried to kill her. Because of that, Onii-chan killed the man to save her.


A wave of nausea took over Stella as she saw it.

The bandit was dead. But he wasn't just dead.

He was crushed.

A human body that was just standing in front of her had turned into a crimson smear.

It was the same way Rudy took care of monsters. Overwhelming pressure that crushed them.


Shards of bone. Bits of hair, and pink chunks that were still moving in places...

Screams drew Stella out of her daze, causing her to look towards them. And then she wished she hadn't.

Onii-chan was doing what Onii-chan always did in protecting her. And Onii-chan was strong. Because of that, the bad guys didn't stand a chance. But...

Limbs flying from a casual flick of Onii-chan's wrist. Punches that ripped a hole wherever they flew instead of sending the person backwards.

A horror film.


Stella forgot.

This world. It was a fantasy world, but...

"There." Rudy turned back to Stella and smiled. "Now, it was a bit messy, but everything's settled. How about we start helping these kids out, Stella?"

Stella didn't answer.

Rudy blinked. "Stella?"

A massacre. In the middle of the bloodstained room and shredded corpses, Rudy was standing there untouched. Not even a single drop of blood was on him, even though he was the one responsible for it.

...Stella thought it was a joke. Because Onii-chan was nice, she thought that the fact that he was a Demon Lord was just for fun. A title that he picked up because he was literally a Lord over Demons.


"Onii-chan." Stella stared at Rudy with dazed eyes and said, "You're... really a Demon Lord, aren't you?"

"Hm? What do you-"


"Stella?! H-Hey! This isn't a place to sleep!"