Chapter 33: The inquisitor is under arrest

Rias growled.

Akeno chuckled.

Xenovia was wobbling, and Irina was swaying slowly from side to side while looking like a hamster with her cheeks stuffed full of food.

Indeed, the group had ended up where they had been mere hour ago, yet it seemed that Xenovia's world had been turned upside-down multiple times in that time.

The fact the four girls, four devil girls, were sitting on a huge bed and forming a circle around a pile of snacks on a tray was causing quite a bit of headache for Xenovia. Irina's failed attempt at 'not accepting anything the 'real devils' offered' wasn't helping, specifically when the girl named 'Akeno' had reminded Irina that she was a devil too and it wasn't as if deciding to not eat sweets and snacks would un-devilify her.

"Imf stilf sayif that we'll be resfcued at somfe point." Irina mumbed through a mouth filled with crisps.

Xenovia sighed, then turned towards Rias Gremory. "Is… Is Momon Phenix always like this?"

"Yes." Rias growled. "In fact, I'd say you've been exposed to… hm, this much of his total potential for insanity on existential level."

She held her hand up, showing a tiny space between her forefinger and thumb.

Xenovia gulped, as she believed Rias on the account that her tone was utterly convinced, and her voice equally resigned. "Oh no."

"Oh yes." Akeno giggled. "Ara? Don't you find this fun? Just think if you hadn't been recruited by Mo~mon~kun. You'd be rotting in the ground."

"Yes, because he killed me. I'm not sure I should be grateful for him making me his eternal slave…" Xenovia bit her venomous answer off from the midpoint as she remembered the Angels who had been with her 'new' 'master'. "...Although… Haah, why does this have to be so complicated… just give me an enemy and a sword and tell me to whack it."


Xenovia reached to swat Irina a few times on the back as the chestnut-brown haired girl seemed to choke on a pretzel. The girl then took a deep swig from a bottle of soda and kept eating, making Xenovia think that she was trying to distract herself from the task of having to think about what had just happened.

She couldn't blame her.

"Listen, we'll see if we can contact someone from the Underworld, like Beelzebub, and ask them if there's any way for un-devilfy the two of you." Rias sighed, seeming to finally reach the conclusion of her silent growling. "I don't think there are ways to do that, but I guess we should at least look for one. Either way, you're going to have a problem if you try to approach your church as it is, as I'm sure you realize as well."

"Yes." Xenovia wasn't blind to the situation. "Besides, I've already given an oath, or a contract as you, we, devils put it, to follow your master…"

"Hm?" Rias seemed confused, and Xenovia told the two devils in front of her about the oath she and Irina had given to the form flanked by angels, which had later turned out to be the Devil Peerage's 'King'.

"...Right. Well, that was a thing. I suppose that concludes whether or not we should be looking behind our backs in case you decide to backstab all of us." Rias sighed, taking the situation surprisingly well. "So, I suppose I should go through the names and roles of your fellow devils? Furthermore, it's getting a bit late, so we should consider getting some rest."

Xenovia felt incredibly wary over the idea of sleeping under a devil's roof, but it wasn't as if she had many choices, and being a devil herself, she should probably start to get comfortable with the idea that no matter which bed she slept in, it'd be a devil's bed.

A knock came from the door and Rias turned her head to welcome the person on the other side in.

Xenovia froze, as did the other girls. The feeling of resignation and dread coursed through her body as she took a look at her new master who had just walked into the room, dressed in new casual clothes, and was currently chugging down a can of some blue liquid that practically oozed tantric energy to Xenovia's senses.

'Right… He's come to bed his 'new additions'… How did I even think that he was Him-ow?' Xenovia felt sick to her stomach, and placed herself between Irina and the man, causing the now-frozen brunette to be hidden from his view. 'Hopefully I can distract him long enough that he becomes satisfied, and won't touch Irina… she won't be able to withstand the heartbreak from learning Issei was turned to devil, then losing his memories, becoming someone else, getting Irina's hopes up that God-ow had cleansed him, and then getting raped by that corrupt fiend wearing 'Issei's face...'

'...But, the angels were by his side, so is he really a corrupted fiend? Or… UGH! I want an enemy I can hit with a sword, not this relationship mess!' Xenovia felt anger building up, but she knew she couldn't refuse an order the fiend would give her thanks to the oath he had somehow manipulated her to swear to him.

"Right, sorry for intruding. I just wanted to ask if any of you knew where Ravel was?" The boy asked. "Oh, ignore these potions. I'm just topping off myself in case Kokabiel attacks."

Xenovia blinked as the boy said something utterly incomprehensible. 'Kokabiel? One of Azazel's lieutenants? What is Fallen Angel doing attacking him? The Truce… wait, hold on, if… since Kokabiel is a Fallen angel, and those six were angels defending 'Issei'... '

Xenovia shut her mind off before her mind could start making connections she reallydidn't want to make.

"Ugh, don't tell me you have seduced Ravel somehow as well…" Rias growled out at the boy, causing him to blush a bit, then her growls turned up in pitch. "Wait, you're topping yourself off in case Kokabiel attacks? Why'd he attack? Why would it be necessary for you to drink those in case he attacks?! Just what are you planning on doing to him?!"

"Well, no, I haven't seduced Ravel, uh, I hope, but Yubelluna seemed quite worried that she'd do something drastic. I didn't find her in the estate, so I was wondering if she had gone somewhere else. I'd rather not bother her unless absolutely necessary." Momon answered, rubbing the back of his head, seemingly utterly casual about the subject at hand. "I mean Serafall, in case you didn't know. About these potions… er, I'll explain later."

Xenovia felt wobbly as the person she suspected of being someone else than she expected her to be, and behaved in a way that suited neither, started invoking the name of one of the Great Four of Underworld after casually threatening to do something unspeakable to one of the Fallen Angel lieutenants. A male lieutenant at that. 'Is… is this what Rias was talking about? Did we just see the tip of the iceberg?'

She listened idly as Rias explained that she had sent the girl in question to repair a gate, and hadn't heard of her since.

"Right… I'm just going to bite the bullet. Sorry if this gets a little weird." Momon sighed after exchanging a few more words with Rias, most of which went over Xenovia's head on the account that she was busy trying to contemplate what he had said just before.

The boy walked to a window, opened it, and leaned out of it. "LEVI-TAN! I SUMMON THEE! THINE DESPICABLE BLACK KNIGHT NEEDS THY COUNCIL! ...Ow, my chuuni..."

Xenovia felt her vision darken, but she soldiered on. 'I… can't… fall like this, Irina…'

The brown-haired girl didn't seem to fare any better.

Momon walked away from the window, causing the peanut gallery to do a triple-take on the boy. And then quadruple-take when a pink-clad monstrosity appeared into the windowsill, looking as if she had cried recently. She then glanced down, blushed to her eyebrows, and turned her head away, seemingly utterly embarrassed.

"Good to see you again, Levi-tan… Ah? Is everything alright?" Momon seemed to be taken aback by the magical girl's downbeat appearance. "Did something happen?"

"I… I… I don't know. I know, Mo-kun… and, um… listen, I… found out something I wasn't prepared for. I know, you tried to keep it secret but… I learned something really important that you tried to keep secret." Serafall Leviathan, dressed as a pink-clad magical girl, was tracing a ring on the floor with her toes and holding her hands behind her back like a teenage girl who had been confessed to but wasn't sure if she should accept. "And, uh… I wasn't there when you needed me, so you had to reveal something you didn't want to, or wasn't ready for… I'm super sorry for that. I'm willing to keep your secret, because… I think I know why you did it. You know, back then. Why you Fell. I thought you died, everyone did, but..."

"Umu?" Momon seemed quite surprised as well, and looked shocked as the magical girl took a dainty step forward, and placed a quick peck on the boy's lips.

"W-we should at least give it a shot… After all, you Fell from the Heavens for me and my sister, at least partially…" Serafall looked shy as she retreated, blushing from head to toe.

Momon seemed stunned, then surprised, then resigned, but finally went with the flow. "...Very well, I accept your feelings, Serafall Leviathan."

"Uwaah, I can't believe I did that…" Serafall squeaked a bit as her blush deepened, somehow passing to nearly unhealthy levels. "H-hold on, we need to get So-tan here too! A love triangle needs three moving parts! Don't worry, I'm not mad that you don't seem too enthusiastic, since your hand was kinda forced… I'm sure you'd have preferred to twist us around your fingers over the next few hundred years until I'm just pink putty! But jokes on you, I'd have turned you into pink putty around my fingers as well if you tried to have a go at So-tan before going through me first! Literal or not! Uh, do you happen to have tentacles hidden away somewhere?"

"No, wait, hold on, what." Rias seemed to find her voice while Momon looked as if someone had whacked him in the head with a log. "Did, you, just… What? Wait, didn't… URGH! MOMON! GIVE US A WARNING BEFORE A MAOU BECOMES YOUR LOVER! AT LEAST TELL YOUR WIFE ABOUT IT!"

"Ri-tan? But aren't you present to hear about it?" Serafall tilted her head towards Rias. "So you're being told in real-time! Efficient! I like it! Besides, I don't think me and Mo-kun are lovers just yet, think of it more like the two of us trying to see if we, uuhh… are compatible? Yes, that, definitely. Uwah, don't tell anyone, Ri-chan, if Sirzechs-tan finds out he'll have aneurysm..."

Serafall blushed cutely and tapped the floor idly with her feet while looking down and having her hands behind her back.

"That's not what I mean! Please, just 'okay' whoever you decide to seduce and add to your harem through me!" Rias's plea turned desperate as she jumped up from the bed and shook Momon by the shoulders. "And by the Maou, if you decide to seduce Sona-chan I will tear out your prostate and use it as a salting rack!"

"Umu, listen, we should, uh, talk about this in a group. Soon. Yes, definitely later." Momon was sweating rivers while Serafall was tilting her head at Rias, childish curiosity on her features.

Xenovia wanted to ask why Rias seemed enraged because her husband added a new lover to his 'harem' without letting her know beforehand, but not because her husband was practising adultery in the first place?

'Then again… Devils. Sin and debauchery at every turn. I shouldn't be surprised anymore…' Xenovia felt resigned about her future.

And stomped mentally on a small part of her mind that was curious, before the sin could be allowed to take root and spread.

"I think I like you, Ri-tan! I approve of your protectiveness of So-tan! I hereby adopt you as an unofficial big-but-not-biggest onee-san for So-tan! I reserve the position of 'biggest big sister' for myself!" Serafall jumped cheerfully on the spot, causing her 'assets' to jiggle a healthy amount and causing Momon to blush and look away. "Hohohoo? Mo-kun is playing innocent? Oo, I look forward to seeing your 'true cool form'! Who knew that there was a fallen god under the disguise of a evil villain under the disguise of a despicable black knight under the disguise of a harem protagonist?!"

Rias seemed to zone out from hearing the words, as her eyes turned utterly unresponsive.

Xenovia Quarta couldn't blame her.

Her world was getting flipped like a particularly well-cooked pancake as well.

Serafall froze and her face paled. "Oh… oh. Nononono, I'm super sorry, Mo-kun! I didn't want to blurt your secret out, it was an accident, I got too excited, I'm sorry!"

Momon seemed resigned, and sighed. "Umu, of course, of course… You've seen right through me, Levi-tan… However I can't remember much right now, since I'm still suffering from amnesia, so it's not like I can tell either way..."

"It's all right! After all, after what happened, I wouldn't be surprised that you have amnesia, the old Maous must have whacked you super hard for you to both Fall andsuffer amnesia, forgetting who you are." Serafall Leviathan hopped on the spot, cheerful once again. Perhaps even too cheerful, considering the outrageous things she started to sprout out. "Ooh, I can't wait to tell So-tan that her boyfriend was actually Him-ow, but disguised and amnesiac, which turned him into a black evil knight-mastermind and raised his cool level from 'super lame' to 'coolest thing since glaciers'! This is going to be so cool!"

"Yes, of course…" Momon's eyes seemed lifeless. "Very cool…"

"Aw, don't worry, I won't tattle-tell about your actual true self, your secret is safe with me. So you'll have plenty of time to prepare yourself for when the truth gets out." Serafall closed in to give Momon a quick peck on the cheek. "Ehehe~"

Xenovia felt like hyperventilating, as did Irina if her grip on the blue-haired girl's waist was any indication, as it wasn't hard to connect the dots the Maou in front of them was spilling out in her apparent attempt to keep a secret.

She wasn't sure if she should cry in despair for her future or rage at the heresy on display.

There was no way what the Maou was sprouting was true.

It could not be.

He was in heavens, not Fallen, not holed up in some random manor in a random city in Japan of all places, and not buddy-buddying up with Devils, who Xenovia had been taught were his exiled, sinful children.

'Wait, but aren't those Fallen Angels? But Lucifer was the first Angel who fell, becoming the lord of Hell, and being the progenitor of Devils… Is that Maou trying to seduce who she thinks is her great-great-something-grandfather-ow?' Xenovia felt shocked. 'No, more than that, there's no way He-OW, could Fall from Heaven… No way.'

'...But, those Angels…' Xenovia's faith was wavering, no, rather, she felt that her faith was turning. 'No, no, I can't… I can't think like that, nononono…. That way lies heresy…'

A thought struck her. 'But… if I'm a devil… Am I already a heretic?'

"Umu… Thanks. Right, I had another thing… have you seen Ravel Phenix?" Momon asked, seemingly desperate to change the subjects, and the dark look that fell on Serafall's face caused everyone in the room to pause.

"Ho? I just confessed to you and you're already talking about other girls…" Serafall's expression caused Rias to turn paper-white, joining the crowd as Akeno had been nearly hyperventilating from the start, and Xenovia as well as Irina weren't faring much better.

"No, not that way. Lady Phenix asked me to look after her, and technically she's my sister right now and with the, umu, situation at hand it probably isn't good if she wanders around, and since I didn't find her on the grounds…" Momon hastily corrected himself before the situation could worsen.

"Oh. OH, right. Ahah, of course, ehe…" Serafall's mood took a one-eighty heel-face turn from near anger to embarrassed blush, causing most of the occupants of the room to come to a conclusion about the girl's mental stability. Or the lack thereof. "Yeah, some guy abducted her from the front yard."

"..." Momon seemed quite dumbstruck. He wasn't the only one. However he was the first one to recover, nearly without losing a step. "I… see. I suppose you had orders to not interfere?"

"Well, I wasn't supposed to interfere unless the Supreme One revealed itself… Do you know anything about it, by the way? We're kinda running on fumes… or did you reveal yourself because The Supreme Being had decided to do stuff? Ha, I can rub Beelzebub's theory on his face! 'He's turned phoenix' ha! I knew he was wrong! Wait, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone… Uuuh…" Serafall seemed to go from subject to subject with mind-boggling speed. "Uh, until you decide to reveal yourself 'officially' anyway. Besides, I'm like ninety-five percent sure that whoever abducted Ra-tan is Kokabiel because I could pick up a burst of energy belonging to a Fallen Angel, and I peeped on your and Vali-tan's conversation, so… eh, she's somewhere around. I imagine you could find her in a jiffy if you actually wanted to."

Momon seemed troubled. "I... guess. Hm…"

He brought up his hand, and a crow appeared on it from seemingly thin air. "Can you find Ravel Phenix and tell me where she is?"

The crow tilted its head, confused.

Momon tilted his head as well. "Can you find Kokabiel? He's technically a rai-umu, I mean, a leader of a place, so..."

The raven seemed to shrug, then shake its head.

Serafall reached to boop the crow, causing it to let a scandalized caw while she giggled.

"He's super cute! I want one!" Serafall seemed to be quite smitten with the crow, and Momon sighed before bringing up his hand, and a small pink butterfly-like fairy seemed to appear on it.

"KYAAAAAH!" Levi-tan seemed to be instantly in love with the seemingly incredibly confused winged butterfly-spirit, much to its dismay as she hugged it like if it was a stuffed doll. Fortunately, it seemed that the fairy was made of stern stuff, so it survived… if barely.

Xenovia felt faint, and Irina had tied her arms around the blue-haired girl's waist to support herself as the two listened to a conversation that was taking place between who was possibly, maybe, perhaps, the fallen god of christian mythos, and Xenovia's new old master in new clothes and a fleshy devil body, and a pink-clad magical girl Maou, who were seemingly not-quite-lovers now.

'My head… I can't… My mind is breaking, I'm turning stupid… Please no more… Have pity on a poor Sister, I'm not used to this kind of abuse...' Xenovia's logical mind had long since rolled its mental eyes back up on its head, had gained a inappropriateexpression, and gone to a twitchy, unresponsive state on the floor of her mental self-image, meaning that she could do little other than just sit and watch as the trainwreck of gigantic proportions was unfolding in the comfortable bedroom. 'Rias, I'll never doubt you again as long as I'll live…'

Rias didn't seem to be faring much better, but resistance from earlier repeated exposures had allowed her to at least hobble back to the bed and support Akeno so she wouldn't choke on her own spit on the account that the raven-black haired girl was lying on her back in the bed, seemingly awake but in a state of unresponsiveness.

Rias turned the girl on her side, causing Akeno's considerable chest-melons to let out a 'boing' sound, the sight further breaking Xenovia's mind to a point where she couldn't stop the sin from creeping through the cracks.

'No, sin, don't come inside me… you can't fit in anymore, my mind is already stuffed full and about to break... I can't… God-ow, please, a mere mortal like me can't resist such debauchery… or… since I'm a devil now, and God-ow, is now my real actual master for realsies this time, perhaps this was His-ow- grand plan for me all along?'Xenovia felt like giggling in her growing insanity, but didn't want to draw attention to her slowly shattering mind. 'Ahaha, maybe I was destined to be a human-shaped love toy for Him-ow? Eheheh, hehe… noo, sin, get away from my precious place, don't corrupt meee~'

"Well, I guess Ravel's not in this world?" Momon offered, causing Serafall to tilt her head at him, then her eyes widened. It seemed neither of the two juggernauts in the room noticed Xenovia's slowly crumbling sanity.

"Oh no, wasn't evil Riser-kun searching for Phenix girls? Sirzechs-tan said something like that, right? Do you think the Fallen Angels and the Supreme Being are in cahoots with each other?" Serafall seemed to realize something while she was trying to balance the somehow indignant-looking fairy on top of her nose. "I mean, it's not like you could detect her if she's in the Underworld… That, or she's dead. But Kokabiel is probably not dead, so Underworld it is. Or he went to one of the other planes of gods, or hells, but I don't think he'd need to abduct Ra-tan specifically for that..."

"I… see. Well, I suppose this 'Supreme Being' could be allied to the Fallen Angels. I wouldn't know about it." Momon seemed resigned. "I… think it might be the best if someone went to inform Lady Phenix about the abduction, and see if they can get a search party up. We have a teleporter in the shed, but it has a limited number of uses, so we should get the whole group together and go."

The maybe-God then turned towards Xenovia, causing her to take a quick breath in. "Ah, I realize I have done you two injustice. I plan on keeping my promise to be a good master to you, and in faith of that, I return your weapons to you. However, I'd like to request a chance to analyze them a bit in the future. And I'd prefer if you didn't turn your weapons on me or mine either."

Without much more fanfare the man(?) pulled out Durandal from seemingly his pocket, then Excalibur Destruction, followed by Excalibur Mimic, and put the three swords on the bed in front of Xenovia as if they were toys given to well-behaving children, and not holy weapons of incredible power.

Serafall seemed to realize something and she reached under her skirt, pulling three holy blades out as well.

Xenovia did not want to know how, why, or what had been involved with any of what the magical girl just did, but she couldn't quite ignore the fact the magical girl had dropped the blades in front of the two ex-exorcists.

"Ehe, figured that I should give these to you. It's not like I can use them anyway." The magical girl explained with a 'teehee' expression on her face. "Besides, if you two are Mo-kun's new friends, you can probably get some use from those and not give them over to church or do something equally stupid. After all, they're already being used in the service of the intended person, no?"

Xenovia wanted to refute the statement about, well, everything that had come from the magical girl's mouth, but before she could, the girl had turned on the spot, gave 'Mo-kun' a quick peck on the cheek, and then created a magical circle on the floor with a wave of her wand.

"I'll be going first, I'll see you in the Underworld. Take care, Mo-kun!" Serafall waved theatherically before doing a 'hop' into the circle, complete with folding her legs under her mid-flight, grabbing her miniskirt in a way that would theoretically stop anyone from seeing what was underneath it, but not in practise, and the magical girl-Maou exited the Human World with the pink fairy on her shoulder.

A final 'Squeee!' of girlish joy echoed in the room before the magical circle disappeared, and Xenovia turned her eyes to Momon, and her eyes widened as the 'boy' had struck a pose as the Magical Girl had left, while the three-legged crow was striking a 'dab' pose while sitting on his shoulder.

"Ow, I'll need to be careful when using chuuni… invoking my dark side causes self-damage to my psyche..." Momon relaxed his stance, although the words and their contents almost caused Xenovia to black out.

Xenovia's world wobbled once again, so she just turned herself towards Rias who seemed to take the whole exchange surprisingly well..

"Is… is this the full power of Momon's presence?" She whispered finally to Rias.

Rias nodded back, resigned to her fate.

Xenovia hugged the red-headed girl, feeling unexpected sisterhood with the girl, and the Gremory's ex-princess hugged back. The gigantic boobs that rubbed against hers made Xenovia feel insecure instantly afterwards. 'Oh come on…'

"Owah." Xenovia looked behind her to see Irina flop over on the bed. "I don't want to think anymore…"

"I don't think any one of us disagrees…" Rias grumbled while breaking out of the hug to fondle Akeno's boobs to shake the girl out of her stupor.


"Umu… r-right. Anyway, I'm sorry for forcing you out of bed this late, but we'll have to pack our things and get moving." Momon coughed to his hand to draw the four girl's attention. "I'll wake up the others and we'll gather in the living room. After that we'll transition to the Underworld, with our mission being search and retrieval, or assisting the search and retrieval, of Ravel."

He seemed to remember something. "Oh, and I asked the six angels who were with me to serve as maids of the manor, so don't be surprised when you see them."

Xenovia's eyebrow twitched and Akeno let out a small giggle, which indicated that the girl was recovering at a good rate.

"You know, I'm not even going to give you the satisfaction and ask." Rias sighed. "I'm done. I'm one hundred percent done. Take me out of the oven."

"Umu… well, anyway, I'll be going…" Momon seemed to be confused over Rias's state and turned to wobble towards the exit of the room. "Uh, and I'll have to probably take care of this soon-ish…"

'Wobble' being the keyword on account that it seemed that the maybe-disguised possibly-god was sporting a raging tent, likely as the result of chugging down what had seemed to be tantric potions before entering the room.

Xenovia blinked as she hadn't looked at the direction during the insanity that had happened before, but now that she thought about it...

'Did… he really get confessed by a Maou while he was looking like that? Did she even notice? Did she care? Or did she think that it was him confessing to her?' She considered her experiences with the denizens of the Underworld, and came to the conclusion. 'Yeah, he did , she did, and she definitely did… and she most definitely did.'

Rias let out an impressive sigh and went to grab the man before he could move towards the stairway, and dragged him in the opposite direction.

"Ara? Well, looks like Rias is already taking 'care' of that…" Akeno chuckled. "Well, I guess I'll be in charge of rallying the troops. That being said, do arm yourself with those blades and prepare yourself for fighting Kokabiel… We don't actually have any combat suits or whatever you would have worn when fighting, so do you think you could fight in a high school uniform? We have a few spares that could fit you two… Just think of the sight, ufufufu..."

"Ahe… Ahahahaha!" Xenovia felt her mind finally break as Akeno suggested that the two would go into the Underworld wearing highschool girl's outfits, and wielding holy weapons against someone who was likely a fallen angel, on behalf of someone who was possibly, maybe, likely the amnesiac fallen god of said fallen angel.

Irina wobbled on the spot. "Is this our life now?"

"Yes." Akeno had zero hesitation on twisting the knife, causing all colour to leave Irina's face. "And it'll only get better… ufufufu…"



'T-that was too close, tooooo close…' Momonga felt like hyperventilating as he was getting dragged by his collar towards his bedroom, the crow created by [Lead of Yatagarasu], a ninth-tier dungeon-tracking spell, sitting on his shoulder.

Luckily he had managed to distract the pink girl with another ninth-tier spell [Bless of Titania], which created a fairy that would lead its user to its destination through the least dangerous route. He hoped that the fairy would lead her somewhere faraway from him. 'She almost found out who I was! Or maybe she did, and is choosing to keep it hidden so she can blackmail me? She just confessed to me... or is she intending on blackmailing me for my body?! No, no, I can't think like that, that way lies madness, she must have some other hidden agenda! I underestimated her intelligence badly! I shouldn't have thought of her as an airhead based off her magical girl disguise, she's pretending to be an airhead like how I pretend to be a 'phoenix'! I should have known some airhead couldn't become a 'Maou', a Raid Boss...'

Emotion suppression activated once again, making approximately the tenth time since he had called for the 'Magical Girl Maou', and Momonga calmed down for a while again.

'Now… What was that about Fallen Angels potentially allying with 'Supreme Being'?'Momonga felt that the events were once again proceeding without his input, and he didn't like it one bit.

The feeling wasn't helped by Rias dragging him to their shared bedroom and throwing him on their bed, displaying the considerable strength her Queen Piece gave her, and then sliding a white doctor's glove on her right hand, all the while giving Momonga a glare that said 'This hand is going to places if you dare to move'.

Momonga let out a whimper.

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