Rias tried to run, run, run runrunrunrun…
The skeletal hand clad in violet velvet grasped her heart so coldly, the true master of the creature from the Depths revealing itself to her in her dreams, claiming her…
She screamed, but no sound came out of her throat. She didn't want it, the unnatural violet-clad, majestic but terrifying skeleton drew her closer and she felt utterly violated by the burning gaze it leveled on her, stripping her of her clothes and baring her soul.
The memory of Momon's lovemaking to Rias popped to her mind, and she screamed as she realized that the creature was observing her, watching her memories, violating her mind… 'No, that's private, don't look! That's between Momon and me! Stay away!'
Rias screamed for Akeno, screamed for Sirzechs-nii, screamed for Momon, anyone to help her as the tentacles of the Deepkin of the Ink wrapped themselves around Rias's body from all directions at once, and the vision of something utterly alien to all beings of reality materialized around the Skeleton Rias knew to be 'The Supreme Being', taking the shape of countless tentacles with eyes where suction cups were supposed to be.
She knew, the Deep revealed its forbidden knowledge to her, and she knew that the 'Lesser Being' that wore Riser's face and lorded over the tentacled Deepkin was but a minor servant of the True Being, who was utterly alien to everything in the 'world' she knew, a True Lord of the Deep Dark…
Rias's running turned to stumble as the tentacles around her body slowed her futile escape to a crawl, and she realized she had been running at the skeletal figure the whole time.
The Supreme Being reached for Rias's head.
Rias screamed as her head burned from the violet-clad skeletal figure's deathly cold touch, the figure she knew to be the Supreme Being on an instinctive level.
The skeletal creature extended its bony arm and grabbed her hand, violating her body, her memories of Momon, as the image of the skeletal figure's body replaced Momon's body against hers in her memory…
She snapped awake with a scream escaping her lips.
"AAAHHH! NOOOO!" Rias screamed to the sterile white ceiling, feeling her heart beat like a horse's hooves in full sprint.
She looked around in panic, expecting to see her still-gripped hand held by the monstrous creature…
And saw Momon holding her hand.
"Ah… Ah…" Rias's scream turned to mumble and she threw herself at the boy, seeking safety from the utterly insane, but still somehow incredibly reliable boy who had once been Rias's Issei, but was now Momon- the one she now called her husband and who she was starting to feel affection towards.
"There, there…" A hand stroked Rias's head, causing the memory of the Supreme Being's burning cold, deathly touch to wane a bit as the boy's hand was warm and soft, completely unlike the freezing touch of the skeletal creature.
The hand pulled itself away from Rias and she quickly snatched it and put it back. "T-touch me. Please. I-I need, I need to feel you. I need to feel you holding me."
The hand froze for a while, and then continued its stroking, the hands feeling like warm embers against her frozen soul. "Are you feeling alright, Rias-san?"
Rias felt tears streaking down her face, all the while she cursed everything that had happened, the Supreme Being who had violated her, and the memories it had tried to corrupt.
'Why? What does it want from us? Why does it torment us so? Why… Why did it show itself to me, and what does it want from me?!' Rias shook like a leaf as she tried to calm her breathing while she drew strength from Momon's touch, using it like a ward against the bone-chilling cold. "Lower, lower, feel me more, so warm…"
She guided Momon's hands lower down her back, pressing her chest against his and pushing their lips together hungrily, desperately- she needed to have him inside her, again, to drive off the cold that had settled...
Rias froze and glanced to the side and saw Sona Sitri, of all people, staring at her while Rias was having Momon fondle her butt and kissing him like her life depended on it.
Sona adjusted her glasses, which seemed to be of new design and looked brand new, and coughed again.
"While I won't judge what you do in private, Rias-san, please consider the time and place." Sona noted, moving her eyes towards a girl sitting beside her with her arms tied around the lithe girl.
Rias's eyes bulged as she saw Serafall who was tilting her head curiously at Momon and Rias.
"Eh, Rias-chan can go first, but I call seconds!" The magical-girl cosplaying Maou made a heart symbol between her hands above her heart, somehow causing an actual pink cartoonish heart to float out between her fingers. "Oh, actually, I almost forgot... Wheew!"
The Maou put her hand between her breasts and seemed to search for something, making Rias and Sona stare at her. She found whatever she was looking for and pulled it out.
"Tadaa! Thanks for this cutie, Mo-kun! It's super durable so I love it!" Serafall hugged a pink fairy that somehow had a thousand-yard stare despite being a pink ball of fluff with wings. "Your birdie is super cool too, we even have matching familiars, they both have wings! This is so cool!"
"S-sister?" Sona's glasses had somehow gone wonky on her face, making her look as if someone had slapped her. "Y-you actually found a familiar that doesn't instantly die when in your, ahem, 'care'?"
"Mo-kun made me one!" Serafall hugged the suffering fairy to her chest and Momon rubbed the back of his head somewhat awkwardly. "Hey, Mo-kun? Can you make one for So-tan too?!"
"N-no thanks, I'll manage with traditional familiar once the time comes." Sona managed to get her two cents in before Momon managed to say anything either way. "Anyway, what happened to you, Rias-san?"
"I… The Dark... " Rias shuddered as the question brought the memories of the darkness, coldness and insanity. She hugged Momon instinctively closer, edging herself to his lap like a moth looking for light and warmth to get out of the cold dark.
"It's alright, I heard something, umu, unexpected happened." Momon reassured her. "Yes, it looks like the madness debuff is temporary, as expected…"
"Debuff?" Serafall tilted her head.
"Ehm, I mean condition." Momon blushed a bit. "Rias's, hm, madness. I believe that was something that happened, no?"
"Wha?" Rias blinked. "I… just remember falling to that ink, and then… there was… there was… Akeno was, she had... Then, the knowledge, the things... No! The Supreme Being! The, I saw, skeleton clad in violet robe, and a red orb, and..."
Momon placed his hand on Rias's mouth. "Please, say no more. The memory clearly distresses you."
"N-no! I need to tell you, I saw the Supreme Being!" Rias pushed Momon's hand away. "It's, It is…"
Momon looked as distressed as Rias was as she waved her hands and Momon tried to keep her silent. She was a bit taken by the concern Momon showed for her mental state, but he needed to know.
"Momon! I think the Supreme Being is trying to corrupt or, or, take me! Force itself on me in my nightmares!" Rias finally got out, causing Momon to freeze. "I, in my sleep, in the nightmare-like state I was just before I woke up… I felt that the thing was trying to corrupt me, violate me… It inserted itself to my memories, o-our memory of last night, taking your place…"
Her voice broke and Momon hugged her reassuringly. "There, there… It was just a bad dream…"
"No, it, it was too real… It knows about you, it is trying to get to you through me…" Rias cried, desperate to let Momon know of the threat that plagued her- and aimed at him. "I-it is corrupting my memories, placing itself to your place… I-it's trying to make me into his agent, and turn me against you!"
"Uh, ah. I, erm, we… umu, yes that is quite threatening." Momon sweat dropped, likely because of the severity of the news. "A-are you absolutely sure?"
"Uwah, Mo-kun is getting netorared by the 'Supreme Thingy'" Serafall tilted her head. "Hey, Ri-tan? You saw the 'Huge Honcho', right? What does it look like?"
"L-like a huge skeleton in violet velvet, with elongated skull, blazing red eyes, and it has this red orb thing in its abdomen…" Rias detailed the hazy, cold and scary figure she had seen in her nightmare.
"Uwaaah, Mo-kun is getting netorared by mr. skeleton… I thought he'd be ugly bastard, that'd be more fitting, but this is pretty sad too…" Serafall tilted her head the other way and Sona whacked the back her sister's head lightly.
"Serafall-san, please, control your perversion…" Sona's tone was official, causing Serafall to latch onto Sona.
"Noo! Don't hate me So-tan! I didn't mean to! I'll be quieter the next time when we talk about Rias-chan getting netorared away from Momon-kun!"
"I'm not sure that's in any way better…" Sona sighed as she adjusted her glasses which had gone wonky again as Serafall squeezed the girl like a stress doll.
Rias hugged Momon even tighter as her heart was about to burst. "I- I won't let it! I won't let it corrupt my memories! Momon! W-we need to make up new memories, undo the damage before it can spread! I need you to, um, ehm…"
Momon blinked at Rias as she stumbled over her words. "Yes?"
"W-we need to do 'that' more, make more memories…" Rias blushed to her eyebrows. "Th-the Supreme Being is trying to t-take me away from you, forcing itself on me, corrupting my memories! A-and I won't let it corrupt me! I, we, need to, to…"
Momon sighed and mumbled something that Rias only heard partially. 'Ero-world?'
"Right, I understand." Momon seemed to find his resolution. "I won't let you down, dear."
Rias gulped and hugged Momon, ignoring the look Sona sent her way. She still shivered from the cold that had sunk deep to her bones and longed for the warmth radiating from the Phoenixified boy, but there was different sort of uncertainty in her soul that she couldn't warm with the touch 'I- I haven't even made up my mind yet if I truly like Momon, and… Aaah! Why are you tormenting us so!'
The memory of the violet-clad, orb-wearing skeleton with inhumanly long and carved skull seemed to cackle at her.
It seemed that the majority of Momonga's Peerage had started to wake up soon after Rias, some with screams and some with shivers, but it seemed that most of them either had little memories of 'The Supreme Being' or had memories of various mad unrealities happening around them. Gasper had been utterly out for the count, however, and it seemed that nothing short of an apocalypse would be enough to snap him from his sleep.
The only examples of 'Supreme Being'-related nightmares were with Rias, Xuelan and Yubelluna, all three of whom Momonga had shared a bed with, and also had 'physical relationship' with- and all three had similar nightmares. Akeno, who had shared his bed but hadn't been touched, hadn't seen 'Supreme Being' in her dreams, although her vision of her turning into an eldritch fish seemed quite, to be blunt, mad. Thusly Momonga concluded that the memories were probably some form of true-sight that had been granted to them in the madness-debuff, causing him to be quite wary around the girls while looking for indicators that'd tell him that the girls had seen through his disguise.
Unfortunately, it seemed that his wariness around them had caused the three girls calling themselves 'Momon's lovers quite bit of distress and he had relented soon afterwards as Yubelluna had begged him to trust that she hadn't been corrupted and that she'd be useful to him still, which wasn't exactly making Momonga comfortable but he also figured that the girls had likely taken his wariness the wrong way.
However, seeing that the Peerage were otherwise alright with just light injuries, they had been fairly unceremoniously teleported out of the hospital and back into Phenix's main grounds in the Underworld, clearing the infirmary for the devils who had been hurt by the Fallen Angel attack on the Underworld.
Apparently there had been some ruckus regarding an angel above the hospital, so Momonga had sent [Dominion Authority] a wordless message to follow after the group and stand over Phenix's grounds for the while. He guessed that the angel couldn't shapeshift like [Cherubim Gatekeepers] could, but he wasn't sure as the ero-world seemed to work in wonky ways when it came to things of that nature.
Regardless he decided to postpone testing and poking the mechanics of the magic for a while as the day had been quite intensive already, and Momonga figured that his Peerage would go truly mad if something wonky happened the same day the group had been exposed to [Madness] debuff.
Not to mention that it was already starting to get dark, as the day full of combat was coming to its end, at least for the Peerage. Sona had departed to Sitri's grounds and had dragged Serafall with her despite the magical girl Maou's verbal protests and mooing, but it was clear the Maou knew that she'd need to be on the ready in case 'The Supreme Being' attacked so she hadn't protested the dragging-off too heavily.
Lady Phenix had departed to take care of some administrative affairs and had deposited once-again tied-up Ravel to the mansion's wardens, ordering them to keep Ravel near 'Momon' at all times. Afterwards she had sent Momonga a desperate and hopeful glance before going off to file the necessary paperwork for the lost security team and to have reinforcements pulled from the mercenaries available for noble families.
Most of the Peerage seemed like they'd just need sleep to recover from the strains of combat and perhaps some therapy afterwards, so Momonga had asked the Phenix's service staff to have the Peerage guided to guest rooms and have them sleep in pairs, so if they woke up at night to the nightmares then at least they wouldn't be alone.
Yuuto and Gasper slept together in the same room, Koneko and Asia slept together, Xenovia and Irina slept together, and Xuelan, Yubelluna, Rias and Akeno had been sent to a room the staff prepared for Momonga.
Thus, the day came to an end and the Peerage either hobbled or had been carried to their quarters and flopped over to beds to sleep.
Momonga, however, excused himself to a restroom and cast an array of anti-divination spells, and opened his inventory while sitting on a toilet seat.
'Let's hope this time goes better than the last one…' Momonga sighed as he remembered the last time he had been in the exact same situation and Ddraig had attempted to kill him.
He looked at his inventory, and saw the red dragon…
...Who was lying on his stomach with a pink bandana reading 'Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven' around its head and its massive hands holding two comically small hand-flags that had image of a very familiar pink magical girl while the dragon was looking at a comparably comically small television in front of it.
'...What?' Momonga paused and Ddraig looked at Momonga, pausing as well.
Momonga remembered having appropriated the television-disc player combo from the library of his new mansion and put to his inventory alongside a bookshelf full of random manga and DVD's to give the dragon something to do, honoring his promise to deliver entertainment for the dragon.
"I can explain." Ddraig hurriedly put the flags under itself and took a majestic draconian pose. It didn't quite work mostly because it had forgotten the magical girl bandana around its head.
"...I don't exactly care." Momonga covered his face. "You've been scratching my hand. Why?"
"I haven't." Ddraig told Momonga and pointed at a white claw near it. "I take no blame for what Albion has done."
Momonga looked at a white claw, measuring it visibly and coming to a conclusion that it belonged to a white-feathered draconic creature roughly the same size as Ddraig. "Albion?"
"I imagine you killed Albion." Ddraig sighed. "He was my… Rival, I suppose. Frenemy. Enemy I considered my brother but would still fight to death against. Rival? I suppose he is dead because you have his claw in your… whatever this place is? Dungeon of treasures?'
"Pocket dimension, inventory." Momonga reminded it. "Tell me about this 'Albion', I fought a young man with white hair and put a disembodied gauntlet that he had been wearing as part of a white armor set to my Inventory during the battle, but I didn't kill him."
"What sort of power did he employ? Albion wielded power called [Divine Dividing] that allowed him to split the power of anything he touched in half. The direct opposite of my [Boost]." Ddraig was blatantly curious and apprehensive over the subject.
"Sounds… accurate." Momonga noted while he observed the disembodied claw that seemed to move and twitch as if it was alive. "So, that boy was a human-shaped Dragon…"
"...I see. I'm at the same time impressed and not that you of all people managed to fight the bearer of Albion's Sacred Gear without having [Boost] to counter his power." Ddraing noted, then corrected Momonga. "Albion is trapped in a Sacred Gear, much like how I am stuck to [Boosted Gear] so technically you didn't face Albion, but rather his Wielder who used Albion's power. However, Albion wouldn't tolerate a weak Wielder, so it wasn't as if you squashed a weak opponent."
"I… see." Momonga rubbed his chin. 'So, that Albion, no, Vali was this world's equivalent of a World-class item holder… I'm surprised that the locals are so comfortable with revealing their trump cards. Vali has lost the element of surprise of one of his main tools, at least assuming he doesn't have multiple World-class items…'
He wondered for a while if he should start using the equipment and World-items in his inventory more, but decided against it- just because the enemy was making a mistake and revealing their hand, he didn't need to be sportsmanlike and reveal his to compensate. 'However, with World-class item holders crawling all over the place, I should be a bit less hesitant to use my more powerful equipment. Having a huge stack of powerful gear won't do me any good if I'm defeated and killed because I held back too much. And the fight earlier made it clear that the battles in this world start quickly and end quickly, so I can't expect to have a long, strategic fight like how one-on-one PVP was in YGGDRASIL. Having high and decisive alpha-strike damage is important it seems.'
Momonga nodded to himself. "Anyway, what's with the claw?"
"...I believe that when you put a piece of Vanishing Dragon's power, or that 'gauntlet' you mentioned, a piece of Albion's soul was trapped in here." Ddraig theorized. "I imagine it's alive and the sensation goes both ways. I've poked at it a few times but it hadn't done much to indicate it felt my pokes, so I figured it'd react to you."
"I see… You can eat it." Momonga sighed and rearranged his inventory so that the twitching claw flew over to Ddraig. 'I don't have use for something like that, specifically when it's hampering the use of my inventory…'
Ddraig looked stunned by the order and the dragon opened its eyes wide, then opened its mouth to protest and Momonga flicked the claw into the creature's open maw.
Ddraig bit down instinctively, and a flash of light illuminated the inventory and shone out of the pocket dimension like a flashbang, flash-bleach the surfaces of the bathroom and causing Momonga's host body's eyes to go blind for a while until they regenerated, confirming to Momonga that the [Regeneration] conferred by [Scroll of Dark Wisdom] worked.
'Oh come on, not again…' Momonga screamed internally as the past seemed to repeat itself. "[Hold Species]"
The red dragon froze and keeled over for a bit, then seemed to shake off the binding spell and stood up in the Inventory, now with few a patches of white in its otherwise red scales. "...That was super-uncool, Momonga."
"I believe I told you to call me Momon?" Momonga reminded the dragon.
"..." The dragon turned away and sat down, looking every bit like a pouting teenager about to throw a tantrum.
Momonga flexed his fingers to remind the dragon that he could cast [True Death] on it again, causing it to flinch a bit. 'However, if we actually fight, and with Ddraig having [Boost], I'll just have to open the fight with [Time Stop] and nuke it with damage-dealing spells…'
Ddraig seemed to relent as Momonga moved the shelf of manga and television away from the dragon in preparation for combat. "H-hold, wait, nevermind, I've changed my mind, I'll… Fine, I'll relent, Just, please don't make me eat the rest of Albion!"
Momonga sighed. "I won't promise that, but I'll promise I'll re-consider before I put random pieces of him to my Inventory."
"...I suppose that's the best I can ask for…" The dragon hugged the shelf of manga protectively against its chest.
"You seem fond of that?" Momonga gestured towards the shelf. "Hm, Magical girl manga?"
"...It's surprisingly good, considering, and also it's not like I have much to do here outside smelling the flesh of dead dragons or trying to look at some of the, uh, objects here. Neither of which are good for my sanity, so reading manga at least won't cause me to fall into insanity." The dragon reasoned for its actions, which felt a bit disingenuous considering it had a magical girl-trademarked bandana around its head. "Plus, the explosions Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven puts out per minute is… acceptable. Even commendable."
"You do know that the manga is based off Serafall Leviathan, Right?" Momonga reminded the dragon. "She's apparently a magical girl maou."
"...Oh." Ddraig seemed to be taken aback. "Ah, I remember some of my hosts hearing about her... Figures that the stories would be so good if they're based off a Maou's life..."
Momonga wasn't sure how Ddraig would react if he told it that Serafall had confessed to him. However, he made a mental note to ask Serafall to sign something and then toss it to his inventory. 'It seems Ddraig has become something of a fan… I wonder if I could bribe him with magical girl merch? I'll have to look into it…'
"Right, but anyway, I'll need to go look after my Peerage. We'll talk later. Was there anything you needed?" Momonga figured that some courtesy wouldn't go amiss, after all he had forced the dragon to commit cannibalism towards its kind.
"...Nothing right now." Draig looked a bit wary of asking anything so Momonga just nodded and closed the inventory.
'I'll need to use [Control Amnesia] on Ddraig once things calm down and see if I can learn more about [Boosted Gear], perhaps see if I can get some anti-mind reading spells from this world to stop it from spying on my thoughts if I ever equipped it…'Momonga put yet another research subject to his mental to-do wall. 'Hm… Speaking of World-class items…'
Technically, the only World-class item Momonga had in his inventory that would directly boost his casting abilities was his signature red orb, but he had a feeling that suddenly materializing it in his paella would cause him to throw up most of his lungs and heart due to the space it required in his chest, so he figured he'd have to find a private place to test equipping it. After all a sudden shower of organs would probably cause most of his Peerage to snap instantly.
On the other hand, [Depiction of Nature and Society] was a crowd-controlling item, so it wouldn't do much to help his combat outside dividing numerically superior enemies to smaller chunks, and [Greed and Avarice], the paired gauntlet that stored and released excess experience, would likely be utterly useless in the Ero-World as the experience caps didn't seem to exist in it. [Billion Blades] and [Ginnungagap] would both require him to be under [Perfect Warrior] buff, so he would only use them in last resort.
'...I don't actually have a World Item that could be used as a 'main weapon' of sorts… It's not like they were designed to be used that way, anyway, so it's not a big surprise…' Momonga scratched his chin and moved to thinking about the other equippable items in his inventory. '[Boosted Gear] would fit the definition of a 'main weapon' but I'll have to sit on it for a while… I could equip my caster-gear, but with Rias having seen my skeletal form while she was crowd-controlled by the Deepkin, apparently…'
Momonga thought back about his Peerage's fight and their opponent. '...What they describe sounds a bit like a Deepkin summon from YGGDRASIL, which can be awakened and used to crowd control targets with a literal tarpit of ink that causes madness debuff… I'm guessing that Rias and few of the others saw my true Overlord avatar during that, so I'll have to be careful when equipping items that make me look like it to avoid, hm, 'misunderstandings'. I'll also have to revise using Ravel as mockingbird- that strategy only works if you have monopoly on talking heads, and with Rias and others also seeing 'the supreme being' then the rumors may become too believable for my liking. Still, that strategy worked initially so I may have to use it again in the future.'
However, Rias had not described his weapons in her nightmare, so Momonga reached to his inventory in the bathroom, bringing out an ornate staff that slowly floated in front of him as he let go of it. '...I can use this as my weapon in this new world… I'm surprised it still exists, but I suppose it was moved to my 'Inventory' as I was 'equipping' it when YGGDRASIL shut down and Ddraig pulled me here.'
Momonga paused as he considered a possibility. 'I'm not sure if its existence means Nazarick still exists, somewhere, or if it's just a remnant of Ainz Ooal Gown… But, if I die permanently then the 'guild' is disbanded either way, I suppose, since Ddraig had pulled my soul here at the shutdown and thus with me being the first and last remaining member of Ainz Ooal Gown to walk this world as everyone else had left the game or had been logged off during shutdown, with Herohero being last to leave if I don't count myself.'
He ran his hand down the staff's curves, causing it to shiver and shift like malleable gold under his fingers. 'In a way, adventuring the new world with this… It makes me remember our adventures together in YGGDRASIL...'
Momonga was lost for a moment in his memories of the past as he looked into the staff's glow. '...In a way, this is both the fruit of our unified labor and our love for the game and our comradery… Yes, let us adventure again, even if only as memories, in this world…'
The ornate golden staff had coiling golden snakes all the way to the top of it, with each of the seven snakes holding a gem that was a Divine-class item of its own. It's golden surface swam with human faces contorted with pain and it radiated an aura of darkness, both being visual effects that Momonga quickly de-activated before the incident of his [Aura of Despair- I] activating in the bathroom and the Maous getting alerted would repeat itself.
Momonga grabbed the staff's handle and slid his hand over its top, feeling the memories it warmed and brought forth in his mind, before he put the Guild Item of Ainz Ooal Gown, the literal [Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown], back into his Inventory.
'...So, let us walk forward together, in our memory, and in my memories, my friends of Ainz Ooal Gown…'
Perhaps in time he'd speak of his memories to his Peerage. Maybe, if they proved themselves worthy.
Momonga paused as he looked out of the mansion's window, seeing Dominion Authority healing a constantly growing group of Devils a few hundred feet away from the mansion, the angel clearly visible even at such distance because of its huge size.
'What?' Momonga felt confused by the angel's actions so opened a [Message] to it, guessing that it would know how to respond using it as the Cherubim Gatekeeprs had been able to use the communication spell as well. "What are you doing?"
"I am but healing the masses and showing them thine grand radiance, my Lord." The booming voice came through, echoing in Momonga's head. "I saw thine mercy towards the Devil, and extended thine mercy towards the lost and the damned."
"Right…" Momogna thought about it for a while. 'Hm, come to think of it, I can use this to catapult my idea of building a healing item and resurrection company. After all, as far as I know, there was a battle in the Underworld's capital just earlier today and it produced a lot of dead and wounded. If I offer them healing services but charge too much right now I'll be seen as a tyrant who charges premium for vital supplies, but if I show a bit of philanthropy then I can kick-start my venture with both good word and good will, which I can later leverage for increased sales and better public relations…'
"Hm… Good work, Dominion Authority. Continue. You are also permitted to offer the devils resurrections in exchange for a reasonable fee." Momonga sent it to the Angel with the message. 'It's a good-karma creature, so it shouldn't interpret my words maliciously, but just in case…' "Also, I forbid you from speaking of my name. You can refer to me as 'Momon', and use titles 'Lord' and 'Master' like the other angel summons I have active. If someone asks why you are healing them, tell them that I ordered it to be so. Do you have any questions?"
"None, my Lord."
"Good, in that case keep up the good work." Momonga felt a bit happy that his plan for financial freedom was proceeding. 'Kukuku… My business-senses are tingling…'
Dominion Authority nodded it's teardrop-like 'head' as its Lord gave it orders.
It turned its body towards the devils who it had been healing, and swung its pole-mace so it covered them all in its radiance, opening all eight pairs of its wings wide in joy.
"And thus Our Lord spoke to us: Bring out your dead, and let them rise in his name! Servitude be thine price, but salvation eternal you shall receive!" The angel's voice echoed in the souls of the lost and the damned who had gathered to receive its healing, following it after it had left the hospital upon which it had stood. "And thus Our Lord spoke to us: Bring out your wounded, damned and lost, and let them be healed in His name! Gratitude be thine price, but sanctity you shall receive!"
It intensified its healing Aura, all the while some of the now-healed but stunned devils left to round up their recent dead.
The Angel began singing its psalms to the lost and the damned who gathered around it, and began casting [Resurrect] upon the dead the devils brought to it.
"Rise, and praise His name, the name of Momon, who shall one day claim what he has Lost, take His Palace once again from those who have abandoned him, and reign eternal upon the Throne of Kings, upon the Throne of All Ten Worlds, and cast down those who have risen against Him!" The angel continued its seremon to its listeners, the coming night turning to day in its radiance. "Heed His words, and rejoice, for He offers you His Mercy, a place in His Kingdom Come!"
Momonga sneezed as he walked into his bedroom where Rias, Akeno, Xuelan and Yubelluna were already sleeping. 'Interesting, are Phoenixes not resistant to the common cold? I'll have to experiment more with this 'new' body…'
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