Chapter 77: They believe your theoretical degree

Warning Limes!




I mean Lemons,

Sona was scared. Incredibly scared.

'Ha… Was that a test? Torturing Serafall after he put my 'loyalty' to him against my loyalty to Serafall?' Sona shivered as the warm water ran down her body, washing the filth away. 'And… That display afterwards… He let his mask slip. Deliberately, I'm sure of it, since he couldn't have forgotten that Grayfia was in the room… Just how deep does he have his claws in Serafall? That display… And that display back in the student council room… Was it all planned? Did he calculate this far ahead?'

She shivered harder than ever. 'Does that mean he's planning on coming to open soon? He'd know Grayfia would report everything to Sirzechs-sama… Don't you? Does that mean you're planning on waging war against the Underworld in the open, using your indoctrinated lower-caste devils? And Rias and I, we're your hostages, right?'

Sona knew the Supreme Being could likely read her thoughts even while she was in another room and was taking a shower. She knew better than to assume otherwise.

She leaned against the shower's wall, tears mixing into the water. '...Please… Stop... I can't…'

However, Sona knew that mere pleas wouldn't help her, so she needed to be proactive. 'Ravel… Ravel knows. She knows the way. Her way… We've lost already, he already controls everything in all but the name... I need to submit to him or the punishments will continue… Serafall, I'm so sorry… My mistake caused you so much pain...'

She dried herself up and clad herself in a thin velvety bathrobe that the bathroom was stocked with, ignoring the fact the bathrobe seemed to be tailored for a woman with far larger breasts than Sona, and stepped back into the living room. Waiting for her punishment to continue.

"Sit." The soft, calming voice of the ruthless tyrant invaded Sona's ears, and she hiccupped as she realized her next punishment.

She shed the bathrobe and sat on the Issei-looking tyrant's lap, causing the latter to freeze up and Sona's heart to stop beating for a moment as she realized she must have made a mistake. 'O-oh. So I'm no longer even worth-'

"It's alright. Just relax." Momon told Sona while he put his hand on her shoulder, and a deep violet bathrobe seemed to re-materialize around Sona's body. Except this time the robe fit her quite snugly and was more comfortable than she had thought possible from the fluffy clothing. "Talk to me. You're clearly distressed and we're alone here."

"I- I... " Sona couldn't make sense of what exactly the Supreme Being wished to convey with its words. 'Are we being spied on? Why is he… What am I supposed to say? Or do?' "I'm… alright?"

"You're not. I understand that our… hm, arrangement might have come as a surprise to you, but rest assured that I'll do my best to make this as comfortable and pleasant an experience as I can. However, it would cause quite a bit of outrage in the wrong circles if we broke our union right now, so we probably should get comfortable in each other's presence for the time being. Afterwards, if we deem each other unsuitable for marriage, we can part ways." Momon seemed to ignore Sona's plight in order to deliver a prepared spiel. "And so, I'd like to ask what's going on? You were quite official and level-headed back when we met the first time, but now you're… well, I won't mince words, a nervous wreck. Let me help you."

Sona could feel her lower lip shaking as she racked her head, trying to make sense of the words. 'What… what torture is this? What are you trying to say?'

"It's alright. Serafall will be here soon, I guess, and we-" Momon seemed to sigh at Sona's indecisiveness, and the words caused Sona to instantly panic as she realized that unless she deciphered the Supreme Being's will correctly from the hints he gave then Serafall would pay for it.

"No! Please don't! I'll… I'll do whatever you need, so please give me an order, master!" Sona blurted out without further thought. "Please, just… If this body pleases you then do what you want with it, torture me, rape me if you wish, or tell me to consent and I'll do what you want…"

Momon put his finger on her lips. "Shh. It's alright. I'll be here for you, so don't speak like that."

He seemed to pause and then his face seemed to pale significantly. "Actually, you've talked about that sort of thing a few times now… Umu, don't tell me… do you actually have a rape fetish? I won't kink-shame, but… erm, I'd like to know beforehand."

'S-so that's your command? Why are you not speaking directly to me, but instead going through these pointless hoops and question-orders? I won't disobey anything, I swear... Even if you order me to have a kink like that...' Sona gulped. "Y-yes, I have... P-please… do what you want... "

"Ah… I see. Forgive me if this theory sounds a bit insulting, but is it because of your upbringing? I've heard that the Sitri family can be a bit strict, and I met your mother briefly during the engagement ceremony and got the feeling that she seems quite strict and perhaps even a slightly prude woman…" Momon seemed to realize something. "Is it because of that? That you don't feel comfortable indulging yourself and feel better if you indulge yourself but also feel that you're having it done against your will so you won't go against the teachings and dogma that has been hammered into you? I can relate to that, I suppose..."


"I mean, umu, well… I generally disliked doing inappropriate things at the start, but I guess I've opened up about it after a while… And it wasn't as if I had a real option to refuse anyway..." Momon seemed to mutter all sorts of odd things. "Right. I shouldn't have expected anything less from ero-world… So is that it, Sona-san? Are you, um, sexually frustrated and that's causing your, umu, odd behaviour now that we're engaged and thus you finally have a way of relieving that frustration? I can help with that, if you want me to… If last night wasn't enough for you, just tell me and I'll, uh, do something. I guess that you must be quite frustrated if you've held yourself back for your entire life and now have a way to release that pent-up tension and we've only done it once, and briefly at that."

Sona opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again like a fish out of water. 'What?'

She shook herself out of her stupor, however, as she realized that the statement the Supreme Being made was just another test for Sona. After all, she had failed his last test- that of finishing off Serafall. In retrospect the order was likely made just to test her, as 'Momon' had healed Serafall afterwards… and Sona had failed her test.

"Y-yes, that is precisely the case… Please…" Sona shivered in fear and disgust as Momon put his hands on her shoulder in a faux-reassuring manner. "Please punish me, I'm a lewd girl, and I've been disobedient and… and… hic… I'm…"

"...Um, are you sure?" Momon paused for a while and then hugged Sona, turning the stroking of her sides to stroking her head in a gentle manner that caused a wave of repulsion to run down Sona's spine. "It's alright. Don't worry. You haven't done anything wrong…"

'Wha- What do you mean?!' Sona felt more apprehensive than ever, and finally voiced her concern while fearing for the backslash. "Wh-what do you mean, master?"

"Well, you've been pressured into this by your family, right?" Momon seemed confused. "It's alright to feel bad. So just tell me what you want me to do to help you, alright? I promise I'll listen to you. I'm sure it hurts Rias as well to see you this nervous and unstable. I can't claim I knew you well before this engagement but I doubt you were so shaky in the past… Tell me what's wrong so I can help you."

'Ha… So you're saying that I should tie the noose around my neck, willingly… After all, if I don't… What other tortures do you have lined up for me?' Sona bit back the biting retort she almost launched in response to Momon's words, and instead lowered her head. "I understand what you're saying. Please, do what you wish with me. I'll be content with scraps you decide to offer me from your table, and promise to never stray from your will…"

"Haa…" Momon seemed to become exasperated after hearing Sona's words. "Very well. If that's truly what you want… But you shouldn't be that nervous. I'm not a cruel person."

Sona almost choked on her spit from the irony in the hypocrite's words, and then felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she realized what he insinuated. 'P-phahaha! You're not a cruel person? Or is that a threat- That I haven't even seen the slightest glimpse of your cruelty, that you still have far, far worse tortures in store for me?'

She couldn't take it anymore. Sona felt her mind, soul and body start to fail her from the repeated, nonstop tortures and mental games the Supreme Being leveled against her without a moment's respite, like a blacksmith hammering a piece of iron into a desired shape and purity until it would suit his needs. Perhaps she had desired an intelligent lover in the past, but the cruel, maleficent intelligence of the Supreme Being made her reconsider her past preference.

"Sniff… Pwease… I'll do whatever… Just…" Sona felt tears start to pour down her face once more. "Please touch me, if that's your fancy…"

"I see. I understand. I suppose I was wrong… Umu. Right, your fetish then." Momon sighed. "I guess I've prolonged this needlessly while you're 'in the mood' but don't want to let yourself admit it aloud because of what you've been taught. I'm sorry... "

Sona's body wracked from the irony that was in the man's words while her body shivered as he reached to hug her close to his chest.

"Hm… Let's say that your safe word is 'yggdrasil', right? Say that if you want me to stop, and I will. No matter what." Momon seemed to move forward and kissed Sona on the lips.

She did her best to appreciate the kiss, fearing for her life and life of her close ones if she failed the test. 'So, now I have to satisfy him alone… last night he had those two, er, three other girls to take the vast majority of his libido, and I had to just finish him off… I'm going to die. He's going to kill me with 'that', and then resurrect me, and the torture will never end…'

Sona resisted the urge to start bawling her eyes out from the unjust cruelty she had been forced to endure, and had been forced to see others endure for her mistakes. However, she knew that if she gave in to the urge then she'd be condemned to even further tortures and humiliations so she soldiered on. 'I'll just have to hope that eventually there will be justice and he'll- No! I didn't mean to defy you or hope you'd die! Please! I- I didn't mean it!'

Sona pushed herself into the kiss with all her might, and did her best to make it as pleasurable as possible for the cruel tyrant on whose lap she was sitting. She was fully aware that the Being could read her mind with sickening ease, and would be aware of her constant slights against it.

"Don't worry… Everything will be alright…" Momon muttered to Sona past the kiss, causing her to let out a relieved, almost sob-like sigh as the Supreme One forgave her for her slight in a rare display of kindness. However, Sona knew that it'd likely be just a preamble for further torture so she didn't hold her breath over it.

"I'm going to go ahead, alright? Just let me know if it hurts or is unpleasant... Remember the safe word…" Momon seemed a bit awkward over Sona's mood, but chose to continue.

Sona swore mentally that she'd never utter the word given as she knew it was but a cruel jest by the dark tyrant, a rope held above her head that if grasped would turn to a noose for her to hang herself with.

A sizable meat sword created a bulge in Momon's pants, and Sona shivered from fear and disgust, remembering the chemically-induced euphoria of last night and the hot, sticky feeling of getting filled by the Supreme Being's seed. Yet, she had no choice but to take it. "Please… Put it inside me. All of it. I'll… I'll be good…"

"Alright. I'll do that then… But let's relocate to the bedroom first, alright?" Momon sighed at the hesitation in Sona's tone while lifting her to a princess carry.

Sona suppressed the desire to whimper as she was carried to the bedroom and laid down to bed. 'Just… get it over with, please…'

She flinched as the already-hard 'thing' was released from its pants-cage and it sprung to point at her as if it was spring-loaded. 'I'm going to die… I'm going to die like Ravel did… Like how he killed her last night, and then she came back... '

"Remember the safe word?" Momon asked her with an almost kind tone, mocking Sona's internal panic which he was fully aware of.

The gross meat rod rested against her stomach as the man crawled over her, causing her to shiver in disgust and knowing that her fear and repulsion would be just a pleasant after-taste to the monster's libido. The 'kink' she had been assigned made that clear to her.

"Ahem… um, would you like one of these before we start?" Momon coughed to the back of his hand and offered a now-familiar libido booster-can to her and she drained it dry instantly. "You seemed a bit uncomfortable, so I figured… Ah. Good."

Sona froze mid-gulp. 'Was- was that a test as well? That I'd accept something like this to numb the pain and humiliation under a veil of lust, instead of feeling the full force of shame and disgust your touch would bring?'

"I- I'm sorry, I'll throw it up... and-"

"Haa… nothing like that. Sheesh, you're walking on eggshells…" Momon seemed a bit exasperated, causing Sona to panic and start sliding her body against the meat sword in an attempt to make up for her mistake. "Listen, it's alright. I'll take care of it. You don't have to feel frustrated and alone anymore…"

Sona felt dread over her future as the massive shaft lowered itself until it came to the entrance, and then began sliding in. 'It- it won't fit... But you knew that… Ow! It's already pushing my insides- ow! Ow!'

The libido-booster was, however, reducing the pain quite bit and started to make Sona feel hot and sweaty all over, turning the painful and gross sensation downstairs into a pleasurable and filling one… but the chemical high wasn't enough to quell the true feelings of repulse and disgust that bubbled to the surface like a chunk of charcoal ruining a bubbling stew.

She gasped as the shaft seemed to fill her entirely and its tip pushed her insides back, causing breath to leave her lungs while she lay on her back on the bed like a corpse. And a glance downwards told her that the thing was only halfway in. "F-feel free to indulge yourself… as much as you want… Please…"

Momon sighed. "Listen, if you don't feel good then there's no point to this."

Sona's breath caught as she realized that the Supreme Being could tell that she was feeling extremely uncomfortable and gross, and wanted her not to. 'N-no! I… That… Don't tell me… I failed again…'

The massive shaft withdrew, causing her insides to squeeze it in a cramp-like motion as the booster made her body want it back, while her mind was feeling relief as the thing was gone.

"Listen, I'm here to help you. I thought… Well, I guess it was a bit outlandish theory but you confirmed it, so…" Momon told her as he lied beside her and pulled his pants up… only for Sona to stop him midway through.

"No! No! Please! I'll do better, I was just… I didn't… I thought… I'm… please…" Sona sobbed as her self-control failed her.

"Hm, what can I do to make you comfortable in my presence?" Momon seemed to give up, making Sona's insides grow cold.

"Nothing! I'm very comf-"

"Please don't lie." Momon rolled on top of Sona and looked into her eyes.

The eye contact caused Sona to curl up in fright as she only saw exasperation and honesty in them, while the words conveyed a clear and deliberate threat. "I… D-do you truly…"

"I'd like to know what troubles you, even if it's hurtful." Momon prodded. "The saying goes 'poison hurts the more it lingers', or something like that."

Sona could only whimper as she realized the meaning behind Momon's words and the metaphor he chose. 'So, am I to suffer your wrath next? You already brutalized Serafall beyond recognition and brought her back…'

"...You're afraid of me." Momon voiced the obvious, causing Sona to sniff. "I'm not a scary person, you know? I'm just a bit strong, but so is your sister…"

Sona wanted to laugh out loud from the ridiculous statement.

"...And I try to be very kind to those who I consider my friends, or loved ones I guess." Momon seemed to stutter a bit on the latter part. "But I understand if you truly wish to stay away from me. I won't force you to do anything you won't like. That being said, I think if it'd be best if the two of us parted ways and shouldered the ridicule that no doubt follows-"

"No! Please! Don't!" Sona cried out in terror. "Please don't! I'll do better, I promise! Don't… Please don't hurt me… Please don't hurt Serafall… I promise to be a good girl, I'll… I'll try to take pleasure from what you do, just... "

"Ah… So that's what this is about." Momon seemed to realize something. "I see now… You saw my duel with Serafall and drew some conclusions from that, and that's why you are so skittery. You thought that I'd hurt her if you did something to displease me, or do something like what I did to Serafall to you, right?"

Sona opened her mouth, and closed it.

"You don't need to worry about that. You see, the duel was just meant to be between me and Serafall but Lord Phenix and Lord Sitri used that as an excuse to get you engaged to me… And Serafall and I had a thing going, I guess, even before that duel. So it's not like I intended to hurt her more than what was needed for the training. It's the same thing as what happened today between me and you. Or, er, our Peerages." Momon explained as if he wasn't entirely aware of just what was the cause of Sona's distress. "The case with that poison I used against Serafall was that I didn't really think it'd be strong enough to down her instantly, so it had a damage-over-time component that'd help me finish the fight if she could still fight after that… I intended to get it purified earlier but I figured that I should at least give the Underworld's doctors a chance. Umu, that was definitely it, it wasn't me trying to run away from my responsibilities or procrastinate, or anything…"

"What- what are you talking about?" Sona felt her head starting to spin as she was losing track on just what level of the Supreme Being's plot she was currently standing. The Being's plan seemed to be both impossibly deep like the deepest ocean on top of the deepest underwater trench and containing horrors to match, yet at the same time shallow enough that she could stand in it without the water reaching her ankles.

She felt her mind tie itself into a loop as she tried to make sense of the disguised Supreme Being's words and compare them to her previous thoughts, which she knew the Supreme Being knew of. And also try to find the true, hidden meaning behind the Supreme being's words.

Sona felt as if her mind had started to resemble an overworked, overheated gearbox and some of the gears had started to lose teeth and wear, causing it to become a vibrating, jittery and unreliable affair. 'What is this?! Why is this?! What exactly do you want me to do?!'

"Umu… Moreover, to further solidify the fact I'm not trying to frighten or torment you, you should know that I was in a relationship with Serafall before you and I entered into an engagement. I should have probably told you that beforehand though, but it wasn't as if we had many chances to get to know each other beforehand." Momon deployed words that were like bells of doom to Sona's psyche, causing cracks to widen in her mind while the echoes caused her body to shake uncontrollably. "So it wasn't as if I wanted to hurt Serafall during our duel and after it, nor do I want to hurt you. The Rating Game was just us training, like what I did with you today. So I promise not to hurt Serafall or you- And we don't have to train together like we did today, if you so desire."

'Yet you know that I know that if I deny you then there will be repercussions… And if Serafall was already your thrall before you sank your teeth to me… Then there was never hope, there was never peace… ' Sona felt her body shake uncontrollably as she could tell that the monster beside her was speaking kind words but weaved cruel truths in them. "I-It's alright… I'll do as you wish…"

"Then, in that case I wish you to let yourself open up a bit and stop being so afraid. It's a difficult request, but I'd like it if you realized I'm not going to hurt you." The unsaid 'unless you force me to' hang in the air like a noose... And then Momon offered her his hand. "I know this is unreasonable request, but please trust me. If you choose not to, then we'll part ways peacefully as soon as we can without causing issues in the political sphere."

"Is that so… Ha- Hahah! You'd value me that highly?" Sona couldn't stop her laughter as she realized the offer the Supreme Being was making, and combined with the constant earlier tortures, was making her head spin even if she knew that the 'parting ways' was a cruel jest- she knew she was a valuable hostage towards Sitri family, so there was no way Momon would just let her go. 'Join me or suffer, huh? You'll be kind to me if I accept, but face unending hell until I'm just a mindless thrall if I don't? The same offer he must have made for Ravel as well… Yet, that you'd make such an offer to me in the first place... Phahaha!'

"Yes, of course… I accept." Sona felt as if she had passed some invisible line, succeeded in some invisible test, and both left their invisible brand on her skin, making it impossible for her to return- As if her despair had tipped over some invisible point and had landed deep in stockholm syndrome territory.

Almost if she stepped into the heart of a vortex and was sucked into the dark below.

A hand reached from the depths and took hers, pulling her deeper below the surface, away from the light of the sun and from her past life...

...And Sona looked at her hand which looked dainty and delicate in Momon's. "...What now?"

"I figured that we could get up and look for supper…" Momon waved his hand towards the door.

"Is that all you want to do?" Sona asked, feeling as if she had woken up from a nightmare to realize that it was all real… and the monster had been beside her and in her bed all along.

Momon seemed to pause for a while. "Hm. Is there something you'd like in particular?"

"Yes. And please be gentle." Sona squeezed the hand that was holding his. '...I passed your test, so… Can I ask you to pass mine? You said you'd be kind, and I'll trust you... So...'

Momon nodded, clearly understanding what Sona implied even if he hadn't just read her thoughts as well. "Alright."

The man leaned to kiss her on the lips, seemingly taking extra care to be as gentle as possible and giving Sona the lead on how intensive the kiss became.

Sona felt as if she had won something as she allowed the gentle kisses to linger, going even as far to put her hand on the side of Momon's face and running it down to his cheek and then to his jawline. Since she didn't receive a punishment for her boldness she decided to push her luck and ran the hand down Momon's neck, chest, stomach and finally snuck it into his pants. 'I… I wanted an intelligent man… If… I guess I never thought that if I found one and they passed my test, I'd need to pass theirs as well… I suppose I got what was coming… It feels almost childish now that my test was a mere chess game… I guess I wasn't as smart as I thought...'

The kiss continued, halfway between gentle pecks and light touch of lips, and Sona began leaning a bit more into it.

'Hm… That libido booster is still affecting me… Hah… Like you planned, no? I suppose it'll come to good use…' Sona chuckled a bit into the kiss and rolled over Momon so she lay on top of him, the gentle, passionate kiss continuing the whole way through.

She traced the hard shaft with her fingers and finally pulled the Issei-looking Supreme Being's pants down, allowing the meat to come to light once more and spring upright.

Yet, even though Sona didn't feel quite safe just yet, she felt at least confident enough that she could allow herself to act independently. 'I've passed your test. And you promised me kindness… So I'll trust you, alright?'

Momon seemed to read her thoughts once more as he stroked her thigh in long, slow motions that caused Sona's body to start heating up. Part of it was the libido-booster increasing her sensitivity, and part was genuine arousal.

"You're feeling good, right?" Momon asked as Sona paused the kiss to draw breath. "I'm glad…"

"Yes…" Sona chuckled a bit at the pointless question as she rested her temple against Momon's. 'Is this what it feels like for Ravel? She's indulged in her darkness, and Momon indulges her masochism… If I wished for what I wanted, peace and equality, would Momon indulge me as well? Would you? And in turn, we'd serve you as your loyal dark ladies… Haha… Like Serafall will…'

Sona could tell that her mind had fallen, and her will had been corrupted, as the thought of Serafall falling to Momon's darkness no longer caused her dread. Instead, she almost welcomed it… And wondered if she had fallen to the dark already, judging by the display Momon had put up with Serafall back in the hospital. 'If I swim deep enough will I find you there, waiting for me, sister?'

The flesh sword's shaft rubbed Sona's lower lips as the dark lord below Sona shed the rest of his clothes, and she lifted herself so that the shaft was squished between their bodies.

"Sona… You can take the lead." Momon promised Sona, causing her to shiver as he handed her freedom at last. Even if it was a minor one, a chance to make her own decisions. And in doing so, allowed her to put her test to words- A test whether Momon was lying about his offer or not.

"In that case… I'd like to stop." Sona knew that she was pushing her luck, but she wanted to know just how true Momon's words were about showing her kindness, about giving her right to choose. '...Please.'

"Of course." Momon seemed to agree to Sona's words instantly and let go of her as he had been stroking her thighs. The instant stop caused Sona to sigh in relief. "Umu, we could probably get a servant to bring us supper to the living room. Rias and Ravel will probably come here in a few hours as well, since these are- mph?"

Sona had placed her finger on Momon's lips. "It's alright. Let's continue."

Momon rolled his eyes, and then continued stroking her hips. "Women… Very well. As you wish, dear."

Sona felt shivers down her spine from the casual word, and from the fact that the disguised tyrant was holding its end of the deal. And she decided to indulge herself in the fact, the mixed feelings of bedding her tormentor when he showed her kindness causing all sorts of conflicting thoughts in her head but finally settled to a half resigned, half joyed acceptance.

"Haa… Haa…" Sona's breathing grew laboured as she felt her body heat up to the point she could feel sweat running down her spine, the combination of danger the dark lord below her posed, yet the fact she had passed his tests and could call her 'dear' without a lie made her start to get really hot and bothered. Not to mention the libido booster that was starting to properly affect her and making even the slightest touch feel like a passionate caress.

"Haa…" The meat-sword pulsed below her as she rubbed her body against it, and finally lifted herself off it so it could spring upright after getting squished between the two bodies. She guided its tip to her lower lips and started to slide down the tall body below her, allowing the shaft to start filling her insides and stretching the canal to almost tearing point while she rubbed herself on Momon's body.

"Careful…" Momon muttered to Sona's ear and kissed her cheek. "I don't want you to get hurt..."

Sona shivered from pleasure as the fact she had passed the 'test' meant she could actually believe the words Momon spoke to her. Yet, she chose to lower herself even more, filling her body further with the long shaft that started to push against her deepest spot.

"Does it feel good, my lord?" Sona asked as her body flooded her brain with a cocktail of pleasure, numbness and heat from having the foreign meat inside her.

"You don't have to call me 'lord'... But yes." Momon answered. Sona noted that his eyes were closed, almost as if he was sampling in the feeling and evaluating it. "It definitely feels good…"

"I'm glad." Sona started to move, sliding the meat partially out and then sliding it slowly back in, feeling the heat and fullness with each stroke… and then Momon began stroking her back with his hands.

She could tell that Momon wanted to go deeper as he began nudging his hips against hers with each thrust, as Sona had more or less been just sliding perhaps two-thirds of the 'thing' in. The length was enough to fill her entirely, but she wanted to push herself even further.

"Haa... " Sona felt droplets of sweat running down her face and body as the heat radiating from the dark phoenix below her entered her body, turning the lovemaking into a sweaty, sloppy affair.

Sona's motions became sharper, less controlled and more passionate to the point she stopped thinking altogether as the heat continued to radiate and the shaft started to push deeper and deeper with each thrust, eventually reaching the point where Sona felt as if her navel was getting pushed out.

"Haa…" A thrust met thrust, the shaft entering the girl's body and bulging her stomach while the girl cried in pleasure.

"Haa…" The two changed places, the girl becoming pinned under the boy, and the two sweaty bodies rubbed against relentlessly.

"Haa…" Sona could feel her mind start to melt into slush as the meat invaded her deepest reaches, the thrusting alternating between gentle pushes and rough strokes that caused her hips to feel as if they were on fire, in between occasionally flooding and causing the bedsheets to be stained in the two's liquids.

"Aaaah!" A long thrust racked Sona's body as Momon shoved the entire thing in her and caused Sona's breathing to become laboured and desperate, which she alleviated by kissing Momon with desperate fervor and biting his lip. "Yes… In… Deep... Ahh…"

Sona had long since closed her eyes, just focusing on the pleasure and the intoxicating feeling of the Supreme Being's touch as her body, mind and soul had become the dark lord's willing plaything… and he hers. "In, release it in…"

Momon let a grunt and hugged Sona close, the two bodies seemingly becoming as one as the last spasm wracked their bodies and Sona felt the flood valves open for one last time, filling her to the brim and then some.

"Haa… Haa... " Sona panted as the two bodies rubbed against each other in an almost lazy manner after the intensive make-out and lovemaking session. "That… was pleasant…"

"I agree." Momon voiced, causing Sona to smile a bit and kiss his shoulder. "We should do that more often… If you want to."

"Ha... We've done this two times out of the two nights we've spent as fiance and fiancee…" Sona reminded Momon, as if he needed to be reminded. "But yes…"

Momon kissed Sona's neck, drawing a heated sigh from the girl. "One more time? I have more boosters..."

"Haa… I'd like that…"



A plastic and glass frame threatened to crack under the force that gripped it.

Saji Genshirou could only barely hold back his rage as he spied to Momon's bedroom, as he had sneaked into what were apparently the Phenix's adopted son's new quarters after the training between the two Peerages had ended. Or rather, after the humiliation Momon had forced onto Sona's Peerage had ended.

He had taken Yuuto's advice to heart- That was, gather evidence that Momon was abusing Sona, and then present it to Serafall. And what would be a better way of doing that than spying on them when Momon thought they were alone?

The quarters had been locked, but Saji had spotted a pair of maids who had entered the quarters to clean it, and he had managed to slip in when the two maids had entered as they hadn't locked the doors instantly afterwards. He then hid himself in a wardrobe until the maids left.

Saji had then taken his time exploring the quarters for a good spying spot, and located a convenient side-room to Momon's bedroom that had a door-eye that would allow him to record though. The room even came with a bed, the underside of which Saji could use as a hiding spot if someone tried to enter the room.

'I… I'll need to show this to Serafall-sama… Perhaps cut off the end, and just show Momon forcing himself onto Sona… Yes, that should do it…' Saji felt resolute that he'd end Sona's suffering by revealing the mental torture and physical torture Momon had forced Sona to endure.

It had broken Saji's heart to be forced to watch Momon take his time to break Sona's final bastion of resistance and turn her into his mindless sex-thrall. However Saji swore that he'd nurture Sona back to health once Momon was driven off and disgraced, as Momon justly deserved for his monstrous acts.

'It won't be long… I'll save you, Sona-buchou… I swear…' Saji could feel blood trickling down his chin after he had bit into his lip in rage from seeing Momon corrupt the girl Saji loved and then seeing Momon force himself into Sona instantly afterwards. 'I'll save you, if it's the last thing I'll do…'

And so, he kept recording.
