Christians, Holy and Pure Humans! Be warned.
This chapter is basically 70% pure hentai.
Momonga, or rather, Suzuki Saotoru was frozen stiff.
'...Is this truly what I am to them? A monster? Even Ravel… Haa… Then again… It's not like I have given them anything else to go on. And Lady Phenix's reaction when I offered to resurrect her sons… She must have figured that it was something malicious hidden in the wrapping paper of kind words. After all, there's no way a monster like the Supreme Being would do anything out of the goodness of their heart, right?'
Momonga realized that anything he said would be reviewed under the context of him being the 'Supreme Being', and so doing anything else than acting the role he had more or less been assigned because of his own negligence, would end up just digging his own grave deeper. Any kindness would be translated as preamble for something foul, and any good deed would be seen as a preamble of some terrifying plot that he supposedly had.
Momonga realized that, in other words, if he tried to be friendly, or apologetic, or act 'good', he'd only be misunderstood and cause further suffering. 'Not to mention that if I show weakness I'll be swarmed and destroyed… Revealing myself to Lady Phenix was an impulsive action, and I'm lucky that she already knew I was who I really was…'
So, Momonga resisted the urge to sigh as it would likely be misunderstood by Ravel who was crying and begging him to spare her mother while kneeling in front of him, and the said mother was shaking like a leaf in a similar position next to her. '...I'll just have to face the consequences of my actions in a way that doesn't end up with my death. In retrospect it was foolish of me to think that I could just do a one-eighty degree turn… My summons see me as a hidden master with a grand plan, so I shouldn't have expected those who know my true self to see me as anything else… Fine… If that's the role I have to play to make things right… Then I'll bear this weight!'
"You have served me well, Ravel. Very well. I forgive her. … My love." Momonga decreed, even though the fact he needed to speak in such a way with his own wife (or fiancee) caused Suzuki Satoru great shame.
Ravel almost collapsed in relief. "Thank you…Thank you, my lord! My master, my love… Thank you thankyouthankyouthankyouthakshyoush… h-hic… thanshsyouush…"
The girl's words turned mumbly and muted thanks to the rivers of tears and snot that ran down her face, and her body shook violently in her sobs of relief.
'Haa… Well, I hope that this defuses the situation at least a bit… I'll just have to keep these two roles up- The 'True God' in public, and 'The Supreme Being' with those who know who I am… I'm guessing Sona knows as well, based on her earlier behaviour… She acted more or less like Ravel… And Sirzechs and the Maous must have figured it out as well, based on their attack during the peace conference and just now… Although I'm not sure why Beelzebub betrayed Sirzechs…' Momonga closed his eyes and crossed his arms to think, hoping that the motion would be taken by the mother and daughter in front of him as his permission to feel relief. He didn't dare to turn away, as he figured that it could be constituted the wrong way by Ravel as him discarding her in exchange for 'forgiving' her mother- Even though he was the one that had to strive for the pair's forgiveness.
Momonga heard a hesitating footstep, followed by a quick one like if the walker was being pushed, and creaked his eye open to take a look at what was happening in front of him.
Just in time to feel a soft pair of lips land on his.
Lady Phenix was shaking like a leaf while trying to kiss him in an awkward, shaky and frightened manner, while her face was a curious mix of red and green from what Momomga could only guess was anger and revulsion.
'...Figures.' Momonga sighed internally as he knew that sighing externally would be constituted the wrong way. '...She did contract herself as my concubine, and must have figured that it was somehow part of my plan or something, so if I refuse her, she'll jump to some weird conclusion and both she and Ravel will become even more sad and terrified… Haa… I shouldn't have expected anything less from the Ero-World…'
'In other words, I'll just have to accept this, and order Lady Phenix to do something… That should set her at ease, that she thinks she's doing my bidding or something…' Momonga felt awkward but didn't let that show in his posture, as the woman obviously offered herself against her will and that made him uncomfortable accepting her offer. Yet... 'Ravel, based on that speech just now, will freak out if I just say that I forgive everything and then leave… It's going to be bad either way...'
He glanced at the girl in question and saw that she was eyeing the two of them nervously while twiddling her thumbs in a stressed-out way, as she clearly saw the colour of her mother's face and could tell that Lady Phenix was an inch away from vomiting out of stress and disgust.
Momonga sighed, although accidentally in a physical manner, and both Ravel and Lady Phenix froze up. More or less how he predicted that it'd go. 'Haa… Fine…'
He tied his hands around the woman's waist and drew her closer, ignoring a shiver that ran down her spine, and promptly leaned into the kiss.
Lady Phenix was clearly unprepared for such a turn, even though she had initiated it, and tried to pull back. However, Momonga knew that if he allowed her to do so then Ravel would freak out and start begging him to forgive her mother other something equally ridiculous.
So instead he just moved his hand to support the woman's head from behind, and also trapped her to the kiss which he deepened from a simple touch of lips into a hungry, passionate kiss that involved quite a bit of tongue. 'Let's just get this over with...'
"M-Mwha- N-no… Ah…" Lady Phenix struggled weakly and tried to push him off her as Momonga used his body's strength and height to push the woman towards the bedroom while keeping the kiss up, and motioned for Ravel to follow.
Ravel let out a small reassured and almost glad sob and followed, making Momonga fairly certain that his assessment of the mother-daughter pair's mood was correct.
'...Normally I really wouldn't want to do this, but… Ero-world has an ero-way, and since the situation has more or less forced me… It should be alright?' Momonga hoped that he was correct in his assessment, and that he wasn't making a mistake.
Yet without the crutch of suppressed emotions, he suspected that he wouldn't be able to stop even if he wanted to, since the curvy woman against him felt incredibly good. He suspected that his susceptibility to such stimuli was largely because he had been interrupted mid-act with Akeno and had been left in a state of 'blue balls', as Touch Me had put it.
The name of Momonga's old guildmate made him realize how little he had thought about them of late. 'Am I starting to forget? That… I need to think about them… Soon… Ish… But not now…'
The soft pair of lips against his and the curvy, soft body in his hug was starting to make his head heat up, and prioritize things that he normally would just outright ignore. 'I'm sure that the guys won't mind… If I think about something else for a while… Hm… I never realized how big Lady Phenix's breasts were…'
Some rational part of Momonga tried to beg him to consider what he was thinking, and to realize that he was both losing it and turning into a pervert, but the soft, seductive weight under him effectively overwrote his reason.
'...I need to find a way to re-activate [Emotion Suppression] or I'll turn into a sloppy, sorry affair for real…' The last rational part of Momonga's mind was suppressed in turn as he felt another soft, if smaller, weight land on his back and he realized that he had pushed Lady Phenix into his king-sized bed and was lying on top of her while kissing her in a hungry, passionate way, and Ravel had climbed on his back to kiss him in the side of his neck.
Ravel felt incredibly relieved.
Her mother had screwed up in a major way, as she had felt that she might. There was still a spark of resistance, a clinginess to the old ways, that guided the woman's actions.
Ravel had recognized it, yet it had been necessary for her mother to announce her servitude herself. And Ravel had merely shadowed her, waiting for a right time to enter the quarters that were shared between Momon, Ravel, her mother, Rias and Sona. And shared with whatever concubine or side-lover the dark lord would feel like bringing to his bed at night.
She had already sent a message to both Sona and Rias to instruct them to avoid the quarters for the night, and Sona had sent a reply that she'd be spending the night with her sister, as their master had already instructed her, and Rias had sent a message where she agreed to sleep with Akeno as the ex-Queen of now-disbanded Gremory Peerage was apparently going through some emotional struggles that made Rias want to stay by her side throughout the night.
In retrospect Ravel had felt a bit foolish that she even sent the messages in the first place, as the Supreme Being had already made the arrangements for the night.
And so, she had followed her mother hidden from sight, and had stood back to wait for Yasaka to grow frustrated and stomp away from the doors to the Supreme Being's quarters.
The kitsune woman had been trying to eavesdrop into 'Momon's quarters for some reason, yet she grew more and more annoyed. Of course, Ravel knew that she wouldn't be able to eavesdrop upon the Supreme Being if he didn't expressly allow her to do so. Yasaka had finally re-tied her revealing nightgown into something a bit more conservative and huffed in frustration, closed her eyes to calm down, then nodded in what looked like good-natured approval, and finally walked off with brisk, calculated steps.
'Hm… So, Yasaka-sama wanted to eavesdrop on my lord… But couldn't, and approved of my lord's caution… Not to mention, for her to be in that kind of dress in front of his quarters, at this time of night…' Ravel had made a quick mental calculus of the situation and had reached a conclusion. 'In other words, Yasaka-sama is evaluating him. Because Shinto is tied to the human world, which now lies in ruins, and that kitsune child of Yasaka's seemed to call 'Momon' her 'daddy', I'm guessing that Yasaka is trying to charge in for a political marriage in order to get her people moved to the Underworld through 'True God's influence, and is trying to figure out what sort of strings she'd need to pull in order to influence 'Momon'… Kukuku… What a foolish woman… She's playing right into His game…'
However, Ravel had more important matters at hand than feeling dark amusement for Yasaka's soon-to-come torments for daring to attempt to use the Supreme Being as a pawn in her own plans.
Namely, Ravel had felt incredibly worried for her mother. The old devils were often set in their ways, and the longer they lived, the harder it would be for them to break out of those habits. And Lady Phenix's word had come crashing down in mere weeks, a time that would be less than a blink of an eye to someone who had lived as long as Lady Phenix had.
In other words, Ravel could tell that her mother would most likely manage to put her foot in her mouth when faced with the Supreme Being's majesty, and likely get herself into the kind of trouble from which she couldn't just pull herself away from. At least not alone.
While Ravel didn't think that the Supreme Being truly loved her, or valued her as anything above a convenient tool or a devil-shaped bed-warmer, she hoped that against all hope she had enough value that she could use it to beg for her mother's sake. 'Yet, if she has her loyalties with dad, then there's no way my begging would find a purchase… Mom…'
When she had stepped into the room, and seen the worst-case scenario unfold, Ravel had been on the brink of utter despair.
"You have served me well, Ravel. Very well. I forgive her. … My love."
The words practically echoed around Ravel's head, until there was little room for any other thoughts.
He had forgiven Ravel's mother. He had proclaimed His love, again.
She knew that both were likely to be lies, but… She wanted to believe. A naive, foolish part of her wanted to believe that He had spoken truthfully, as unlikely as that was.
She knew that having hope was a fool's errand. That had been shown to her by the Supreme Being over and over again. That he had little love for anyone who 'chose' to side with him, and even less for those that opposed him.
Ravel felt like a foolish, lovesick teenager as she followed the Supreme Being like an obedient dog while the hidden master kissed the still lightly resisting piece of still-sentient meat Ravel called her mother, and led the pair to the bedroom. 'Master… That you forgave her… Thank you… I love you…'
A part of her was quite weirded out by the fact that she was watching her own mother get taken in front of her eyes, and that she'd likely join her in the bed, but the lewd, insane, and utterly broken part of Ravel's mind embraced the feeling.
'Mom… I'll be with you, and with our master… Forever… ' Ravel practically jumped to the Supreme Being's back to rub her body on him after taking her own clothes off with shaky, post-adrenaline surge fingers. 'Ah… So warm… haa…'
She knew that His touch was like burning ember, a courtesy of whatever dark magic he must have cast upon the guise he wore. A flame like those of Phenix, yet darker, more sinister… More seductive to beings like Devils, who were drawn to power like moths to flame.
Ravel realized that she was no exception. And, if she could guess about her mother, the emotional abuse and bruising she'd have received before Ravel's entry would have likely left her in a state where she'd be easily influenced.
'He has burnt dad out of mom's body… And now all that remains is for Him to leave his own brand upon her skin, to claim her as his… Like he has claimed me, and so many others… Kukuku…' Ravel welcomed it, if not only because she'd be closer than ever to her mother that way- Fellow slaves, serving the same master, warming the same bed. Yet, more importantly… They'd be safer there than as mere disposable outsiders, as clueless and unwitting pawns in the Supreme Being's grand play.
"M-mwha- Hie.. N-no… get… I can't…" Lady Phenix struggled weakly and took a deep breath as 'Momon's lips released hers for a moment.
Ravel could tell that the woman would likely just open her mouth to put her foot in it once again, so she slipped off her lord's back in order to lie next to her mother and kiss her on the lips in the same hungry way as her lord had.
The blonde woman had closed her eyes, but they shot wide open as she must have felt the change in the softness of the lips on hers, and looked directly into Ravel's eyes.
She froze utterly, and Ravel licked her mother's tongue in a passionate, horny way that seemed to break something in Lady Phenix.
Even more so as Momon tore the nightgown the woman had donned herself in off her body, revealing her soft, white skin and curves.
Lady Phenix tried to push Ravel off, and Ravel pushed herself deeper into the kiss. Partially because the lips against hers felt so good, partially because the sinful, corruptive and forbidden feeling being utterly irresistible for a devil, and partially because she wanted to keep her mother from speaking any further- Speaking words that were not needed, and which would only serve to damn them both.
"You'll learn… mwah… and you'll break soon… slurp… nnnh… And then we'll be there… ah… to put the pieces back together…" Ravel slurped and mumbled into the kiss, causing the woman to squirm. Although it might have been because 'Momon' had snuck a hand between Lady Phenix's legs and was touching the woman directly, causing her legs to clench together in a vain attempt to resist Him. "And we'll be together… Mom… ahaa…. as fellow cock-sleeves… for eternity… slurp… haha… Mom, you're so tasty…"
Lady Phenix's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and Ravel slapped her to bring her back before her mother could pass out and miss the fun of the coming intercourse.
She then moved to fondle the woman's boobs, and moved down to slurp and suck on one of them as Momon took her place in kissing the woman in his savage, hungry way that made Ravel instantly jealous.
It seemed that he could tell, which didn't really surprise Ravel, as he reached for the daughter as well and nearly raped her mouth with his forceful, beast-like kiss. Nearly, because Ravel consented and responded in kind, causing thick strings of saliva to form between the two faces and flow down their chins.
"R-Ravel…" Lady Phenix's voice was weak, and then muted as the two that were kissing above her head turned to give her a similar primordial and savage kiss. "Gha… slurp… H-haan… Ahn… This…"
"Accept it, mom… Kukuku…" Ravel licked the woman's cheek and trailed her tongue down her throat to place a kiss on the roof of her throat, both to serve to remind her of her fragility as while she had gained some 'miniaturized' abilities of Phenix blood through carrying so many sons and a daughter for a 'true phoenix', she did not have a true [Regeneration] or other means of truly resisting Him if he chose to 'play' with her like he had played with Ravel.
In other words, if He decided to choke and kill the woman, she'd stay dead… Until He'd bring her back.
Ravel let out a chuckle at her own foolishness for forgetting something so elementary, and instead chomped down on the curvy and vulnerable woman's throat. Not quite enough to draw blood, but enough to cause her concentration to wane from panic. Which was enough for the dark master to pry Lady Phenix's legs open and place himself between them.
Ravel licked her mother's throat and then put a few of her fingers down her mouth when the woman was about to say something outside mumbled pleas and gasps. 'Soon that hesitation turns to a mewl of pleasure, mom… Just you wait… Kukuku… You're but a feeble, simple woman, much like me… Ahh… Break us… Master…'
Ravel felt as something grabbed her by the hips, and looked down to see that Momon had grabbed her by the waist and had hoisted her up so that she lied on top of her mother, their breasts squishing against one another… And then felt a pair of lips and a tongue move to ravage her lower lips. 'AH- Ahaha- Nh….'
She mushed her lips against her mother's while letting out obscene moans and clenched her thighs around Momon's head. And her mother let out a surprised gasp and froze utterly still in response.
Ravel pulled from the kiss and looked down between their squished breasts to see that Momon had inserted his rod into the woman, and she was trying feebly to kick him off her. But thanks to Ravel being on top of her, and the woman's strength waning thanks to the psychological assault and battery, she only managed to twitch like a wounded animal while her womb was speared.
"Kukuku… Accept him… Ahn… Mhn… Momon-sama… Yesh… feels… incredible… deeper, harder…" Ravel's instruction to her mother turned into a mewl of pleasure as the lips that were glued to her lower lips moved again, eating her out like if she was a delicious treat, followed by a sucking feeling practically caused her hips to quiver, and her sex to give out in pleasure, alongside what she felt was gallons of her love-nectar.
"R-Ravel, you… I… He's… but your… father…" The woman below Ravel let out some irrelevant words, and Ravel reached to give her a obscene, saliva-filled deep-tongue kiss.
"Shush now, mom… You're a cock-sleeve, and good cock-sleeves only moan and mewl… H-hyan… Haa…" Ravel put a finger on the woman's lips after pulling from the kiss, even though the woman's protests had ceased after the deep-tongue kiss and had turned into gasps for air. And Ravel knew that she'd share the same fate as her loins were about to burst from the motions the Supreme Being inflicted on her sex with his tongue.
"Nhg!" Lady Phenix's back arched and Ravel looked down to see that she had managed to clench her legs together and twist them to the side, albeit that had failed to pull Him out of her, only changing the position from which he penetrated her. And it looked like the woman's abdomen had a bulge of considerable size, cluing Ravel that the change in motion had likely caused all sorts of sensations for the woman.
Yet, Ravel had little time to think about such things as her own vision became cross-eyed and her eyes rolled upwards from the sheer power of her own orgasm as the Supreme Being gave her lower lips one last kiss that caused her legs to clench around the Supreme Being's face as if she was trying to pop his head like a melon, and at the same time spit flowed down her chin as she failed to keep her maniacal, euphoric ahegao-expression in check. Even more so as the Supreme Being let go of her hips, allowing her to lower herself to hump her mother's hips in her aftershock.
And instead of allowing her a moment to wind down her own orgasm, the man reached to grab her throat from behind with two hands.
Sufficient to say, Ravel's ahegao turned even more obscene as she was forced into a choked kiss with her mother and the hot schlong pulled out of her mother only to insert itself into Ravel's cavern, still coated in her mother's juices.
"Ravel! No- Mgh!" It seemed that Lady Phenix had panicked upon seeing Ravel pull such a face in front of her, but was pinned under two bodies and had her lips smushed against her daughter's in a kiss that was utterly immoral and obscene not only due to the familiar relation but also because of the intensity of it.
The parts of Ravel's head that were still capable of formulating rational thoughts could only marvel how deep two humanoid beings could kiss as she was forced to practically rape her mother's mouth with the kiss, all the while her womb was being hammered with the hot, jizz-covered rod that caused her hips to lose all sensation with each thrust, only for her [Regeneration] to restore it so the chain of mind-breaking pleasure could continue.
'K-khuhuhu… There's no other woman who could withstand this… the full force of His lust… Ahaha…' Ravel's eyes had black spots dancing on them from lack of oxygen which was both restricted by the two hands on her throat, and exhaled with each thrust that gouged her insides. "H-Hueeehg… H-hurgh…"
"Ravel! No! I'm sorry, Momon-sama! No, Momon-kakka! Please, please… Don't…" The vain woman below Ravel let desperate sounds and Ravel felt as the woman opened her legs wide in invitation, even though the daughter's eyes couldn't quite see anymore.
Ravel felt her whole body shake and convulse from the force of her orgasm as she realized that the 'rough play' that both her and her lord liked to play had a different meaning for the mother, who must have thought that it was a punishment intended for her- To watch her last child get choked to death on top of her.
Even if both knew that something as mundane as choking wouldn't kill a Phoenix, seeing such a thing must have caused Lady Phenix a lot of pain- Which Ravel realized was fitting, since the woman had resisted him to the end. Feebly, perhaps, but she had still resisted. 'H-Hahahaha! Even now, as you're… Nhh… Filling my womb… There's another plan on top of that… H-hahah… You truly are the master of plans, my lord… Hn… so hot… So much… I'll melt… My womb will melt…'
Ravel's insides felt like they were on fire and about to be pulled out of her body as the massive rod withdrew, yet without leaving a empty feeling as she had been utterly filled by thick white baby-batter that oozed down from between her legs, alongside her consciousness oozing out of her head thanks to the two-handed choke-hold around her throat.
'Such a shame… Ah…' The pair of hands let her throat go, and Ravel took a ragged breath while her eyesight re-focused itself.
She slid herself up...
And she promptly sat on her mother's face, causing the mix of her nectar and Momon's white stuff to flow against Lady Phenix's mouth. "Drink, mom… Nhm… Ahh… yes… Like that…"
It looked like the woman had finally broken, as seeing her daughter get choked on top of her must have broken whatever resistance and hesitation she might have had. And Ravel purred in pleasure as her mother licked and sucked her lower lips, coaxing thick ropes of baby-batter from within Ravel's inner chambers and down the woman's throat.
Yet, as soon as Ravel managed to open her mouth for a dreamy sigh, a pair of lips claimed her mouth and sent her consciousness float on clouds from the sweet, peaceful kiss that the Supreme Being gave her… Which quickly turned into a obscene mumble of moans and groans between two lips as Momon upped the intensity.
Moreover, Ravel practically felt the Supreme Being insert himself into the supple and curvy woman below the two, as Lady Phenix had opened her legs wide in invitation. Mostly to protect Ravel, but Ravel noticed that the woman's crotch was practically flowing with liquids of her own. 'Ahaha... You're so cute when you're hesitant, mom...'
Ravel noted that the woman's thighs seemed to quiver in fright, which made her snort into the kiss she shared with Momon. 'You'll learn… Ahhhm… You'll learn what it is like to be a living flesh-toy, mom… But we'll be together, and that's what matters… And it feels so good… I'll melt… Haa… '
Her lips and hips quivered as Lady Phenix stuffed her tongue into Ravel's love-hole to coax and slurp more baby-batter out of her, while moving one of her hands to Ravel's abdomen in order to stroke it so that more of the stuff would come from within her thoroughly packed womb.
Ravel reached down to stroke the curvy woman's hips and sides, and swat at her breasts in a playful manner.
The kiss between Ravel and Momon broke into hungry, animalistic search of lips and the Supreme Being latched onto Ravel's neck, before sliding down to nibble and slurp at her breasts.
Ravel let out a scream of ecstasy in turn, and smushed her hips harder against her mother's face to reinforce the feeling that came from her chest and hips. And at the same time saw that the man-shaped monster's nectar-coated meat was like a piston as he thrust into the pile of quivering pile of curves and breasts that Ravel vaguely remembered was her mother.
"Unfair… I want to be ravaged… Again… Nh…" Ravel mewled half-mindedly as her once-sharp mind had stopped feeling like a calm lake or sharp glacier, and was instead like a cum-stained steam.
A sucking feeling came from below, and Ravel felt her womb open just a bit to let some of the baby-batter from inside her. And she promptly lifted her hips off her mother's face in a jealous motion. "Mom! Stoop… I want Momon-sama's babies…"
The man in question paused for a while… Before he pulled out of Lady Phenix with a sudden, wet schlurp that caused the woman's entire body to shiver and convulse.
Ravel found herself on top of her mother again, except that she was facing towards the Supreme Being like if her mother was but a comfortable and warm mattress to lie on.
And then the schlong inserted itself again into her depths, causing her belly to swell a bit… Followed by rapid piston-like movement that caused her mind to utterly break alongside her hips. "Ahn! Ahn! N-haa! I… I lovesh… I lovesh this… Yesh… More… harder… Br-breakh! Break meee!"
Ravel felt as her head let out a 'snap', like a vein popping, and her vision suddenly went black while her expression went from a euphoria to a utterly stupid expression like that of a dumb slut whose mind had utterly left her body.
[Regeneration] bounced her back, and she looked down to see that her belly resembled that of a woman who was four months into pregnancy or so, and realized that her master must have raped her unconscious body at least a dozen times while her head was repairing itself, each time shooting his load directly inside her womb until her womb had stretched to the state it was in, "H-hehehe ehehehe… Thaaaanks maaster… Noowh… Give this dumb slut… my mom… a child too… ehehe…"
"R-Ravel! I was so worried, and- Kya!" Ravel looked up to see that Lady Phenix had cradled Ravel's head and her face was pale… And then her expression broke into that of a dumb slut as Ravel felt the schlong leave her and re-insert into something below her. Which Ravel could tell that was Lady Phenix' lower lips.
"Hng- I…" Lady Phenix's expression tried to return to a normal, haughty one, but Ravel pulled the woman into a upside-down kiss.
"Let's be pregnant together… And raise our children together… Mommy… I love you…" Ravel whispered to her mother's ear.
It seemed that the words had finally pushed something critically over the edge, as Lady Phenix's expression went from resistance to that of a utterly broken slut.
"Ahaha… Mommy… Your ahegao face is the best… Ahaha…" Ravel giggled and clenched her legs together in order to stop any of the white stuff from leaving her body.
Ravel turned to her side to allow Momon to properly breed her mother, and lied on her side next to Lady Phenix to watch as the man mounted the curvy woman in a way that caused her breasts to squish and jiggle like pudding, all the while her body shook from the force of the breeding.
Ravel chuckled as she saw that Lady Phenix's expression had become stuck to one of mindless ahegao, befitting of what would be her new role.
"H-hooo! H-hong…. H-ho….. hooong…" Lady Phenix was letting obscene, pig-like sounds as the massive pipe rearranged and gouged her insides into it's liking, causing the woman's stomach to bulge with each thrust and her meaty thighs to clench against Momon's sides.
Ravel crawled forwards in a delicate manner while having her legs clenched together, trying to keep the white stuff from escaping her body, and placed a gentle kiss to her mother's cheek at the same time as Momon reached to grasp Lady Phenix's throat with one hand… Although Ravel could tell from the grip that he wasn't applying any real pressure with it.
"Nhgu!" Lady Phenix's tongue stuck out of her mouth while she became cross-eyed and she let out a choking sound, like a dumb slut whose rational mind had been utterly replaced with cocks and the man-milk they produced. Her single-drill blonde hair had come loose at some point, like Ravel's, and the woman's golden blonde hair flowed down on the bed in a way that made the woman resemble a curvier, slightly taller version of Ravel.
"Ahaha… That looks suits you, mom…" Ravel kicked her legs in the air daintily as she moved to lie on her stomach a bit… Even though the motion caused some of the white stuff to escape her body and flow from between her legs. "Mhn… Ah… Such a waste… Ahn! Thanks, dear…"
The man-like monster mounting Lady Phenix had reached to plug Ravel's 'leaking hole' with his finger, allowing her to relax in peace. "Ahh… Your finger is so warm… Mnhh… I love you two, mom, my lord…"
The dark lord in question let a grunt and Lady Phenixs's back arched to a half-circle, while her abdomen swelled with the jet of sticky stuff that shot into her and her voice turned into a obscene, prolonged moan of a dumb slut cumming the rest of her brains out through her lower lips.
Ravel reached to kiss her mother on the lips in a dainty, innocent manner which contrasted spectacularly with the dumb, broken and mindless cum-covered expression her mother had on her face…
Yasaka of Shinto congratulated herself for her steel-hard grip as she clung to one of the exterior pillars of Phenix estate and had been spying into Momon's bedroom.
She had been quite upset when Momon had just outright ignored her in favor of Lady Phenix, but in retrospect it fit his persona- After all, it looked like Lady Phenix was quite upset and her words had been filled with venom when she had spoken with Yasaka. And Momon had seen Lady Phenix's mood instantly, and had likely figured that Yasaka didn't really have anything truly time-sensitive that she wanted to talk to him about. Thus he had prioritized Lady Phenix in a move that both annoyed Yasaka and reassured her that Momon was quite warm and caring person on the inside- And that he made decisions based on emotions rather than logic, as logically speaking ignoring the representative of a major faction was most of the time a bad move.
Yaska had decided to eavesdrop a bit, but there had been some sort of anti-eavesdropping field in the room, making her a bit frustrated that she didn't manage to listen in on the two's conversation as it would have given her ample information on Momon's behavioral habits.
Moreover, Yasaka had sensed that there had been some girl hiding behind the corner of the hallway, watching Yasaka, so she had just made a theatheric of being frustrated and stomped off before anyone could conclude that she was up to no good and sent guards to figure out what Yasaka was doing.
Still, she was not content just leaving empty-handed so she had hopped out of a window after turning a corner in the hallway, and skittered her way through the castle-manor's stone wall and stopped in front of a window she figured was part of Momon's quarters.
Initially she had planned to slip inside, but the door of the bedroom had opened before she had managed to open the windows' lock.
And what had followed had been… Interesting.
'...Now I feel like I dodged an arrow…' Yasaka sweated bullets as she looked through the makeup mirror into the room where the trio of Momon, one of his wives, and Lady Phenix were gently kissing each other after the man had stuffed both of the women completely full of white stuff over what felt like hours. '...Alright. Getting shooed off at the door was clearly for the better, all things considered, even if it was quite embarrassing… I should probably prepare a bit…'
'I suppose I have all I need to know about Momon... I should try to ambush him tomorrow. When he's alone.' Yasaka clicked the makeup-mirror back to it's carrying configuration and skittered off along the stone works of the estate's walls, slipped back into the corridor through the window she had used previously after checking that the coast was clear, and walked calmly towards the quarters that she and Kunou had been assigned while checking that her nightgown was immaculate. 'The tengu's probably know potions or herbs that can be used to prolong one's 'prowess'... I need to get some of those if I try the 'seduction' method with Momon…'
She remembered Lady Phenix's expression at the end, and a cold shiver ran down Yaska's neck… Alongside some messed-up expectation that made her hips feel unusually warm. 'Not just 'some', I need to overdose on those herbs if I want to stand a chance… Haaa… No, I am not looking forward to that! This is a financial transaction and to give Kunou a father figure! Gah!'