Vexing news

"So, why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

"You're so cold, Keita-chan. Can't you be nicer to me~~~?"

"Ugh, how many times have I told you not to call me Keita-chan? And stop with that girly tone. It's creeping me out." I stopped for a yawn. "Now tell me what business you have with me so I can go back to do my own."

"Oh? What were you doing? Writing? Reading? Playing with little Fukuharu? Or perhaps being in a daze imagining the entire world burning?"

"The only one I would imagine burning right now would be you, Kota-san. Can't you just get down to business quickly so I can go back to sleep? I've written a hundred good pages last night, making up for more than half a manuscript, and I am really spent."

"Amazing! As expected of my Keita-chan." Kota-san sounded prideful, then shifted to a gossiper tone. "So, what business were you about to attend? I'm really curious to know."

"I was just about to have a meeting with someone." I grumbled into the phone.

"Oh? A meeting? With whom? Someone I know?"

"The God of Sleep. I'm sure you know him as well. Now, talk quickly because he is waiting for me."

"Pffft, hahaha!" Kota-san chuckled. "You're so cute Keita-chan. No worries, this God of yours has been waiting for thousands of years. I'm sure he can wait for a few minutes longer."

Hearing his derisive tone almost made me throw my phone in anger. Just as I was about to start expressing my overflowing killing intent, I heard Kota-san use a more serious tone.

"The reason I called you this early in the morning is because I have big news for you."

"Big news?" I asked, letting go of my previous vexation. He rarely got so serious.

"Yes. My superiors said they liked the style of your latest story and they wished to promote it further. They have also received an offer to make it into a movie next year so they wanted me to ask for your opinion."

"A movie? But wouldn't the budget for such a movie be too much? It is a historical fiction after all, with lots of action scenes, fancy costumes and whatnot. What company can finance such a large production?"

"You don't need to worry about that. As the author of the original story, they want to know if they have your approval to discuss it further. Once the details have been established, you'll be asked to come for a meeting with that company's representatives."

"Alright. I don't like troublesome things, though, so I'll leave it in your care. As for a movie being made... You have my approval."

I tried to sound cool and disinterested but in reality, I was happily squealing inside.

Having a movie made after a story I worked hard to bring to life is a wish come true for any novelist; or at least that was the case for me.

The setting of the story is ancient China so there are a lot of things to be taken into consideration when choosing the locations, backgrounds, venues used for indoor filming, as well as clothes and accessories. It is not easy bringing to life such a scenery, but I would really love to see my story on the big screen.

"If that's everything, then I'll excuse myself. Have a nice..." But before I managed to finish my sentence, Kota-san interrupted me in a flutter.

"Wait! Wait, Keita-chan! I still have more to say. see... Something happened here at the company. Some... Changes..."

"Eh? Changes?"

I had a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that I wouldn't like Kota-san's next words. He only fumbled with his words like this when he had to say something unpleasant.

"Well... You know, Haruka-chan she... Well, she... Uhm, she kind of..."

"Kind of what? Spit it out Kota-san or I swear I'll find a way to strangle you through the phone." I threw at him through gritted teeth. This fumbling and stuttering were making my nerves tense up like a bowstring. It gave me a very unpleasant feeling.

"She got... Married?" Kota-san spoke in a low voice, almost like a whisper.

"Kota-san, are you asking me or telling me?"

"Telling you. Of course, I'm telling you!"

"Then why say it in a questioning tone?"

"Well, I was afraid of you blowing your top at me."

"It's not too late for that to happen, you know. But why would I get mad at you? Send her my congratulations."

Certainly, I may not like human relations too much and prefer to keep my distance, but I can understand how others might want to be together with someone else. Therefore, for a bright and beautiful woman like Haruka-san to get married must be a joyous occasion.

"Then, you're not angry?" Kota-san asked with an obvious tone of relief. "Aaaah, I'm so relieved. I was sure you'd chew me out like a dog biting on a bone."

"Hey! Who are you calling a dog?! Though, you kind of look like a bone, white skinned and scrawny."

Why am I being so chatty with him this morning? Even spewing up nonsense like this. Something must be wrong with me. I should hang up soon and get back to sleep or else I won't be able to rest until late into the night. A moment later, I heard Kota-san's cheery voice sounding from the other side of the phone.

"Then let me tell you about the new editor who's going to take care of you from now on."

"Eh?" I blinked quietly before the information got assimilated by my tired brain. "Eeeeeeh?!" I finally screeched like a mad banshee.

What did he just say?! New editor?! What's going on here?

"Kota-san, perhaps I might have heard you wrong. Did you just say new editor?"

"Well yes, of course. Since Haruka-chan has gotten married she will be quitting her job. Apparently, her husband is a rich businessman and his company is located in a different city. So, she'll be moving there with him. Quitting the company is only logical in this situation."

"Logical?! There is nothing logical about it! What about me?!" I yelled, panic starting to swell inside my chest.

I had barely gotten used to Haruka-san's visits. Having to get used to someone else, and so suddenly too... Impossible!