Heart stirring warmth

Upon hearing my question, Yumi-chan's pace slowed down, and she strained her neck to look up at me. She blinked her eyes several times, looking thoroughly confused. I slowed down as well to match with her pace and held her gaze.

After a few seconds of silent communication, I saw her nodding her head slowly.

"Yes, I guess I can do that. But Masato-san, you don't have to trouble yourself with me. I can just sit quietly until uncle Rin comes to pick me up."

"It's no trouble. Having something to occupy your time will make it fly faster, don't you think so?"

"I guess."

Really, what a serious child, I couldn't help but think again. She could show a little more enthusiasm.

"Then let's stop by the store before we go up." I said, making a left towards the neighborhood store that sold all sorts of things. There should be something for Yumi-chan there.

The afternoon passed calmly afterwards. Yumi-chan was quite pleased with the coloring books and crayons I bought for her. But what she liked even more than those, was Fukuharu.

The moment she entered the apartment and saw the cat her eyes began to sparkle like diamonds. She kept her thoughts hidden, but I could see the happiness showing on her face. Her blooming smile and childish embarrassment in trying to hide her real feelings made me smile to myself. For the first time I got curious to know what was really going on inside her head.

Hence, I took the initiative to bump into her slightly. I cannot say for sure if I regretted it afterwards, but I can safely declare that my brain went numb from the noise. After hearing several 'kyaaaa's and 'waaaaa's I decided to spare myself and kept my distance.

Yumi-chan really liked Fukuharu very much. She played with the cat more than she spent coloring. Perhaps I should have counted on my cat's natural charm to keep her entertained and not buy her any books. But it was too late to regret it now. Besides, she would have to spend a few more afternoons here with me and the initial enthusiasm for the cat might dwindle after a while.

A few hours passed in this manner and it was time for Kurosawa-san to arrive.

While I spent my time in front of the computer, Yumi-chan had exhausted herself between chasing Fukuharu around the apartment and drawing. Consequently, she ended up falling asleep on the carpet, a crayon still dangling from her fingers. Sheets of colored paper were spread around her legs and Fukuharu was curled up on top of them.

I had to admit, the image was rather lovely. It gave me a warm and fluffy feeling inside. I haven't spent so much time with another person, apart from Kurosawa-san, in so many years that I forgot how nice it can be. Especially when that person is such a quiet and cute child, like Yumi-chan.

Fearing that she might catch a cold if she sleeps on the floor, I bent down and scooped her up in my arms. She was sleeping profoundly and probably dreaming of something nice, if the smile on her face was any indicator.

Children can be really simple. They eat, play around, then fall asleep and slip into their own dreamworld, where they can continue to play safely and be happy. If some adults were more like them, perhaps I could trust them better.

I took Yumi-chan to the bedroom and placed her on the bed, then covered her with a warm blanket. I hesitated to leave and spent a couple more seconds watching her sleep. Her breaths were steady and her chest was rising and falling steadily.

From where I stood, she looked like a small doll. Before I realized, my lips curved upward into a warm smile.

The sound of a knock brought me back from my thoughts. Kurosawa-san was here.

The moment I opened the door he slipped inside and analyzed me carefully.

"Masato-sensei, are you alright?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I blinked at him in confusion. What was this person thinking?

"Was Yumi-chan good? Did she do anything to upset you or did she tire you out with her rambles and… thoughts?"

Ah, so that's what he was worrying about.

Before I could stop it, a chuckle escaped through my lips. This person was really strange. Instead of worrying about a strange man doing something to his niece, he was actually worried about his niece doing something to that man.

"Yumi-chan is a very good child. She was cute and obedient. Shouldn't you be more worried about her, rather than me?"

"Masato-sensei, you don't know but Yumi-chan she… she is a… well a handful."

"A handful?" I asked in surprise. She didn't look that way to me.

After all, she had been so quiet and reserved all the time. At that moment, it had completely escaped my mind how in the beginning she kept thinking that I am beautiful like an idol or how she decided to randomly pair me with her uncle.

"Yes, a handful." Kurosawa-san repeated firmly. "She is a chatterbox and she inherited her mother's hyped squeals and screams, especially when she sees something she likes. Ah!" Kurosawa-san cried out suddenly, almost making me jump. "How did she react when she saw Fukuharu?"

"Well, she did seem happy to play with the cat, but other than that she said nothing." I said pensively.

Indeed, I could only hear those squeals of happiness only after touching her arm. She kept everything to herself.

"Huh?! Is that really so?" Kurosawa-san asked. It was now his turn to blink in confusion.

"Yes. She played with him a lot. I also bought her some coloring books and crayons, so she wouldn't get too bored if she doesn't want to watch TV or read."

Kurosawa-san remained quiet for a moment. His face expressed extreme disbelief. I could also detect a peculiar glint in his eyes, like he was pleasantly surprised, but also something else, something odd that I couldn't quite explain.

It baffled me and his gaze made my skin break into goosebumps. That he would look at me like that, what could possibly be the cause?

Before I could think further into it, Kurosawa-san broke into laughter and shook his head.

"I'm relieved to know she behaved so well. Probably she was warned by Amami-chan or perhaps it was because you two are still not well acquainted. Either way, I am glad." He stopped and looked around. "Where is she? We should be going now. My house is quite far from here and she still needs to take a shower and go to bed."

"She fell asleep while playing and I took her to the bedroom. It hasn't been long since she fell asleep." I said, pointing towards the bedroom door.

"Thank you, Masato-sensei." Kurosawa-san bowed his head, a smile still hanging on his lips.

"No need." I replied, looking away from him.

A strange feeling of softness crawled and scratched at my heart at that moment.

Really, it appeared that this pair of uncle and niece had the same effect on me. Giving me these warm and fluffy tugs… so unfair!