Setting up a business meeting

When we finally got back to my apartment, it was my turn to receive a phone call. It was Kota-san wanting to speak about the meeting with the financer for the movie.

"I have given them your reply and they want to have a proper meeting next week. Are you good for Tuesday during lunch?"

"Yes. Tuesday is good. Are you also coming?" I asked, going to my desk and marking the day in the calendar.

"No. I have something else going on then. I will ask Kurosawa-kun to join you. He is your editor after all, so it should be good enough."

"Alright. Sounds good."

"Will you be alright?" Kota-san suddenly asked.

"Of course. It's just business talk over lunch, right? There shouldn't be anything to worry about." I said simply.

I was feeling surprisingly calm about this upcoming meeting. Even more so, thinking that I wouldn't be alone. Kurosawa-san would be there with me. Therefore, everything would surely be alright.

"Ah, by the way. How is Kurosawa-kun doing?"

"Ha? Why are you asking about him all of a sudden?" I replied in bafflement. I just couldn't keep up with Kota-san's abrupt change of subject.

"Hasn't he been staying at your place these past few days? I just wanted to know if he behaved well or not." Kota-san said breezily.

Nevertheless, I could hear his teasing tone, making it easy to imagine the look of amusement he had.

"He told you?" I asked, feeling somewhat surprised. After all, he didn't say anything to his sister so why speak about it to his boss?

"Nah, When I saw him leaving on time every day, I asked him if he had gotten himself a girlfriend and he fessed up."

"So, you forced him to tell you something personal?"

"I asked and, since I'm his boss, he naturally replied." Kota-san stopped and hearing silence from my end he continued with a low chuckle. "And I may have threatened him with taking away his bonus next month."

Just as I thought. An overbearing boss who likes to tease and threaten his subordinates.

"Doesn't that make you an abuser of power?" I asked, letting out a deep sigh and brushing a hand over my forehead.

"Hey, I gave him a way out, didn't I? He could have chosen the girlfriend route, but instead he mentioned you. How is it my fault that he's too damn honest?!"

"You're right. Kurosawa-san is sometimes too honest for his own good." I stopped for a second. "It's what I like about him, though." I continued in a quiet voice, not realizing that my tone softened quite a bit, nor that Kota-san had picked up on it.

"Can I come over?"

"What for?" I asked wearily.

"I want to see you playing house together with Kurosawa-kun." Kota-san said.

I could hear his snickers from the other end of the phone. He didn't even try to hide the enjoyment he got from teasing me.

"Shut up! I'm hanging up now."

"Ok, ok. I know you're shy so I will stop teasing you…"

"Goodbye!" I interrupted him and directly hung up the call.

A few seconds later I received a message from Kota-san.

'Don't forget about the meeting next week.' He wrote.

I felt like sighing. How could I possibly forget about it? It was an important moment for my newborn courage to face the world.


Tuesday came quicker than I could imagine. One moment I was still enjoying a pleasant Sunday at home, and the next I was on my way to meet the bigshots from the financial and movie-making industry.

That morning I received a fax from Kota-san, containing information about the people I would be meeting in a few hours.

The corporation that offered the funds for making the movie was called Nozomu Financial. Their representative was Managing Director Asakura Ryuu.

At 35 years old he was already a big figure in the financial world. With a lot of achievements under his belt and the support of other managers in the company, Asakura Ryuu had made a name for himself in the business. It appeared that the president of the company favored him quite a lot and so he gained the freedom to proceed with several investment ideas without having to report beforehand.

The other two people who would be joining us were from the production company. They were film director Mayama Kenta and movie producer Fukuoka Shintarou.

Kota-san told me very little about them. He only mentioned that they were willing to work with us as per the contract conditions. Apparently, they were men in their late thirties, early forties. They both had worked together on a few other projects, which had all been a booming success. Also, their individual achievements weren't to be ignored either. Awards, nominations, prizes and trophies; they both had more than a handful of those warming up their shelves at home.

Looking at the data, that meant I was the least accomplished one out of all of them.

It's true that my books have sold well, but I can't say I became a sensation. Compared to these people's hot successes, mine can only be said to be lukewarm at best. Furthermore, if you take age into consideration, excluding Kurosawa-kun, I would be the youngest.

So, can someone like me really talk business with those heavy figures from their respective industry?

Trying to support my troubled mind with encouraging thoughts, I drove like a robot, not paying attention to the scenery.

Before I knew it, I had arrived at the restaurant. Unfortunately, it was half an hour earlier than the agreed time.

If I was able to handle crowded places, I would probably spend some time walking around the shops in the nearby area. There were lots of clothing stores, jewelry shops and a few coffee shops.

But, when I saw the rivers of people walking to and fro along the street, I couldn't bring myself to enter any one of those places.

Under these circumstances, there was nothing to be done than to get inside and wait.