By Chance

She thinks to herself. Just as she fights with herself to reach a hand out she is interrupted by Lucy.

Lucy "Hey Shiori, check this out."

She crumples up a piece of paper into a ball. Shiori watches confused but starts to get what is going to happen.

Shiori "Hey, wait. Don't-"

Before she could finish, Lucy throws the paper ball at the side of Hikigaya's head.

Shiori "What did you do that for?!"

Shiori gets infuriated with Lucy.

Shiori 'Of course she is a bully too. Why wouldn't she be?! She's just like everyone else!'

Before she could react upon her thoughts however, Lucy speaks.

Lucy "Hey, Hiki. C'mon don't ignore us. It's not our fault you suck at videogames."

Hikigaya "Don't speak to me, heathen. I tried to beat that level for months and you come and beat it first try…"

Hikigaya hides his face even more in his arms, depressed at Lucy's impressive videogame skills.

Chizuru "Cheer up Hiki! I'm sure there's some game out there that Lucy can't beat you on."

Lucy "No, there isn't. I truly demolish him in every game we play."

Chizuru smiles nervously, sweating trying to cheer him up. Shiori looks around confused, realizing that they already know each other and Lucy wasn't being mean. Well, not entirely.

Shiori 'I guess he's not…'

Suddenly, Hikigaya sits up and sniffs a bit of the air. Shiori looks confused.

Hikigaya "They're here…"

Shiori stares before getting startled by a loud voice.

Haru "Hiki! I knew that large grey hair belonged to you!"

Hikigaya is slapped on the back by a big open hand. Hikigaya is also startled by this and turns around quickly to look who hit him. His eyes widened with surprise and joy.

Hikigaya "Haru! Ryuji! I knew it was you!"

A cool looking boy, Ryuji Sato, stands behind the tall ball of sunshine, Haru Tanaka. Hikigaya stands up happily and hugs Haru who happily hugs him back. Shiori stares almost in awe that Hikigaya has friends. She then notices Ryuji specifically. She looks at him as he glistens in the light.

Shiori 'So cute!'

She shakes her head hard.

Shiori 'Wait no! What am I thinking? He's just a boy like all the others. But he's so… pretty…'

The others continue to talk while she thinks to herself.

Ryuji "We knew Lucy and Chizuru were in this class but we weren't sure about you."

Hikigaya "What? Think I'm not smart enough to make it?"

Ryuji side smiles a bit and shrugs.

Hikigaya "Gee, thanks for believing in me…"

Lucy "Can you blame us? Your test scores were always just below mine and we all know how well I study."

They laugh a bit while Hikigaya gets embarrassed about the topic. Hikigaya then notices Shiori just sitting there staring at them, lost in her daydream. He feels like she's being left out.

Hikigaya "Ryuji, Haru, meet Shiori. She's the girl I've been assigned to."

Haru "Hi! I'm Haru Tanaka! Hiki has told us lots about you already! Well, what he's seen anyway. I hope we get to know you better though!"

Haru smiles at her brightly and waves. Ryuji takes a step forward to introduce himself.

Ryuji "My name is Ryuji Sato. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He leans over to her and puts his hand out for a shake. She blushes, thinking how attractive he is. She snaps out of it quickly though and shakes his hand. She looks away still blushing but from embarrassment this time.

Shiori "Shiori Inabi…"

Ryuji was smiling at her but stopped and got a surprised look on his face. She notices this and looks at him.

Shiori "What is it?"

He shakes his head a bit and smiles again letting go of her hand.

Ryuji "Oh nothing. I just remembered something, that's all."

With the seating now concluded, Shiori and Hikigaya are both still at the front 2 desks of the classroom. Hikigaya has Ryuji to his right and Haru right behind him. Shiori has Chizuru to her left and Lucy behind her.

Ms. Samuel "Okay, now that you have all decided your seats it's time to get started. My name is Ms. Samuel, and I am your homeroom teacher. In your desk you will find a packet with all the information you'll need to make it through the first semester, all your other classes and teachers along with an outline of this semester's events."

All the students reach into their desks and pull out the packet full of papers. They start reading the papers and everyone starts getting excited about the year to come filled with school events, field trips and classroom activities. Ms. Samuel pauses for a moment, letting them get interested. She smirks and rubs her finger under her nose smuggly.

Ms. Samuel 'Aren't I the best?'

She then continues talking about business.

Hikigaya "This place really knows how to make an eventful year."

Shiori "Of course. This is the best school in the District."

She says with her eyes closed not making eye contact. Almost as if she is talking down to him. Hikigaya gets a bit defensive.

Hikigaya "Well then how did you end up here hm? Being a delinquent and all."

Shiori "I don't need to explain myself to you."

Hikigaya "Oh ho, so a super genius I see."

He pokes her gently in the shoulder playfully. She rolls her eye and pushes his hand away. He smiles at her.

Ms. Samuel "Inabi, Oshiro! Shut it while I'm talking!"

Ms. Samuel suddenly outbursts, slamming her hands on her desk. The whole class goes dead silent after her outburst. Coming across to the class as kind and soft, this hard, loud outburst catches them all by surprise. She composes herself.

Ms. Samuel "Ahem. As I was saying. Our class will have a fairly strict schedule to keep and rules to follow. Understood?"

The class all answers back quickly and efficiently, fearing another outburst. The rest of the day goes by normally without any hiccups.

The whole group, now up to 6 people, Ryuji, Haru, Lucy, Chizuru, Hikigaya and Shiori, all decided to meet at the front entrance of the school once they are let out. It is at a couple cement benches right under a tree just before the main gate.

The rest of the group is chatting, waiting there for Shiori and Hikigaya. They come through the school doors looking down, kind of slouching, with a displeased look on her face.

Shiori 'I can't believe I'm actually doing this…'

She looks up to see the group standing under the tree waiting for them. She pauses for a moment with a warm look on her face. Still no smile in sight however.

Shiori 'They really did wait for me…'

Her eye lights up a bit.

Chizuru "Hey Hikigaya, Shiori!"

She forgot Hikigaya was following behind her.

Shiori 'Oh. That's right, they were waiting for him…'

Shiori looks almost disappointed but is soon occupied with the rest of the group.

Hikigaya "I'm surprised you actually came Shiori. I thought for sure you'd just abandon us the first chance you got."

He says poking fun at her. She doesn't entertain his comment.

Chizuru "So guys, what do you think? Isn't this great or what?"

She asks excitedly.

Haru "Yeah! Only one day into highschool and things are already getting interesting!"

Lucy "It's nice having all my friends together again. Especially in the same class."

Chizuru "And making new ones."

She smiles at Shiori as the group all looks at her. She blushes in embarrassment for a moment.

Shiori "Yeah…"

She says looking at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact. Ryuji puts his hand on her shoulder. Shiori looks up at him, slightly surprised.

Ryuji "So what do you think? Care to join our club?"

She gets a surprised look on her face and looks at the others. Lucy smiles and shrugs. Chizuru giggles and sweats, a bit embarrassed that Hikigaya is trying to pry himself away from Haru's hug in the background.

Lucy "Sorry if you planned on getting super popular in high school because we can't help you with that. Believe it or not but we're not exactly the popular kids around here."

Shiori "No."

Lucy raises her eyebrows a bit.

Shiori "This is fine…"

Ryuji and the others smile.

Lucy "Alright then!"

She stretches, pulling her arm up over her head.

Lucy "Now that that's all official, I gotta get home. I am way under-prepared for my classes and should probably get on that."

Chizuru "Ooh can I help? I love preparing school supplies!"

She says excitedly. Lucy smiles and nods.

Lucy "C'mon Ryuji."

Lucy and Chizuru begin to walk away and Shiori watches as Ryuji walks past her to follow. He turns and waves at the others as Chizuru does the same.

Ryuji "See you guys tomorrow."

Chizuru "Bye-bye!"

Shiori is still standing in the same spot not moving or saying anything. She is unsure of what to do in this situation. Hikigaya notices how out of place she seems and takes initiative.

Hikigaya "Let's go Shiori. I'll walk you home too."

He begins walking away. Shiori turns and looks at him surprised.

Shiori "What? You don't have to stick with me anymore, the school day is over."

He stops for a moment and turns to her halfway.

Hikigaya "I know."

He continues walking. Shiori sighs and follows.

Haru "Hey! What about me? You're just gonna leave me here all alone to find my own way home by myself?"

Hikigaya "You'll be fine you big baby!"

He yells back as they are now across the street. He waves as Haru laughs and waves back. Shiori and Hikigaya walk down a sidewalk adjacent to the one the other three left on. They walk in silence for a moment which makes Hikigaya kind of uncomfortable so he starts talking.

Hikigaya "Sooo, how was your day?"

Shiori "You were with me the whole time.."

Hikigaya "Ah haha yeah…"

He rubs the back of his head embarrassed. After another moment of silence he asks a question.

Hikigaya "Did you like them?"

Shiori "What?"

She turns her head to face him confused but intrigued by the question.

Hikigaya "My friends. Did you like them? Do you think you could be friends with them?"

Shiori looks forward and down a bit thinking about the question.

Shiori "Friends…"

She says under her breath.

Hikigaya "What was that?"

Shiori "Oh, it's nothing."

She looks ahead as if she said nothing. Hikigaya grins a bit and looks ahead too.

Shiori 'Friends… I think… I like the sound of that…'

She smiles just a bit as they continue walking. The walk for Shiori from home to school is not very long. She knows this but she doesn't know where Hikigaya lives or how long that would take for him. She sneakily looks over at him as he seems to not have a care in the world following right behind her.

Shiori 'We're getting pretty close to my house. Why hasn't he left yet?' "Hey Hikigaya."

Hikigaya "Hm?"

Shiori "You don't have to walk me all the way home you know."

He gets a look of surprise from her statement.

Hikigaya "It's all good. I live down this way too."

Shiori gets a displeased look on her face but keeps walking. The closer they get to Shiori's apartment complex, the more irritated she becomes.

Shiori "Look, I'd really appreciate it if you leave now."

Hikigaya "What? Why?"

Shiori "I really don't want you coming all the way to my house. That's weird."

Hikigaya "I totally understand but… I still live this way."

They stop as they approach her apartment complex that is fairly large.

Shiori "What do you mean?.."

They both look up at the complex then back at each other quickly. They get surprised looks on their faces when they realize what is happening.

Hikigaya/Shiori "EHHH?!?!?"

Shiori "What do you mean you live here?!"

Hikigaya "I could ask you the same thing!"

They start yelling at one another about the fact that they happen to live in the same apartment building. Shiori stops for a second and takes a breath.

Shiori "Okay look. This is really weird but it's a big complex. If you think about it, it's not the craziest thing to happen."

Hikigaya "Yeah. And it's not like we're neighbors or something."

They were, in fact, neighbors. They stand outside of their respective front doors right next to each other. They both are slumped over obviously upset about this.

Hikigaya "Of course. Because why not?.."

They look at each other still upset and Hikigaya sighs.

Hikigaya "Whatever. This isn't weird at all. I'm just uh… I'm gonna go inside."

He unlocks the door and steps inside. Shiori just lowers her head facing her front door again, still processing everything that has happened so quickly. She then unlocks the door and begins to open it. Before she can fully open it, however, Hikigaya comes back out.

Hikigaya "That's weird. My mom isn't here."

Shiori looks at him with slight interest while she opens the door the rest of the way. She looks inside then slouches over even more upset.

Shiori "I think I found her…"

Hikigaya comes over and peaks inside then gets a shocked look. He sees his mom on the couch in Shiori's living room laughing and having a good time with Takanou and Hamasaki, Shiori's parents. As they step in, Asami tilts her head back over the back of the couch looking at the kids upside down.

Asami "Ah, there they are now."

Hikigaya "Mom, what are you doing here..?"

Asami "Well."

She gets up revealing a small child about 6 years old, Riku. Shiori's little brother had been sitting in her lap. She puts him down and he runs to hug Shiori at the mid thigh. She hugs him back while Asami continues.

Asami "After getting that letter about your "special situation" I decided to go speak to the principal just to get a bit more information on how you'd be handled."

Takanou "Yes, but just as we were about to leave we noticed Ms. Oshiro here doing the same. So we stopped and talked for a bit now here we are."

Hikigaya "Curse my mom's sociable nature..!"

He says quietly clenching his fist, shaking it in the air.

Hamasaki "Who knew we'd be neighbors?"

Hikigaya "That still doesn't explain why you had to stay here…"

Asami "What? Mommy can't have friends of her own?"

Hikigaya "Not when it affects me."

Asami wraps her arm around Hikigaya again and starts strangling him, obviously upset at his response. Shiori watches as she notices how much more embarrassed and less outgoing Hikigaya is around his mom.

Asami "Okay well it was really nice meeting you two. And a pleasure meeting you, Shiori."

She boops her nose a bit and smiles at her.

Asami "If you need us, you know where to find us."

She winks at the family and heads out the door. Hikigaya awkwardly follows and waves a bit before leaving as well.

Hamasaki "Wow, Asami was so nice."

Takanou "Yeah, we definitely need to have them over more often. What do you think, Shiori?"

She just looks at the door for a moment before turning around.

Shiori "I think he's a real headache."

Takanou "Hey, what teenage boy isn't? Am I right?"

He laughs looking to Hamasaki for reassurance that his joke was funny. She just smiles at him in a way that tries not to hurt his feelings. She approaches Shiori.

Hamasaki "You probably had a long first day huh? Why don't you go rest and I'll start preparing for dinner."

She pats Shiori on the head who smiles as thanks.