Ryuji's Truth

After school, the group parts ways like they always do. Lucy, Chizuru and Ryuji walk together for a little while before Ryuji waves goodbye and goes his own way. He walks alone down streets and to his home. A modest house. He comes through the door and takes his shoes off.

Ryuji "I'm home."

His mother comes out from the corner.

Fuyuko "Welcome home Ryuji."

She gives him a soft smile with tired eyes. He smiles back. She walks into the kitchen.

Fuyuko "You hungry? Should I make you something to eat?"

Ryuji "It's okay mom. I can do it."

Fuyuko "You treat me so well Ryuji but please. Let me be your mother sometimes."

She places her hand on his cheek and he smiles warmly then nods. He goes to his room and drops off his things before coming back out and sitting at the table surrounded by four chairs. She places a well made ham sandwich in front of him then kisses his head before heading to her room with a sandwich of her own. As Ryuji takes a bite into the sandwich he hears a crash in the other room. He quickly gets up and runs to the room. He sees his mom on her knees coughing intensely. He quickly runs to her bathroom and grabs an inhaler. He puts it to her mouth and she breathes in, slowly calming down from the coughing fit. He helps her stand and brings her to her bed.

Fuyuko "I'm sorry to bother you Ryuji."

She smiles weakly. He smiles back.

Ryuji "It's not a bother at all mom. Just rest now, I'll go make you another one."

She sits in her bed as he cleans up the mess and brings her another sandwich. She thanks him as he leaves. He doesn't fully shut her door. As he leaves, Fuyuko looks at the sandwich in her lap. She stares for a moment before tears begin to fall. She covers her mouth with her hand and looks to the side as she begins to sob.

Later that night, Ryuji sits at the table again and writes down some ideas for a recipe. His dad comes through the door.

Ryuji "Hi dad, how was work?"

Jun "It was fine. How is your mother?"

He responds coldly.

Ryuji "She's okay. She had a coughing fit earlier but nothing too intense."

Jun "You took care of her?"

He nods. Jun looks at him for a moment then heads to their room. He stops a couple steps from Ryuji. He looks back a bit.

Jun "Oh uh… Good job."

He continues down the hall to their room. Ryuji smiles a bit before going back to what he was doing.

The weekend comes and he walks through town eventually coming to the ramen shop they visited before. Lucy's dad greets him at the door as he comes in.

Kenji "Ryuji! Good to see you!"

He pats him on the back. Lucy comes out front the back dressed in a black button up with an apron on.

Lucy "I'm sorry to ask you to do this. We wouldn't have to if it wasn't for those good for nothing staff.."

She says angrily gritting her teeth.

Ryuji "It's okay. I don't mind."

Lucy "Thanks, it means a lot to me. Here."

She hands him the same button up and apron. He changes in the back and comes out.

Kenji "Alright you two. I hope you're ready. Today's the busiest day of the week for us."

They nod as Kenji opens the store. They go to work, helping out where they can, cleaning tables and the like for the morning from 11 a.m. to about 3 p.m. as the late staff begin to come in. They head to the break room in the back once their shift is over.

Lucy "Phew! That wasn't so bad. But it really puts into perspective how much work goes into even this small restaurant."

Ryuji nods as he takes off his apron.

Lucy "So what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

Ryuji "I don't know. Dad's home today so I don't have to be."

Lucy sits up more attentively.

Lucy "How's your mom? Is she doing better?"

Ryuji shrugs his shoulders a bit as he folds the apron and puts it on the shelf. Lucy looks a bit concerned for a moment before perking up.

Lucy "Why don't you hangout with me? It's been awhile since it was just us spending time together."

Ryuji turns to her and smiles a bit before nodding. Lucy smiles widely at him. They get changed and head for the front door.

Lucy "Hey dad, Ryuji and I are gonna hangout for a while."

Kenji "Oh okay, be safe and try not to be out too late."

He points his finger at her while closing one eye, giving a smile. She nods as Ryuji waves goodbye as well. They walk down the street on this warm weekend day.

Lucy "What do you want to do? We could go to a pool or see a movie?"

Ryuji shrugs a bit. Lucy gets a bit of a pouty face.

Lucy "I always choose. I want you to pick this time."

He looks at her for a moment then looks ahead again.

Ryuji "Alright. Let's go see a movie then."

Lucy "Really??"

Ryuji nods.

Lucy "Yess! Let me guess, you wanna go see the new Jonathan Wicker 4?"

Ryuji smiles and nods again. Lucy punches his arm playfully.

Lucy "I know you so well."

They go to the theater and get some popcorn then head to their seats. As they sit and watch the ads playing before the movie starts, Ryuji eats some popcorn. Lucy sits next to him happily, slightly rocking back and forth for a moment before looking at Ryuji. She stares for a moment before blushing a bit. She looks down at their hands right next to each other's.

Lucy 'Sitting here, so close to him. Waiting to watch a movie together. It's almost like we're… on a…'

She slightly lifts her hand and moves it closer to his to hold his hand. But she stops just above his and slowly pulls back.

Lucy 'No, I can't.'

She puts her hand at her side and makes a slightly embarrassed face. Ryuji looks over slightly at her, noticing.

Ryuji "You okay?"

Lucy "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine! Just.. so excited for this movie! You know I've been waiting for it to come out since the third one did haha!"

She laughs nervously. Ryuji pauses for a moment before looking forward again.

Ryuji "That's true. You wouldn't stop talking about it when the first and second came out."

Lucy "I mean, can you blame me? They're just so good! The third one was a little weird, I admit but it was still awesome! How do you think this finale is gonna end?"

Ryuji "Maybe with the…"

They trail off as they talk about the movie before it begins.

Once the movie ends, they head on out of the theater, both quite pleased with the movie.

Lucy "Dude, I can't believe it ended like that! It was so much better than what I came up with in my mind."

Ryuji "It was well worth the wait."

Lucy "Yeah it was."

She pulls out her phone to check the time. It's already almost 7 p.m.

Lucy "It's getting pretty late. We should probably head home."

Ryuji "Yeah."

Lucy "... Do you wanna come over? It's been awhile since you spent the night at my place."

Ryuji pauses for a moment.

Ryuji "Okay. I do."

Lucy smiles at him.

Lucy "Well, onward then. To my house we go."

They head over to her house. As they go inside, her mom is putting on a coat and her shoes.

Lucy "Hey mom, where ya off to?"

Yuri "Oh, I'm gonna go meet your father at the restaurant then go have a few drinks maybe so we'll probably be late. There's plenty of snacks in the fridge or order yourselves something. You know."

She boops her on the nose and Lucy smiles a bit. She grabs her keys as she opens the door.

Yuri "It's good seeing you Ryuji. Be nice to Lucy now, she's fragile."

Lucy "Mom!"

Yuri "Okay, okay!"

She blows kisses at them as she heads out.

Lucy "Well, I guess we got the place to ourselves. You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Ryuji looks at her and his eyes sharpen just a bit as he nods. They're suddenly on the floor in front of the TV playing a coop video game.

Lucy "If we stay up all night, we should be able to beat all six of the games in the series. You gonna be able to last that long?"

Ryuji "You're definitely gonna fall asleep before I am."

Lucy "No way! I got some energy drinks so I'm gonna stay awake all night long!"

Ryuji pauses the game as Lucy snores, sleeping against his shoulder. It is now hours later, late or early into the next day. Ryuji looks at her sleeping and slightly drooling on his shoulder. He smiles a bit. He turns the TV off and grabs a blanket from the couch. They were already sitting on the bedding where they were going to sleep as Ryuji knew she wouldn't be able to stay up all night like that. He holds her gently as he begins to lean then lay down. She stays asleep as she lays on his chest now comfortably. Ryuji pulls the blanket onto them and dreathes out as he closes his eyes, blushing a bit.

Ryuji "So cute."

They eventually fall asleep. Not too much later, Lucy's parents come through the door quietly. They are a bit tipsy but not terribly drunk. They see them on the ground sleeping and shush each other before giggling. They make their way upstairs.

Kenji "Look at them. Sleeping together like when they were just six years old. So cute!"

Yuri "I remember when we were still in that awkward phase, not sure if you like me or what."

Kenji "Oh, to be young like that again heh."

They happily hold onto each other as they walk and stumble down the hall to their room.

Back at school.

Haru "Aw man! Why don't we get any fun classes like cooking, or acting, or crafting or anything?"

Shiori "Cause we're first years. First years don't get clubs, sports or extracurriculars. We get the main academic classes and if we do well enough then we get to do more."

Haru "Yeah but I crave excitement! Action! Something more interesting to do!"

Suddenly, a paper is slammed on his desk. He hunches up and slowly turns to face an angry Samuel.

Samuel "Maybe you should be more interested in your academics. You're hardly on the path to earning those interesting classes you crave so much."

He looks at his paper at the C- grade on it. He deflates a bit. Samuel then puts Shiori's paper on her desk.

Samuel "As usual, very good job Shiori."

She gives Shiori a smile of approval. She turns to Hikigaya who waits nervously.

Samuel "As for you… Well, certainly an improvement I guess."

She says reluctantly as she places his paper down which has a B on it. Hikigaya cheers with happiness.

Hikigaya "Yes! Not a C this time!"

Shiori smiles at him and his joy in getting the grade he did. Then Chizuru taps her shoulder softly. She turns and looks at her.

Chizuru "So when are we gonna talk about… you know…"

She whispers with an excited smile. Shiori blushes a bit.

Shiori "We're not gonna talk about it."

She whispers back, lowering her head on her desk a bit embarrassed.

Chizuru "Oh come on! We have to! You having a crush on anyone is so interesting!"

Lucy "What was that about a crush?"

Lucy butts in from behind. Shiori jumps in reaction.

Shiori "Nothing! No one is talking about crushes!"

Lucy gives her an amused look. Chizuru's face then lights up.

Chizuru "Oh I know! Let's have a girls night!"

Lucy "Wha?"

Chizuru "Just us, talking about crushes and things! What do you say?"

Shiori holds her head in her arms as she looks embarrassed and unsure how to respond.

Shiori "Mmm… Fine, I guess I'll come…"

Chizuru "Yay! Let's bring Sugawara along too!"

Sugawara "Huh?"

He pops his head back to look at them. Come the end of school, Lucy and Chizuru grab Sugawara and drag him out of class with mischievous smiles on their faces.

Sugawara "No! I want to stay with the boys!"

He screams as they take him away. Shiori sighs as she watches before turning to Hikigaya.

Shiori "I'll see you at home later?"

He nods happily. She waves as she follows the others out of the class. Hikigaya watches and smiles then Haru throws his arms around both him and Ryuji.

Haru "Well since they're having a night of their own, what do you say we have a night out on the town?"

He says excitedly.

Hikigaya "I don't know. I really should study the section."

Ryuji "Yeah, same."

Haru "Aw come on guys! Let's go have some fun! O-"

Suddenly, a hand grabs onto the top of his head. He shakily turns to look at Samuel who is angrily holding onto his head.

Samuel "You should listen to your friends, Mr. Tanaka. In fact, I have the perfect place where you can study."

Haru laughs nervously a bit before trying to run out the classroom. Before he can, however, Ryuji and Hikigaya grab him and drag him back in.

Haru "No! I want to have fun! No!"

The door slams shut.

Later that night at Chizuru's house again. They come through the door, take their shoes off then head straight upstairs to her room.

Chizuru "Hey dad! We're gonna hangout in my room tonight so don't worry about us, we'll order some food later! Love you!"

She says quickly as she drags the others behind her.

Henry "O-oh, okay. Be safe.."

He says before she slams the door to her room. Henry is a nervous looking man with brown hair and glasses. He sweats a bit as he turns around back into the kitchen. The others are panting as Chizuru hops on her bed excitedly.

Sugawara "Where's your mom? If you don't mind me asking."

Chizuru "Oh, she works late most days. Big CEO of a business and such."

Sugawara "Ah."

Shiori "Chizuru *pant* why are you so excited anyway?"

Chizuru "Isn't it obvious? You're my bestest friends! We're in high school, and it's the first real time we get to talk about our crushes! Isn't it so cute, young love? Ah~"

She sighs as she falls on her back. The others just stare at her.

Lucy "Yeahhh well I'm gonna change out of my uniform first. Anyone up for food after that?"

Shiori "Sounds great."

Sugawara "Yes please."

Chizuru sits up quickly. She rubs her head with embarrassment.

Chizuru "Haha yeah. I'm sorry guys. I guess I got too excited."

Lucy pats her on the head.

Lucy "Maybe, but we love you for it anyway."

She smiles.

After some time and some food. They're all in pajamas huddled in a circle on the floor.

Lucy "Chizuru, since you're the one who brought us here, how about you go first. Tell us about who you like. I mean, you rejected Haru so there has to be somebody else you like, right?"

Chizuru "No way! I don't like anyone like that. I only rejected him because I knew deep down he doesn't have feelings for me. Call it a hunch I guess haha."

She answers slightly awkwardly about it.

Chizuru "I'm glad he's okay now but I still feel terrible for hurting his feelings. We've been friends for so long, it was scary. I was afraid of losing him…"

Lucy "It's okay Chizuru. Everything's okay now and he's fine. You don't have to worry about it anymore. Sorry for bringing it up."

She rubs her back trying to comfort her. Chizuru smiles a bit then shakes her head.

Chizuru "Sorry! I didn't mean to bring things down. We're here to talk about you all, not me!"

She points to them.

Chizuru "What about you, Lucy?"

Lucy "Oh no, I'm going last. That's the only way I'm telling you anything at all."

Chizuru "Hmm. Fine. Sugawara then."

He looks up surprised then blushes and looks down embarrassed. He plays with his fingers.

Sugawara "Well… I uh… I… I l-like…"

He stutters as the others lean just a bit closer to hear his answer.

Sugawara "I… I like Haru, okay?!"

He looks up but with his eyes closed as he yells his answer.

Sugawara "But he would never like someone like me. I'm so sad and always bring the mood down while he is so happy and brightens everyone's day all the time… I'm sure he just thinks I'm annoying most of the time…"

Chizuru "Oh so that's what I felt."

Sugawara "What?"

Chizuru "Nothing."

Lucy "Suga! What the hell? Why haven't you told any of us?"

Lucy says excitedly.

Sugawara "Because it's embarrassing!"

Lucy "But that's so cute!"

She shakes him. Even Shiori is excited about this information.

Shiori "I should have honestly realized. I mean, the day you guys met. What he did for you. It all makes sense."

Sugawara "Yeah… He's just so… cute and caring. He makes me feel happy."

He pulls his knees up to his chest while he blushes thinking about Haru. Then he gets a surprised look and looks at Chizuru.

Sugawara "Ah, I'm sorry if that's weird! Liking the guy who likes you!"

He gets nervous about it as Chizuru giggles.

Chizuru "You're okay Sugawara. I'm actually relieved. And I say go for it! You never know how he feels so try your best, okay?"

She gives him a look of determination. Sugawara blushes and nods. Chizuru sits back down and looks at Shiori.

Chizuru "Let's take him off the hot seat now. What about you, Shiori? Who is it that you have a crush on?"

Chizuru leans over wiggling her eyebrows as she already knows. Shiori sits with a dreadful look on her face as her heart races.