The Club Festival Ends. On The Hunt For The Missing Bear!

Shiori closes the door behind her as she leaves hanging her bangs over her eyes. She walks back to Hikigaya as he looks back at her.

Hikigaya "Took you long enough. Did you lose it?"

She nods in response but doesn't look at him. He notices her sudden change in demeanor.

Hikigaya "You okay?"

She nods again before walking in front of him. He stands there for a moment before following her.

Later that day, with the festival over and the first years out of class, a boy walks down the Club Hall while the clubs clean up. He looks around as if searching for something until he comes across a board with different club posters, announcements, and school advertisements on it. He stops and looks at it. After a moment he moves a poster out of the way to reveal the last Helpers Club poster. He takes it off of the board and looks at it. It has the name of their club at the top in a colorful fun design with a few words describing what they do and information like that followed by a group photo of everyone under it. He looks closer at the photo, specifically at Shiori. He smiles to himself before putting the poster in his bag and continuing down the hall in a much less rushed pace than before.

On their way home, Ryuji carries one tray of cookies he made earlier as Lucy follows him. She looks a little worried and keeps more distance between them than usual as Ryuji walks casually.

Lucy 'What am I doing? Why am I so worried about this? He's obviously fine and wants to still be around me…' "Sorry you didn't really get to give out your cookies Ryuji…"

She says hesitantly.

Ryuji "It's okay. At least the others got to have them. Now I don't have to return with so many."

He thinks back to them at school and everyone takes a couple while Haru and Hisana take a bunch.

She laughs about it a little as Ryuji looks at her and smiles. She notices and blushes, looking away embarrassed.

Ryuji "Want to hangout tonight? We could eat these cookies and play games. Have you kick my butt like you always do."

She looks up a bit excited.

Lucy "That sounds fun.. Maybe I'll go easy on you to give you a chance?"

Ryuji "Doubt it."

She laughs as Ryuji smiles a bit.

Lucy 'Maybe… things will be okay.'

She smiles warmly as she walks closer to him and rubs her shoulder against his. He is surprised for a moment but smiles seeing her smiling while looking ahead.

Chizuru "It's so hot!.."

She groans as the group waits outside of the school on this hot day. They sweat a bit as Haru pants too, sticking his tongue out.

Kitaro "Must suck being so tall, being the closest to the sun and all."

Hisana "But doesn't hot air sink?"

Kitaro "No, cold air sinks, dumbass."

Hisana "Ohhh! That must be why Sugawara isn't hot."

Sugawara "Hey! Just cause I'm short doesn't mean I'm not hot!"

He says angrily. Lucy approaches Shiori who is looking at her phone.

Lucy "You sure we have the right time?"

Hikigaya "Yeah, we've been waiting here for awhile now."

Shiori "This is the exact date and time she said. Maybe she's running late?"

She answers while staring at the messages Suiyoubi gave her.

Suiyoubi "Sorry I'm late everyone!"

Suddenly, Suiyoubi walks up to them in a black off the shoulder cropped shirt, a skirt going about mid thigh length, knee high socks in small shoes with a belt across the top of her feet, and a wide brim hat to block out the sun. Everyone except Kitaro and Haru blush at her sight thinking she is super cute. Sugawara then shakes his head and gets an irritated look.

Sugawara "What took you so long? We've been waiting out here in the sun for like an hour, I almost roasted alive!"

Chizuru then pictures a chicken roast with Sugawara's happy head on the end of it.

Chizuru "Sugaroast…"

Lucy "Don't picture him like that."

Suiyoubi "I'm so sorry! I just… got a little lost. Hehe!"

Shiori, Hikigaya and Ryuji's sweat drops.

Shiori "You got lost..?"

Hikigaya "But don't you go to this school, like, everyday..?"

Suiyoubi "Yeah but sometimes I forget where to go or get distracted by cool things."

She answers happily while their sweat drops. They sigh then move on from her answer.

Shiori "Alright, as you know we are the Helpers Club. You said your problem is finding your teddy bear right?"

She nods happily.

Shiori "Right. So, where was the last place you remember having it?"

Suiyoubi "Well…"

We see her flashback as she describes it.

Suiyoubi "I was just coming to school one day with him in my bag like I normally do when at some point I had to put my bag down."

She walks to class with a normal looking brown teddy bear sticking out of her bag when someone calls her. 'Be right there!' she says as she puts her bag down at her desk. 'Don't go anywhere.' she tells her bear, playfully.

Suiyoubi "Next thing I knew… he was… gone!"

Tears roll down her cheeks as she falls to her knees dramatically.

Kitaro "Then that can only mean one thing… it was stolen!"

Suiyoubi "What?!"

She yells with a worried look. Shiori and Lucy both punch him in the arms angrily.

Lucy/Shiori "Stop making her worry!"

Kitaro crouches in pain as Ryuji thinks.

Ryuji "Though we shouldn't jump to such extreme conclusions, we can't rule out that possibility. How else would it just disappear?"

Chizuru and Haru nod with looks as if understanding what he's saying.

Sugawara "Yeah, I mean it's not like it could just walk away."

Suiyoubi "Well-"

Hikigaya "Sugawara is right but either way, we should probably check the classroom it was last seen at first."

They all agree and head into the school on this weekend day. Though the school is not nearly as active as it is during the weekdays, there are still quite a few staff doing work and academic groups within the building. Suiyoubi leads the way to her homeroom. She swings the door open confidently.

Suiyoubi "Here it is! My classroom."

The others are stunned for a moment as they realize that her classroom is the exact same as theirs.

Haru "Are you sure this is the right class? Cause I'm pretty certain I'd notice someone like you."

She nods confidently.

Suiyoubi "I'm not surprised you haven't noticed me, I'm pretty good at hiding my presence. I've watched you guys since the beginning of last year. You all just look so interesting and nice, I couldn't help myself. That's why when I saw your poster I knew you'd help me with my problem."

She says with a slight smile on her face. The others look almost impressed by this fact but carry on.

Hikigaya "Well that definitely narrows down any suspect of theft."

Shiori "Yeah but that also means we would've definitely seen someone leave with a teddy bear."

Lucy "Depends on what it looks like or how big it is."

Shiori "Hmm… Suiyoubi, what does it look like?"

Suiyoubi "Well let's see… He's about this big, and he's orange with two different eye shapes. One a normal circle and the other is more of a long, diamond shape. He's got stubby arms and legs, and usually wears a nice, pinstriped suit I made just for him. Oh, and his name is Mormo."

Chizuru "Mormo?"

Suiyoubi "Yeah!"

Ryuji "I definitely would've noticed an orange bear being taken."

Hikigaya "The thief theory is shrinking by the second…"

He says while rubbing his chin.

Shiori "Well, we're obviously not gonna find him here. Suiyoubi, could you have misplaced him anywhere else?"

She shakes her head. Shiori sighs.

Shiori "Come on, let's start the search."

She motions to the door as they make their way out. As they walk down the hall, Suiyoubi steps next to Shiori. She starts staring at Shiori to which Shiori notices. She ignores her gaze for a moment before speaking.

Shiori "Is something wrong?"

Suiyoubi "Thank you."

Shiori "Huh?"

She says, confused at her response.

Suiyoubi "Back there, you called Mormo a he instead of an it for the first time. Thank you for that."

Shiori "Uh… sure."

She gives her a slightly confused but soft smile as Suiyoubi smiles warmly back before walking ahead.

Suiyoubi "Mormo! Mormooo!"

She calls out as they walk.

Hisana "What are you doing?"

Suiyoubi "I'm calling out for Mormo."

Kitaro "You're calling out for the stuffed bear?"

Suiyoubi "Mhm mhm. Maybe he'll hear me and come back."

She answers confidently. Kitaro gives her a look of disbelief when Hisana smiles widely.

Hisana "That makes sense to me! Mormo! Where are you?"

Suiyoubi "Mormooo!"

They call out for Mormo as the others look at each other. Hikigaya shrugs then calls out his name as well followed by a few sighs before the others call his name too. They do this for a little while as they walk around looking for him. They eventually make their way to the courtyard where many students usually eat lunch and hangout outside. Most of the group has stopped calling his name feeling slightly embarrassed and as if it's not getting them anywhere. Suiyoubi and Hisana continue to call his name as the others spread out and look around the courtyard in bushes and trees. Chizuru steps closer to some bushes before noticing a small orange piece of soft fur. She gets closer to inspect it as she picks it up.

Chizuru "Hey guys, check this out."

The group stops searching and make their way around her.

Hisana "What is it?"

Chizuru "It's… orange fur I think?"

Suiyoubi "*gasp* It belongs to Mormo! I'm sure of it!"

Hikigaya "I mean how many other things could have orange fur?"

Kitaro "He must've gotten cut by the bush or something."

Lucy "Whoever has him must not be taking very good care of him."

Suiyoubi "Oh no! My poor Mormo! He's hurt and all alone! We have to find him quickly so I can fix him up!"

Sugawara "I don't know about all alone…"

As Suiyoubi begins panicking, seeing his torn fur, the others take a step back and think to themselves.

Hikigaya "But why would they have brought him out here?"

Shiori "I don't know. Maybe they think he's cute too or something and have been just carrying him around?"

Hikigaya "I suppose, but from the way she described him, he doesn't sound cute at all.."

As they talk, directly behind them is the main entrance to the school leading from the courtyard, through the halls, to the main entrance and out to the front gate. While they talk amongst themselves, within the arch of the entrance from the courtyard to the hallway, a small teddy begins stepping into view. It looks around cautiously as if trying to be sneaky or avoid something. It eventually makes it directly to the middle of the archway and turns to see the group. He suddenly stops and starts sweating as Shiori and Hikigaya talk and the others try to calm down Suiyoubi who is still panicking. As it steps backwards slowly, Chizuru notices it out of the corner of her eye. She looks up and looks directly at it.

Chizuru "Hey guys, what's that?"

Shiori and Hikigaya get surprised looks and turn around to see it. The teddy bear stops and gets a nervous look on its face. Suiyoubi calms herself a bit and notices it too as they all stare at it. Suddenly, a large smile comes across her face.

Suiyoubi "Mormo!"