Amy's Plan. Tsuki's Confession?

Sugawara sits alone in his home on his couch. He's watching TV as he turns and looks out the window.

Sugawara's Mom "You're thirteen now. It's time you start taking care of yourself."

Sugawara's Dad "Yes, we are going to leave this home to you. You better take good care of yourself and do everything you're supposed to so that you may grow and one day take your place among the-"

Sugawara grits his teeth in frustration and starts turning up the volume to the TV.

Sugawara 'I don't want to think about it…'

He falls over on the couch now laying on his side. His face looks slightly distraught or hurt. He lays there for a moment before there is a rustling at his door. Then it suddenly slams open as Haru comes barreling in.

Haru "Suga!"

He yells with a large smile on his face. Sugawara instantly sits up with an excited look.

Sugawara "Haru!"

Haru jumps over the couch and tackles Sugawara to the ground. He lands on top of him and kisses him for a few moments. Sugawara blushes as Haru pulls back.

Haru "Hi baby."

Sugawara "H-hi.."

He sits back as Sugawara sits up.

Sugawara "Did you bring it?"

He asks while blushing hard and giving Haru a shy but longing look.

Haru "You know I did."

He answers back while blushing too.

Haru "Buh Duh!! Here it is! The all new Micro Computer Set!"

Haru lifts up a box with a children's build-your-own computer set inside as Sugawara shouts "Yeah!"

They set it down on the table as Sugawara begins to open it.

Haru "By the way, why did you want me to get this for you? There were a bunch of them left because they're not very good as micro computers haha!"

Sugawara "I was bored and felt like making something."

Haru "If that's the case, why don't we play Digbuild? It's much easier for me to understand."

He laughs as Sugawara focuses. They spend the next little while hanging out as Sugawara builds the box with Haru lending a helping hand when Sugawara needs it. Eventually, Sugawara finishes his build and gets Haru's attention.

Sugawara "There. All done."

Haru "Alright, now let's see how bad this computer is-"

He is caught off guard when he doesn't find the computer in front of him. He instead sees a small robot.

Haru "Woah… what is that?"

Sugawara "I made a robot."

Haru "A robot?! That's so cool! What does it do?"

Sugawara "It does this."

He smiles at Haru then flicks a small switch on the back of the robot. It then starts to do a little dance. Haru's eyes grow wide with amazement as it dances.

Haru "It dances!? How did you make that out of the dumb computer?!"

Sugawara "It was a very complicated procedure. Well, for most people."

He says smugly as he puts a finger under his nose.

Haru "You really are amazing, Suga."

Sugawara sees Haru giving him a look of love and admiration and blushes in response.

Sugawara "I don't know about amazing. I just wanted to impress you with a dancing robot. Technology just seems to do what I need it to so it was easy."

He blushes and embarrassedly tries to be modest after being so smug.

Haru "Well consider me impressed! I love you Suga!"

He gives him a big hug as Sugawara's eyes begin to swirl and steam pours from his blushing head as he fumbles his words. Haru giggles as he hugs Sugawara tightly.

Some time later, at The Outlets, a large, popular outdoor shopping center. Three girls walk down the sidewalk as they talk. It is the same three girls that had approached and threatened Shiori in the restroom at school before with Amy taking the lead.

Ichika "Did you see Shiori and those losers made a club at the festival?"

Hina "Ew, did they?"

Amy "They did. I also went ahead and let Shiori know how hideous her eyes are in her club room."

Hina "You didn't! Haha that's so good!"

They laugh as they sit down at a table by a fountain.

Ichika "They have a couple new friends now. Who were they again?"

Amy "You mean that video game obsessed nerd and the airhead? Yeah, I noticed."

Hina "Should we treat them the same as the others? I'm just asking cause they're new and all, they probably have nothing to do with-"

Amy "Anyone who wants to be friends with her will be punished. It's their fault for associating with that bitch."

Hina and Ichika look at each other with slight looks of concern for Amy. She notices and gets angry.

Amy "What? Do you guys have a problem with that?"

Ichika "No, not at all."

Hina "M-makes sense to me!"

She answers nervously. Amy stairs at them for a moment but then looks to the side.

Amy "I have a plan to humiliate each and every one of them starting with Shiori. And I have the perfect plan to do it."

Hina "Ooh, so exciting! Finally gonna get your revenge!"

Ichika "How does this plan go?"

Amy "Shiori and that moron Hikigaya are on this weird probation at school. They have to behave themselves or they could be expelled for bad behavior. So I say, during the sports festival we get Shiori to lash out at us and we pretend she hurt us badly. That way one of the teachers or even Principal Ai will see and have them expelled."

She says with a mean smile on her face.

Ichika "Woah, you want to get them expelled? I understand humiliating her for what she did to you but isn't that a bit too mean?"

Amy "It isn't mean enough. She ruined everything, so I'm going to ruin her."

Amy says with an aggressive smile as Ichika and Hina look at each other again with concern.

Back at school, the group is enjoying some outside time with their new friend, Suiyoubi, when they are approached by another individual. It is a young man, about a year younger than they are. They notice him step to them and stop talking. They stare at the boy for a moment before Lucy speaks.

Lucy "Can we help you?"

The boy smiles a bit.

Tsuki "You've already helped me plenty."

They give him a confused look.

Tsuki "It's me! Tsuki Yamada! It's been a while, hasn't it Shiori?"

The group all turns and looks at Shiori who is still just as confused.

Shiori "Who?"

He gets bummed out at her response.

Tsuki "What do you mean? It's me! Tsuki Yamada! You know, from Holden Manor?"

He says while waving his arms around in an attempt to get her to remember. She shrugs as Hikigaya gets a look of realization.

Hikigaya "Oh, the screaming kid who got lost in the woods and needed our saving. Remember, the big blue beast thing?"

Shiori "Oh yeah, I remember that fight well, I forgot he was there."

Tsuki gets an upset look at her not remembering him that night.

Tsuki "Yeah, thanks for the refresher Hikigaya…"

Chizuru "Oh Tsuki! Look at you! It's only been about a year but you've already grown so much!"

Chizuru gets excited to see Tsuki again who has grown a good bit since the last time they saw him. He laughs, blushing a bit at her compliment.

Tsuki "Haha, yeah, I guess I hit a growth spurt over the past year."

Sugawara "Yeah, that's cool and all but why are you here?"

Sugawara says harshly, obviously upset at Tsuki getting taller while he didn't.

Tsuki "Oh, well I never really got to properly thank Shiori for saving my life that night."

He comes closer to her and gets down on one knee while taking her hand. Shiori gets a look of discomfort.

Tsuki "I never really got to show how much I appreciated your help. Thank you, Shiori."

He says passionately to her causing her even more discomfort. Hikigaya leans back and looks at him.

Hikigaya "You do know I also helped save your life, right?"

Tsuki "Oh yeah, thanks Hikigaya."

He says bluntly and emotionlessly. Hikigaya has a blank expression before rolling his eyes.

Hikigaya "Yeah, whatever."

Tsuki then lets go of Shiori's hand and stands up with a big smile on his face.

Tsuki "Back when you saved my life, I realized something… I'm in love with you Shiori. So please, go out with me!"

Everyone begins to freak out as Hikigaya almost chokes on his juice. They all look at him, including Shiori, with shocked faces.

Group "EH!?!"

Shiori "Woah, woah, woah, slow down there pal. This is like our second interaction. What even gave you the idea that you're in love with me?"

Tsuki "I don't need an idea, I just feel it inside of me. I want to be with you and only you!"

He says proudly. Shiori sweats with a frustrated look on her face.

Shiori "Look, I don't know what you thought was going to happen by coming down here and saying all that but it's not going to be what you thought. We are not getting together and I highly doubt you love me."

Tsuki "Oh, that's fine…"

He lowers his head a bit as the others get a slight look of relief thinking he understands.

Tsuki "I'll just have to earn your love then!"

Their looks of relief change back to disappointment as he says that. Hikigaya exhales loudly as he stands up.

Hikigaya "Look man, you're free to do as you please but right now we should probably head back to class. Come on guys."

Shiori quickly takes the opportunity and leaves with him while the others follow close behind. Tsuki just stares as they all walk away until Hisana is the only one left. She stands and stares at Tsuki as he looks at her with slight confusion.

Hisana "I don't know you. You're cute."

Kitaro "C'mon."

He says as he leans back and grabs her arm, tugging her away. Tsuki stares at them as they leave before squinting and singling out Hikigaya in his sight.

Tsuki "Hikigaya…"