An Unexpected Play! Tsuki Sabotage?

As Shiori and Hikigaya charge, she shouts at the others.

Shiori "We'll take them out, the rest of you just focus on defending!"

They launch their balls at the other team knocking one person out while Tom dodges the other effortlessly.

Third year "What should we do, Tom?"

Tom "Nothing. Continue to strike when safe to do so but nothing more. They'll tire themselves out eventually."

He dodges again while talking, not taking his eyes off Shiori or Hikigaya. The teams strike back and forth for a while longer. Hit after hit, catch after catch, they play trying to gain the advantage over the other. After a bit, Hikigaya and Shiori pant and sweat as Tom stands the same as before. Both teams having lost members, only about 5 members including Tom are left on the third years' side while only Touma, Shiori, Hikigaya, Sugawara and Hisana are left on the other.

Shuhei "We have come to another stand still here folks. It seems the strategy that the second year lead came up with isn't going exactly as planned, just how much longer can they keep this up?"

Hikigaya "This isn't getting better. They all have balls on their side too."

Shiori looks as every third year holds a ball in their hands and sweats.

Tom 'Their team that's left won't do. They have no stability. A school delinquent who is not a team player, a shy boy who is too scared to take any chances, and an airhead who has no idea what's going on.'

Tom smirks a little as he maintains eye contact with both Hikigaya and Shiori.

Tom "Focus on Shiori and Hikigaya. Get them out."

The other third years smile and wind back. A couple then throw, causing Shiori and Hikigaya to dodge in separate directions. As Shiori darts to the right, she notices the three that still have balls all aiming for her. Her eyes widen in shock as she is still in motion of the first dodge.

Shiori 'There's too many of them! I can't dodge them all!'

Suddenly, the three balls are thrown at her. As they fly at her at high speed, she is unable to dodge. Hikigaya looks back and pivots on his foot, making an attempt to guard her.

Hikigaya 'Shiori, no!'

Hikigaya can't make it in time before the balls collide but they do not collide with Shiori. Touma stands before her, catching two of the balls, the third one hitting him. Shiori is stunned as she is defended.

Touma "Sugawara, now!"

Sugawara "Hikigaya, duck!"

Hikigaya looks to his right and realizes Sugawara is running in his direction holding two balls in his hands. Him attempting to protect Shiori caused him to get in the way so he quickly drops to the ground as Sugawara jumps over him, winding up the two balls in his hands. As the third years are distracted by the surprising guard, Sugawara has a clear shot and hits the two other third years whose balls were not caught by Touma. As they fall on their backs and Sugawara lands, Tom is stunned. They all give him proud looks as Tom is left speechless.

Hisana "Excuse me."

Tom looks to his right to find Hisana very close to the line.

Hisana "Don't take this personally. I still think you're super cute, we should go out."

Then she gently throws the ball at Tom and hits him right in the chest. As the ball bounces on the ground, everyone is stunned. No one makes a sound for a moment before there is suddenly a loud cheer from the families and friends in the crowd.

Shuhei "That's it, that's it! Class 2-1 has done it! They have won the first match of dodgeball with a stunning play!"

Kitaro steps towards Tom who is still stunned. He pats him on the shoulder.

Kitaro "She doesn't actually want to go out with you, don't worry."

Kitaro walks away as the group all cheers and congratulates them for pulling it off.

Lucy "No way! How did you guys even do that?"

Sugawara "It was simple really. We noticed that Tom didn't seem to pay any attention to us, just Shiori and Hikigaya. So while they ran around trying to get the others out, we came up with that plan. To us his own assumptions about us against him. I guess we were right, haha!"

Sugawara explains as Haru steps towards him and grabs him by the cheeks and kisses him. Sugawara wobbles with dazed eyes and blushies.

Haru "That's so hot of you."

Sugawara giggles as Ryuji stands next to Touma.

Ryuji "Getting Hisana to coordinate, impressive."

Touma "Well you can thank Sugawara. He's a very smart guy."

He says nervously as he rubs the back of his head and looks away. The referee then blows his whistle and calls for attention.

Referee "Alright everybody, that's game. Take five and prepare for the next match. Class 3-2 vs class 4-1!"

Everyone clears off the court and makes their way to some benches under some pop-up canopies. Their class sits on the benches drinking water and hanging out when Hikigaya sits next to Shiori on the bench. They sit in silence for a moment before Shiori speaks.

Shiori "Thanks for having my back in the game."

Hikigaya "I didn't really do much."

Shiori "You did plenty."

She gives him a warm smile which Hikigaya smiles slightly in return. Suddenly, Tsuki pops up right behind them from the bushes.

Tsuki "Wow, Shiori, that was amazing! You did awesome out there!"

Shiori "Tsuki? What are you doing here? This is for students only."

Tsuki "Hey, I'm a student here too."

Shiori "Not a second year."

Tsuki pouts a bit as Mormo hops up on his head.

Mormo "Hey! Suiyoubi, get over here!"

Suiyoubi looks surprised and comes closer to them.

Suiyoubi "Mormo! I knew you couldn't resist coming to see me!"

Mormo "I came to see you kick some ass, not get out so easily! What were you doing out there?! You better do better in the next match or I'm gonna…"

Mormo jumps onto Suiyoubi's back who happily walks away with him as he shouts into her ear. The three of them just watch as she walks with him away.

Tsuki "So how did you come up with the plan to defeat Tom? It seemed like you were pretty busy dodging and striking."

Hikigaya "It was Sugawara's idea. We had nothing to do with it."

Tsuki "Next time, if I want an answer from you, I'll ask you the question. Sound good? Don't drag lovely Shiori down with you just cause you can't plan anything yourself."

Shiori "Hey, he's right. We were too busy to strategize."

Tsuki "Well of course! I mean, who would even expect so much from you? You are only human after all."

He smiles awkwardly at her in an attempt to gain her admiration only for her to roll her eyes and look away. Tsuki sweats and smiles nervously.

Tsuki 'Man, I really gotta start trying to get her to like me. At this rate, I'm doing more damage than I am gaining ground…' "Hey, why don't I go get you a drink, Shiori? I'm sure you worked up a sweat during the first match. I'll be right back!"

Before she can even answer, he gets up and bolts away. Shiori just looks slightly annoyed before sighing and sitting back.

Shiori "Man, what is with that guy? Of course, the only time someone likes me is when it's some crazy guy who doesn't even know me. I'm sorry he's giving you so much attitude, Hikigaya. I don't even know what he's got against you."

Hikigaya "It's fine. Not like it matters what I think anyway."

Shiori pauses for a moment and gives him a slight look of confusion and concern. She notices the look on his face. He looks hurt, possibly by Tsuki's words. Shiori looks concerned but unsure of what to say.

Shiori "It… Nevermind."

She sits back with a look of hesitation and frustration.

Shiori 'It matters to me…'

Lucy "What's going on guys?"

Lucy approaches them on the bench. Before Shiori can answer, Hikigaya cuts her off.

Hikigaya "Nothing much. Just enjoying this heat as much as anyone else."

Lucy "I know, right? Of course the Sports Festival had to be on one of the hottest days of the month. You're staying hydrated right? You guys did a lot of running around last match."

She looks at Hikigaya then at Shiori and lifts an eyebrow knowing neither one of them has drank any water yet. Shiori smiles nervously a bit.

Shiori "I haven't yet but Tsuki is getting us some bottles."

Lucy "Tsuki, huh? That guy is weird, isn't he? I get you saved his life and all but jeez."

Shiori "Tell me about it."

After a moment, Tsuki then comes back holding two water bottles.

Tsuki "Here you go, Shiori."

Shiori takes the first one before Tsuki turns and offers the second one to Lucy.

Tsuki "And for you."

Lucy "No thanks, I got my own."

Tsuki "Oh, well in that case don't mind if I do."

He then twists open the lid and chugs a good bit of it. Both Shiori and Lucy get looks of disbelief before he exhales, satisfied.

Tsuki "Ah, that's some good water."

Lucy "Dude, I thought that was for Hikigaya."

Tsuki "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot he was right here, must've just slipped my mind."

Hikigaya's eyes widen for a moment as Lucy gets angry.

Lucy "Listen you little-"

Hikigaya "It's fine, don't bother. I'll just go get my own."

He gets up and walks away. Before Shiori can get up and follow him with a look of concern, Tsuki swoops in and takes his seat on the bench, uncomfortably close to Shiori.

Tsuki "Eh forget about him. He'll be alright. For now, you gotta sit and rest before the next match."

Lucy is stunned and hits a boiling point but before she can speak, Shuhei, the announcer, speaks.

Shuhei "And with that, the second match is over!"

The others all get looks of surprise when they look at the court to see Tom on his knee by himself with the rest of his team out. They all have looks of frustration and disappointment and only a few students from the fourth years' side are out. The ones remaining stand in different poses with two large muscular students flexing, a boy in a mask crouched in front and Emiko standing behind them with her hands on her hips and a big, proud smile across her face.

Shuhei "Class 4-1 made quick work of class 3-2, didn't they Ashley?"

Ashley "They did indeed. I'd expect nothing less of our school three time first place champion and her class she whips into shape."

Lucy "Are you kidding me? They beat them that fast?"

She says with a shocked look on her face. The whole class sweats as they all know what comes next.

Shuhei "As much of a shocker and disappointment for some as that might be, let's reset the court and prepare for the final match of dodgeball!"

Sugawara "What are we gonna do, Shiori? We don't stand a chance!"

Shiori stares in disbelief at the class before making eye contact with Emiko who gives her an intense stare and a big smile.

Shuhei "Next up, Class 2-1 vs class 4-1!"