Sky The Helper Hero! Sky Needs Help Too?

Sky lays there in front of the group for a moment as they all sweat.

Chizuru "Are you okay..?"

Sky gives a thumbs up as she speaks from the ground.

Sky "Yeah, just uh… give me a minute."

Shiori makes her way back to the group as she shakes her head. Sky then pops up and dusts herself off.

Sky "See? I took no damage! All thanks to my super healing ability!"

She says as blood comes from her nose a little while covered in slight bruises.

Shiori "You should see a doctor."

Sky "Pointless. I'll be fully healed in mere moments. Anyway, I've been trying to talk to you guys but I haven't had the time to. You guys wanna hangout sometime? Like maybe come to my house and play games or something?"

They look surprised then concerned.

Hikigaya "You mean like all of us? That'd mean there would be like 13 people in your room…"

Sky "Oh yeah… In that case, you! You can't come."

She points her finger at Tsuki who looks upset.

Tsuki "Aw what? Why me?"

Sky "Because you're not even a second year, you inferior freshman."

She sticks her tongue out at him as he sighs.

Tsuki "Well, if it means making things easier for Shiori, then I will."

He gives a warm smile to Shiori as she slightly smiles back.

Sky "Great, now that that's all settled, when should we hangout?"

Student "Alice, what are you doing? You gotta help us with the garden."

A student shouts to Sky from the second floor window she jumped out of. Sky looks surprised for a moment before turning and responding.

Sky "I know, I'll be right there!"

Suiyoubi "Who's Alice?"

Sky "Oh, that's my real name. But my hero name is Sky so feel free to call me that when you're in trouble and in need of my assistance!"

She says with a big smile on her face as she points her thumb at her chest.

Student "Hurry up!"

Sky "Coming! Sorry guys, I gotta run. Duty calls! But I'm sure we'll figure out when to hangout soon!"

She begins walking away while talking before turning and dashing through the halls.

Kitaro "Well that was eventful."

Lucy "You think she'll come back?"

She says to Ryuji. He shrugs in response.

Shiori "Whatever. I'm sure it'll sort itself out. For now, I'm going home."

She says as the others follow.

Another day at school, the group hangs out in the courtyard after school as Chizuru helps Touma with his communication. Shiori and the others see Alice walking down the hall, sweaty and slightly dirty with a headband on.

Haru "Look, there's Sky!"

He says with a smile.

Hisana "Let's go say hi!"

They get up to head towards her as she buys water from a vending machine in the hall and drinks it. They stop when another student comes up to her and pulls her by the wrist.

Student "Come on, the volleyball team needs your help with setting up the net."

Sky "Oh, okay. Sky is here to help!"

They look confused but leave it alone. Another day, while Lucy, Haru and Ryuji walk down the hall carrying some boxes for Ms. Samuel, Sky walks up to them waving her hand.

Sky "Hey! Guys, what's up?"

Then, another student comes out from the hall behind her.

Student "Alice, they need us to clear out room 3-4. Let's go."

Sky "Okay, be right there!"

She turns around and nods to the student as she leaves. She then awkwardly laughs and turns back to the others.

Sky "Sorry, I'd love to chat but I gotta go. Talk again another time?"

She asks as she runs down the hall, leaving before they could even answer. The others get a concerned look on their face.

In the classroom, Ms. Samuel hands tests back to the students with grades on them.

Samuel "I am impressed with some of your improvement but some of you still have room to improve."

She eventually comes to Sky who has an anxious look on her face as she puts the test down.

Samuel "That's another D+ Alice. You have to start studying more."

Sky "I know…"

Samuel gives her a compassionate look before moving on. Haru looks over and has a sad look as Sky puts her head down on her desk.

Haru "I think we should help her."

Hikigaya "If you're talking about test scores, don't bother."

He says as he droops in his desk from his C score.

Shiori "Remind me again how you even managed to get into Iris High."

Hikigaya "Shut up."

Haru "No, I mean, you guys have seen her around, haven't you? She's always helping someone else out."

Hisana "Maybe she likes helping."

Suiyoubi "She does seem to rather enjoy it. At least as far as I can tell."

Mormo "As far as you can tell is about as far as you can throw me noodle arms."

Kitaro "I don't know, I could probably throw you pretty far."

Mormo "Go ahead and try it blue nose."

He says aggressively. Haru seems upset at his friends not really listening to him. Sugawara notices and puts his hand on his arm. Haru looks over as Sugawara smiles softly.

Sugawa "Maybe we should go talk to her?"

Haru nods as they get up and approach Sky who is still pouting.

Haru "Hey Sky, you okay?"

She instantly perks up and smiles softly.

Sky "Oh, hey guys! Yeah I'm totally okay. Do I not seem okay?"

Sugawara "You seem a little sad."

Sky's smile fades a little as she droops again.

Sky "You got me… It's this student test score. I almost failed it again because I haven't had anytime to study recently."

Haru "Why not?"

Sky "I've been too busy helping other students out. Between sports events and club activities, there's very little time left for just me and my stuff."

She says softly. Sugawara and Haru look concerned as Sky shakes her head.

Sky "Eh but don't worry about any of that! I'm fine, I'll figure it out! I love helping people just like Fullsky the hero does!"

Haru and Sugawara get surprised looks before looking at each other and smiling then looking at Shiori as she mocks Hikigaya.

Haru "You know what? Why don't you come meet us in room 108 in the club hall after school?"

Sky "What? Really? You mean I can join the Helpers Club?"

She asks excitedly.

Haru "Maybe. See you there?"

Sugawara "No matter what?"

Sky "Of course! I promise!"

They all smile before heading back to their seats.

Later, in the club room, the group gathers.

Hikigaya "Alright, what's on the agenda today?"

Shiori "Well, we can either work on Touma's communication some more or prepare for a new problem?"

Kitaro "I say we make today a team building day."

Hisana "You're only saying that because you wanna play games."

Kitaro "Yep."

Hisana "You're so lazy Kitaro!"

They argue as Haru comes up to Shiori.

Haru "Actually, I think we might have something else on the table today."

Shiori "Oh? Like what?"

Haru "Well…"

He looks back at Sugawara who shrugs and shakes his head with a concerned look. After a moment though, Sky comes running down the hall and slides into the doorway. She sweats and catches her breath.

Sky "I'm here! Like I said I would be! *pant* Sorry I'm late. The gardeners club needed help moving some dirt again but I made it!"

She pants as the others look at her. She is slightly dirty and her hands have bandaids on them but she takes a seat anyway.

Sky "So, where do we start?"

Shiori looks at Haru who smiles and motions towards her.

Shiori "Uh, welcome in. Sky, right?"

Sky "Yep!"

Shiori "So, what can we help you with?"

Sky looks confused for a moment.

Sky "Eh? I thought I came here to help you guys?"

They look at each other confused before Sugawara interjects.

Sugawara "What happened to your hands?"

Sky "Oh, these? Nothing, the old shovel they gave me had a bad handle and I cut my hands but it's nothing, really!"

Lucy "So you're a part of the gardeners club?"

Sky "Hm? No, no! They just ask me for help all the time. Usually for the more laborious tasks while they take a break. It must be hard taking care of that large garden."

She says with a smile. Lucy gives an intrigued look but goes quiet.

Chizuru "I see you run around often. Is there a reason for that?"

Sky "Well many different clubs and students are always asking me for my help or for stuff from me. Sometimes people need a few bucks or homework answers. It's kinda nice helping out so many people."

Chizuru looks upset with the answer as she looks at Shiori who also has a concerned look, starting to see the pattern.

Kitaro "Oh yeah, so could I borrow five bucks?"

Sky "Sure!"

Everyone "No!"

Kitaro "Right, right, sorry."

He sits back down as they all angrily yell at him.

Shiori "So you don't belong to any of the clubs or sports teams you help?"

Sky "Nope!"

Shiori "And you're not friends with any of the students asking you for money or to copy your homework?"

Sky "Well, we're not exactly friends. I mean, I don't talk to most of them and sometimes people I don't even know come to me for help. Sometimes they even just pull me along! I guess they know how reliable I am!"

She giggles about it as Shiori looks at Sugawara and Haru who nod to her, realizing why they brought her here.

Suiyoubi "Why do you help these students?"

Sky "Oh that one's easy! It's because I love helping people! I like being there for others. I like being reliable and knowing I can make a difference to their lives. I may not have superpowers but I want to help people one day the same way Fullsky does!"