The Showdown For The Wishing Rose! A Wish Is Made?

Back in the dark forest, the beast continues to drag the traveler who has given up on yelling or struggling. He comes to an old soldier outpost that he has turned into his home. He lets go of her ankle and points to the home. The traveler nods and goes inside where he lights the fireplace. She sits on the ground as he hands her bandages from the table and points at her knee again. She understands and begins to patch up her small wound. He sits across from her licking his wounds on his arm as she finishes wrapping her knee. She stares at him for a moment before speaking.

Shiori "Despite all your wounds, you don't seem to be in a lot of pain."

He stops and looks at her for a moment.

Hikigaya "They hurt a little but it's not so bad."

She is shocked for a moment then gets angry at the speaking beast.

Shiori "If you can speak then why didn't you just say follow me instead of dragging me the whole way?!"

She shouts at the beast who closes his eyes at her shouting.

Hikigaya "I thought you wouldn't listen since most people run away from me."

Shiori "You are the beast of the dark forest so it makes sense."

He laughs a little to himself.

Hikigaya "Yeah, that's what they call me even though I was once the people's prince."

The traveler is surprised and stares at him stunned for a moment.

Shiori "You're… the missing prince?.."

He nods before continuing to lick his wounds.

Shiori "Here, let me help you."

She sighs. He accepts as she begins to bandage up his wounds as well.

Shiori "What have you been doing out here all these years? And why do you look like a monster?"

Hikigaya "No sense of subtlety, huh?"

He sweats a bit before sighing.

Hikigaya "I used to come to the farthest villages often to offer help and support because those were the places that tended to be neglected the most in the kingdom. I tried helping everyone I could until one day a witch came into the village and planned on cursing my entire family name. I made a deal with her saying that I would never return to the royal family if it meant I could take the curse upon myself. That seemed to win her over so she turned me into a beast that everyone is afraid of."

Shiori "That's terrible. Especially to do that to probably the most gracious member of the royal family."

Hikigaya "I don't blame her. Many people despise the royal family because we hold all the power and are a part of the reason so many people starve and die of sickness. I was trying to change all that until this happened. Now I wander the woods looking for a far off dream."

The traveler pauses as the beast stares ahead.

Shiori "What dream?"

Hikigaya "A mystical flower with boundless magic."

Shiori "The Wishing Rose."

She says as she finishes wrapping his wounds. He looks at her surprised she knows what he's talking about. Then his look changes to disappointment.

Hikigaya "Yeah, but it isn't real… I've been all throughout this forest for years and couldn't find anything."

Shiori "That's not true! I had the map to find it before it was taken by some bandits."

The beast looks shocked and pauses for a moment before speaking.

Hikigaya "I guess we better get it back. We cannot let those bad guys get all that power."

He says with a smirk. The traveler nods with a smile as well.

Shiori "I know exactly where they should be going."

Back with the bandits, they continue to walk through the forest until they eventually push their way through some bushes only to find an old watch tower. They look down at the map and compare the image on the map to the tower in front of them and they see the resemblance.

Sugawara "It must've been hidden by magic if no one has found it so far."

They smirk as they head towards the tower but stop when they see a soldier leaning against the wall of the tower. Her armor is gilded but also worn down and battle damaged as if she had fought in many wars prior to this moment, still holding a mighty spear in her arms. The bandits laugh a bit before heading to the entrance into the tower. Before they can get inside, the soldier's spear falls over, blocking their entrance. They are startled a bit but look at the solder who is still lifelessly sitting against the wall. The bandits shrug it off and move the spear out of the way but it doesn't move. They push the spear harder but it won't budge. That's when the spear swings back and throws them away from the tower. They quickly get up and see the soldier's eyes glow as she slowly stands up causing the snow and dirt to fall off of her armor. The bandits freak out a bit as the soldier speaks.

Lucy "I am the guardian of the Wishing Rose. I protect the Rose from evil forces and those who wish to use it for evil intent."

Haru "Well aren't you just delightful."

He says angrily before pulling out his gun and shooting at the soldier. The bullets bounce off the armor as the soldier swings her spear at them, smashing into the ground. As the soldier defends the Rose, gunshots and crashing sounds are heard throughout the forest. The beast runs through the woods with the traveler on his back.

Shiori "What's the plan?"

Hikigaya "I'll fend off the bandits while you go and grab the Rose. We'll worry about the map later."

She nods with a determined look as they jump out of the woods to see the soldier fighting the bandits. They both are surprised.

Hikigaya "Okay. New plan."

They both run towards the tower entrance and one of the bandits notice.

Haru "Hey, big dumb and ugly, there are others trying to get the Rose!"

Lucy "They are pure of heart. They are of no concern."

They both get angry as the short bandit turns and shoots the beast in the back causing him to collapse. He then throws a bomb at the entrance and blows it up. The beast and the traveler are sent flying back as the smoke clears. They see the entrance is now covered in rubble.

Hikigaya "Find a way inside!"

She nods again and runs back to the tower. She looks around for a moment before deciding to grab onto the wall and start climbing to an open part towards the top. The beast and the soldier stand side by side against the two bandits. The fight begins as the bandits shoot and stab at the beast and the soldier. The beast grabs the tall bandit and slams him into the ground while the short bandit runs around the soldier and shoves his knife deep into the knee of the soldier through her armor. Her knee buckles as she falls to one knee. She looks up to see the short bandit grab her spear and swing it around, slashing into her head causing it to go flying through the air and falling into the snow.

Sugawara "So much for protecting the Rose."

He says before being smashed by the beast and sent flying against a wall of the tower. The tall bandit then jumps on his back and shoves his knife into the beast's shoulder. He yells in pain as he grabs the tall bandit and throws him down where he wrestles with the bandit. The short bandit shakes his head a bit from the hit and looks up against the tower to see the traveler climbing up the wall. The traveler finally gets to an opening in the tower wall and looks inside. She is in awe when she sees a crystal rose glowing and shining within a glass dome in the middle of the room.

Shiori "I found it!"

She shouts, irrationally. The short bandit then points his gun at her and the traveler gets a look of fear but before he can shoot, the beast grabs his hand and pushes the gun away. The bandit then smirks.

Sugawara "Got you."

Suddenly, a bomb on his belt is ignited. The beast gets a shocked look as the bomb goes off causing a large explosion that destroys the side of the tower. The tower begins to tumble over as the Rose goes flying towards the traveler. She grabs it in the air as she falls with the tower and holds it close to her body. The beast stumbles over, injured from the explosion, and looks up to see her falling. He quickly jumps up and grabs her in his arms and holds her tightly.

Hikigaya "Brace yourself."

He says as they hit the ground and are buried by the rubble of the tower. The tall bandit watches with a horrified look.

Haru "Honey, no…"

After a moment, a large figure can be seen coming out of the smoke. The beast, holding the traveler in his arm and dragging another person behind him, comes out from the rubble and smoke. The tall bandits sees his husband unconscious behind the beast. The beast tosses the short bandit to the other bandit as he falls to his knees then onto his back. The tall bandit rushes to his husband and begins checking on his injuries. The traveler then wakes up and sees the beast covered in injuries and hardly breathing. She quickly sets the Rose down and panics over the beast.

Shiori "Oh no! What should I do? I'm sorry…"

She begins to cry over the beast when a gun clicking can be heard. She turns around to see the tall bandit holding his husband in his arms and pointing the gun at the traveler with tears in his eyes.

Haru "Hand me the Rose now or else."

He says with a shaky voice. The traveler is shocked but then gets an upset look.

Shiori "No."

The bandit gets a bit angrier but before he can do anything else, a log is smashed onto his head. He then falls over completely knocked out. Behind him, the woodsman drops the remaining bit of the log.

Touma "Just in time."

He crouches down next to the traveler and the beast as she looks back at the beast.

Shiori "He saved my life more than once even though he doesn't know me or owes me anything but now… I can't save his…"

She cries a bit as the woodsman speaks.

Touma "Maybe there is a way."

He looks at the Rose next to them. The traveler is silent for a moment before reaching for the Rose. Suddenly, the beast's hand stops her. She looks at him surprised.

Hikigaya "I'm fine. I just… need a minute."

He laughs a bit before groaning in pain.

Hikigaya "I remember you. You and your wife. You were always so nice to me and to everyone you met."

He then picks up the Rose and hands it to the woodsman.

Hikigaya "You should be the one to have it."

The traveler nods happily as the woodsman begins to cry. He gently takes the Rose and wraps it in the map from the bandits. He pulls it close to himself and whispers.

Touma "I wish for my wife's dream to come true."

He then lifts it up as it glows and the snow around him begins to flurry.