The New Game Studio. Haru Forgot The Day?

Takanou jogs for a while, making a good sweat before he stops by a bench in a park close by. He pauses for a moment, catching his breath when he hears someone say his name.

Jamie "Takanou?"

He turns around surprised to see Kiku and Jamie standing before him.

Takanou "Hey. What are you guys doing here?"

Kiku "Just going for a walk. Jamie had some free time too so I invited him out. What about you?"

Takanou "Oh, you know, just going for a run. Gotta stay in shape, haha!"

They laugh a little. Takanou stops and looks down a bit.

Takanou "So how have things been at the office? Since I left.."

He asks softly. Jamie and Kiku look at each other surprised a bit before answering.

Jamie "We have no idea."

Takanou looks at them confused.

Kiku "Yep. We left almost immediately after they let you go."

Jamie "We even convinced a few others to follow. Probably rained chaos there after that!"

He says with a smile. Takanou smiles a bit too.

Takanou "You guys…"

Kiku "It just wasn't right, what they did! Letting you go even though you always did so much for that company! I hope they went under!"

She says with an angry tone at the company. Jamie nods as Takanou gets a slightly concerned look.

Takanou "But what about work? Have you guys been alright?"

Jamie "Eh, can't deny that the office had nice bonuses and perks but who cares. Kiku's been freelancing and I've got a small gig for an indie game developer."

Kiku "It's way more fun than that stuffy old office, I'll tell you that!"

She says with a smile. Takanou smiles back.

Takanou "I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well. Thanks for defending my honor."

He says playfully as they laugh.

Jamie "Well, I guess we'll leave you to it."

Kiku "Yeah, give us a call some time, Takanou!"

They all wave as they begin to walk away. Takanou stands there for a moment watching them as he begins thinking.

Takanou "Game developer huh?.."

He gets an idea as he calls to them.

Takanou "Hey, wait!"

He slams a piece of paper down on the table where Hamasaki, Jamie, Asami, Kiku and himself are now sitting.

Jamie "You want to make a videogame studio?"

Takanou "Yes!"

Kiku "What made you suddenly want to do this?"

Takanou "Well, hearing about what you guys did for me, I wanted to try and give you guys all the same second home job feeling as before but better! That and I've kinda always wanted to do this…"

They stare at him for a moment.

Jamie "Where would we even get most of our staff?"

Takanou "Well there's us to begin with and maybe we can convince all the others who left too. They all have the knowhow, we'd just need a few other members with different skills and we're golden!"

Jamie "Okay, let's just say we somehow found all the people we need, sound designers, story writers and all that, how would we afford paying all the staff? Not to mention the equipment or the office space."

He says with a concerned tone.

Asami "Oh, don't you worry about all that. Not only to I know some young writers who would kill to write for a videogame, I've got the payment all covered."

She gives a confident smile as Jamie stares, unsure of how to respond. He leans back in his chair trying to think of some way to argue but can't seem to find the words. Kiki looks at him.

Kiku "I know this is a lot to take in at once but it seems he has this all figured out. You know we can trust him, besides, doesn't it sound fun?"

She gives him a soft smile as he blushes a bit and looks away. Kiku gets a pouty look.

Kiku "Come on Jamie! Stop being such a sourpuss!"

She begins tugging his cheek as the others giggle.

Jamie "Alright, alright, fine. Answer this last question and I'll be on board."

She stops pulling his cheek as he rubs it. He looks at Takanou with a serious look as they pause.

Jamie "What will we call this studio of ours?"

Takanou gives a serious look back as he sits in silence for a moment.

Takanou "I have no idea."

He says comically. Jamie's jaw drops.

Jamie "You didn't even try!"

Takanou "That's actually why I brought out this paper… I am open to suggestions?.."

He says a little embarrassed. Jamie facepalms as Kiku sighs.

Hamasaki "Top Loaf."

She says softly while zoning out. The others look at her surprised as she looks back confused.

Hamasaki "What?"

They begin to contimplate the name.

Takanou "Hm… Soft and subtle."

Asami "Yet offers much versatility."

Jamie "Top Loaf Games. I like the sound."

They get big smiles.

Takanou "Top Loaf Games it is!"

Kiku "Looks like our hands are gonna be full these next few months."

She says with a smile.

Jamie "I'll start making some calls."

Asami "Same here. I'll find us some office space no problem!"

They get up and begin to go to work as Takanou takes Hamasaki's hand.

Takanou "You're a genius baby."

Hamasaki "I know."

She says with a smile. With a new direction, the old coworkers and friends begin to step into a new phase in their lives.

A weekend in May, Sugawara sleeps in the middle of his big bed. He roles over as he slowly opens his eyes. He sits up groggily and takes a moment before getting a look of excitement as he remembers something. He rushes out of bed and to his bedroom window. He opens it widely to see across the small side garden and into another window. He stares for a moment before throwing a small pebble he grabbed from a pile on the window frame. After a moment he throws another pebble and soon after, Haru opens the window with a yawn.

Haru "Good morning Suga- WOAH HEY STOP! I'M AWAKE!"

He shouts with his hands up as Sugawara lifts a large boulder getting ready to throw it at the window. Sugawara is surprised then drops the boulder on the ground. Haru sighs in relief.

Haru "Thank you…"

Sugawara "Hey Haru, do you know what day it is?"

He asks excitedly. Haru scratches his head and thinks for a moment.

Haru "Is it a Tuesday?"

He answers timidly. Sugawara's smile then fades and he gets an upset look.

Sugawara "If you don't know, then nevermind."

He then slams his window shut as Haru stands there with a confused look on his face. A bit later, Sugawara is now dressed for the day and sits at his counter writing in his diary when he hears a knock at his door. He then answers the door and sees Haru standing there with an awkward smile on his face. Sugawara still looking displeased.

Sugawara "Can I help you?"

Haru "Aw come on, Suga! Don't be like that! I just want to spend some time with my boyfriend."

Sugawara lifts an eyebrow.

Sugawara "Oh really?"

Haru "Yeah, let me take you out today. We can walk around and maybe go see a movie?"

Sugawara begins blushing a bit but still trying to keep an upset look.

Sugawara "You mean like… a date?"

Haru "Yes!"

Sugawara pauses for a moment before agreeing but with a pouty face.

Sugawara "Fine but I get any candy I want for the movie!"

Haru sweats but quickly follows Sugawara. They then spend the day walking around town and watching a movie until the Sun begins to set. As they walk down the sidewalk, Haru looks towards the sky.

Haru "The Sun is beginning to set. Maybe we should head home?"

Sugawara "Aw, really? But the date was just getting good."

He pouts a bit. Haru gives him a bit of a smile.

Haru "Well it could get better if we go home."

Sugawara blushes and nods softly. They eventually make their way back home and Haru stops right before the door. Sugawara looks at him confused.

Sugawara "Why aren't you going inside?"

Haru answers with his back facing Sugawara.

Haru "Did you really think I forgot what today was?"

Sugawara looks surprised as he turns with a warm smile. He then opens the door as the rest of the group stands there.

Everyone "Surprise!"

They all shout as Chizuru and Suiyoubi toss up confetti. Sugawara is surprised and looks at Haru.

Haru "Of course I remembered our one year anniversary."

Sugawara's eyes begin to tear up for a moment before he starts hitting Haru playfully.

Sugawara "You big jerk! You made me think you forgot! That was so mean!"

Haru "Ouch! I know, I know, I'm sorry! I just wanted the party to be a surprise!"

He grabs Sugawara's wrists and pulls him in close while looking into his eyes.

Haru "I really do love you, Sugawara."

Sugawara blushes and looks away shyly.

Sugawara "Then show me…"

He says timidly. Haru then leans in and kisses him as the others smile and giggle.

Alice "Alright! A party to celebrate Haru and Sugawara's love! Now let's get to the partying!"

They all begin hanging out and having fun with each other. Even Lucy and Ryuji sit together as he hugs her tightly. Alice and Kitaro have a soda drinking contest to which Alice crushes Kitaro. Hisana giggles as Mormo sits with his tummy full of snacks. Suiyoubi shakes her head in disappointment. Touma, Chizuru, Shiori and Hikigaya sit on the couch.