The Strange Girl, Riley. Amy's Tutoring?

Riley "Hi, I'm Riley Tallflower. Want to be friends?"

She asked. Sugawara gives her a cold look before turning away.

Sugawara "I don't need any friends."

He said coldly. Her smile didn't fade as she lowered her hand.

Sugawara "I used to be really mean to everyone I met. But now, my friends have shown me why kindness is important."

He says with a smile. Riley smiles blankly at him as he glows in her eyes.

Riley "You always were so cute."

Sugawara is surprised.

Sugawara "What?.."

Riley stands up and looks at the group.

Riley "I have made a decision. I will be joining the Helpers Club so that I may be closer to Sugawara."

The group is a bit surprised but doesn't reject her.

Hikigaya "I mean, that's great and all but why the sudden decision? You don't have to be a part of the club to be our friend."

Riley "I wish to be as close to Sugawara as possible because I am in love with him."

Alice falls backwards out of her chair as Lucy sweats.

Lucy "Not this again…"

Kitaro "This girl is really something."

He says with a smirk. Touma sighs. Sugawara looks shocked and upset.

Sugawara "I'm sorry but I'm taken already."

Riley "I am aware of that."

She turns and looks at Haru.

Riley "Haru Tanaka. You are my enemy. I refuse to relinquish my love for Sugawara to a commoner like yourself until you prove to me that you are worth his time."

She says with an intentful tone. Haru sweats a bit.

Haru "So I'm a commoner now, am I?.."

He says with an upset tone. Sugawara gives him a look as if asking for his forgiveness. Haru sighs and looks at Riley.

Haru "Listen, you can feel however you like but Suga is mine and mine alone. I won't give him to you!"

He says confidently. Riley smiles a bit smugly at him.

Riley "I'm glad we understand each other."

She then sits back down with her eyes closed before looking at the rest of the group.

Sugawara "Sorry for her actions. She comes from a place very different from here. You'll have to forgive her."

He says nervously.

Riley "Yes, this is my first time in a public school of sorts. I do look forward to seeing what activities you all produce for me."

She says with a smile. Sugawara sweats, embarrassed a bit. Alice then stomps her foot on the table with a big smile on her face and a hand out for Riley to shake.

Alice "Well then, welcome to the club! I'm the leader of this group so if you have any questions or concerns, just ask me!"

Hikigaya slaps the back of her head down.

Hikigaya "No you're not! There is no leader!"

Mormo then climbs out of Suiyoubi's bag and walks across the table to Riley. She looks at him with a shocked but gathered expression.

Mormo "Hey there. My name's Mormo but you can call me Mormo. You're rather pretty, think I could grab your-"

Riley reaches forward while he talks and grabs him tightly by the throat. He chokes as she glares at him intensely.

Riley "What are you? Some kind of demon spawn?"

Mormo "Blach… Actually a… ghoul… Ghoul King in fact… ughf..!"

Sugawara "It's okay Ri, he's our mascot of sorts."

She lets him go as he struggles to catch his breath.

Riley "I see."

Mormo "Man, you sure do got a grip on ya. I'll keep that in mind…"

He says while rubbing his neck before turning around and angrily pointing at Sugawara.

Mormo "And who are you calling a mascot?!"

Haru gets an upset look.

Haru "Wait, Ri?.."

Sugawara "Yeah..?"

Haru "Aw man, why does she get a nickname and I don't?"

Sugawara sweats.

Sugawara "I can't really cut your name short… Want me to call you Ha..?"

Haru "Yes, if she gets a nickname like that!"

Riley "You should ignore his rambling and address me like that again."

She says with soft blushies on her cheeks. The two argue over Sugawara who sweats in between them. Hisana giggles as Touma smiles. Kitaro smiles a bit too as he pulls out his phone.

Kitaro "At least something is actually happening now."

Shiori and Chizuru look at Sugawara who is flustered between the two people arguing over him.

Chizuru "I bet he never thought something like this would happen to him."

She says with a warm smile. Shiori smiles as well.

Shiori "I'm glad Sugawara came into our lives."

Chizuru nods. Hikigaya watches with a smile when he feels his heart pulse intensely. He gets a look of discomfort as he gets up. He begins to walk out of the classroom when Shiori notices.

Shiori "Where are you going Hikigaya?"

He looks at her and smiles softly.

Hikigaya "I'm just going to the restroom."

Shiori "Oh, then let me come with you."

Hikigaya "No, I'll be super quick, don't sweat it."

He says as he closes the door behind him. Shiori gets a concerned look as Hikigaya stumbles down the hall. He leans against the wall as he coughs into his hand. He looks at his palm and sees blood. He struggles to walk as his vision blurs.

Hikigaya "What is… happening to me?.."

His eyes glow a slight green hue as his heart pulses again.

Milo "Hikigaya?"

He turns and sees Milo watching him with a confused look.

Hikigaya "Milo..?"

He begins to fall but is caught by someone else.

Tsuki "Are you okay? What's happening?"

Hikigaya "It's nothing… I just need a minute… What are you guys doing here?"

Milo "We were going to the Helpers Club meeting."

She says with a concerned tone.

Tsuki "We were late because Milo needed to return a book but then we ran into you. … Is that blood?"

He asks while looking at Hikigaya's hand. He closes his eyes for a moment before looking at them.

Hikigaya "Don't tell anyone about this. I'll be okay, I promise."

They look at him concerned but reluctantly agree. Hikigaya stands on his own as he wipes the little blood from the corner of his mouth.

Hikigaya "You guys head on to the room. I'll be back soon."

Tsuki "Alright but don't be gone long or we're spilling."

Milo nods agreeing. Hikigaya smiles a bit.

Hikigaya "I won't."

He says as they part ways. Not long passes as Hikigaya cleans up in the bathroom and returns to the club room.

A different day, Amy walks into the school library with an irritated look on her face.

Amy 'I can't believe I'm doing this…'

She thinks back to the beginning of the year.

Principal Ai calls her to her office.

Principal Ai "Starting next week, you will be taking tutoring lessons in the library after school. The lessons will go for a week to help get you caught up in the overdue school work."

Amy is shocked and upset.

Amy "No way! Tutoring is for nerds and idiots!"

Principal Ai "Your point is?"

Amy pouts.

Principal Ai "This is your last year at Iris High and you are many points behind. You will do what you can in that week and if you show real improvement, you won't have to go anymore. But if you begin to slip again, I won't hesitate to send you back. Am I clear?"

Amy glares at her for a moment before reluctantly agreeing.

In the library, Amy sighs.

Amy "What a pain in my ass…"

Principal Ai "Go to the tutor section of the library, you'll know your tutor when you see them."

Amy "I guess that's over he-"

She walks around the corner to the section with a few tables and other tutors helping students. She stops suddenly when she sees Shiori preparing some papers at her table. Shiori stops too as they stare at each other with blank stares. They both get upset looks.

Shiori/Amy 'You've got to be kidding me…'

A few moments later, Shiori is writing on a piece of paper while Amy sits across from her, looking a different direction with a frustrated look on her face. She peeks over at Shiori as she writes.

Amy "What are you doing?"

She asks calmly. Shiori answers without looking at her.

Shiori "I'm writing."

Amy "Shouldn't you be, like, tutoring me or something?"

Shiori "Am I?"

She says, still without looking at her. Amy pouts a bit before getting an angry look.

Amy "I don't know. That's what the principal said. What are you doing here then?"

She says with an attitude. Shiori pauses for a moment before answering.

Shiori "Principal Ai said I could get some time reduced off my sentence with Hikigaya if I do this so here I am."

Amy "Heh, "time reduced off your sentence"? You really are a freak."

Shiori stops writing and looks at her. She stands out of her chair.

Shiori "Why don't I just say you didn't show up today and go home?"

Amy "No!"

She says desperately. Shiori is surprised as Amy sweats and looks down.

Amy "No, don't do that… I can't mess this up. I'm out of chances… If I don't do this, I might not even graduate…"

Shiori stares at her for a moment before sitting back down.

Shiori "Fine. Unlike you, I don't hate you for no reason."

Amy "I had a reason!.. But, it kinda seems that doesn't matter anymore…"

Shiori stares at her, kind of surprised at her honesty. Amy blushes in embarrassment before getting upset.

Amy "Can we just hurry up and start the tutoring already?"

Shiori "Sure. Show me what you need to catch up on."

Amy goes into her bag and pulls out a large, heavy stack of papers. Shiori is shocked.

Amy "Principal Ai helped to get all my missing assignments together. This should be all of it."

Shiori sweats for a moment before sighing.

Shiori "Okay, let's take it from the top."

Shiori and Amy begin going through the assignments and completing each one. Amy would ask her dumb questions and Shiori would get frustrated but they continue to work together.