The Second Pin! A New Threat Arises?

Ryuji walks in the back of the group watching the others smile and laugh before looking down at his medal around his neck. He slows to a stop as he stares at the medal. Lucy notices and stops as well, looking at him smiling at his medal. She approaches him softly.

Lucy "What's going on, love?"

He continues to stare at his medal as he smiles.

Ryuji "I truly love cooking."

Lucy is a bit surprised at his response as he continues. 

Ryuji "I felt so alive, so free. When I cook, there is no stress, no time. Just me and the food I love to make. Something I make that I can be proud of."

He looks at Lucy with eyes that are shining and a slight blush on his cheeks. Lucy smiles warmly at him, loving the sight of Ryuji being so passionate. She takes his hands in hers and places a gentle kiss on his lips. 

Lucy "I can't wait for the day you can shine in your own kitchen."

She says softly as she stares into his eyes happily. He blushes a bit more and nods softly with an awkward smile on his face as catch up to the group holding each other's hands.

Deeper into Spring…

Amy walks home from school by herself a little later than usual since she spent some extra time in her club. She walks along when a couple of students step in front of her. She stops and stares at the second years in front of her as they smile at her.

Student "You're Amy, right?"

She crosses her arms and gets a frustrated look.

Amy "Yeah, so what? I'm tryna go home."

Student "Don't worry, we'll be quick. You'll like this, trust me."

He says with a smirk as the girl next to him smirks too.

Drake "My name's Drake and this is Hashigara. We saw what you did to Shiori during the Sports Festival some time ago and I gotta say, *whistles* nice work."

Amy looks surprised.

Amy "Whatcha mean?"

Drake "The courage it took as well as the strength of character to stand up to her is quite amazing. Especially in front of everyone there."

Amy "Oh yeah?"

She raises an eyebrow at his comment, obviously not entertained by his words.

Drake "Yeah. We know who she truly is. We've seen her wreck relationships, scare others into submission or beat up others for simply speaking to her in the wrong way. For years she's gotten away with hurting whoever she wants for any reason she wants but now we've come to put a stop to her and expose her true colors."

Amy sweats a bit before closing her eyes and stepping past them.

Amy "That's all cool and stuff but I'm not interested in revenge work. I did what I did cause I felt like it."

She stops when she notices four other people with them.

Drake "That's the thing. We want to be just like you. Not afraid to stand up to such a bully just because you feel like it. What do you say? Join us?"

Amy sweats as she looks back at Drake and the group he has with him.

Drake "She may have fooled everyone else into thinking she's changed but we know the truth. C'mon, I know you'll appreciate what we have in mind."

He offers his hand to her as she stares at them. She clenches her fists a bit and sweats.

Shiori "Well, if you do want to be my friend, I am a writer so I could show you how to write a story if you wanted."

She thinks back to Shiori offering her hand of friendship with a smile on her face as Amy struggles before looking at Drake.

Amy "Sure, I'll join your group."

She says nervously while shaking his hand. He smiles.

Drake "Perfect. Now let's get started."

He says darkly. 

Another day, Hikigaya leaves his room in the morning with a yawn and slightly messier hair. He makes his way to the bathroom and grabs the door handle before pushing it open. His eyes widen when he sees Shiori in her underwear and about to lift her shirt off over her head, revealing her entire stomach and a bit of underboob. She notices him and stops before blushing intensely as Hikigaya does the same.

Shiori "Hikigaya! I'm gonna take a shower! Get out of here!"

She shouts embarrassedly while lowering her shirt quickly as he slams the door shut.

Hikigaya "Sorry!"

A little later, Hikigaya sits outside of the bathroom with a towel and a change of clothes as the door opens up. Shiori steps out as Hikigaya looks up at her. She blushes a bit before looking away with a slightly annoyed look. 

Shiori "Hmph!"

Hikigaya sweats a bit.

Hikigaya "I said I'm sorry.."

She looks at him as her look softens.

Shiori "It's fine. Not like I mind or anything."

Hikigaya blushes a bit while staring at her surprised. She notices and starts blushing too, realizing what he's thinking.

Shiori "That doesn't mean you get to see me partially naked like that again! Next time I'm kicking your ass!"

She shouts with an intense blush before running into her room. Hikigaya blushes a bit and smiles before going inside the bathroom. 

After a bit, Hikigaya comes downstairs, freshly showered and dressed for school, and sees Shiori sitting at the counter in her uniform as well. He approaches her and leans on the counter facing her.

Hikigaya "Still writing that book?"

Shiori "Mhm."

Hikigaya "Have you talked to my mom about it yet?"

Shiori stops and sweats a bit before answering.

Shiori "Iiii just haven't gotten around to it, that's all."

Hikigaya smiles at her, seeing through her lies.

Hikigaya "You're scared of what she'll say."

She drops her book and looks at him with a worried look.

Shiori "Of course I am! She's a super famous writer with more success than I can dream of achieving! What if she says my book sucks? I don't think I can take that…"

She says while drooping in her chair. Hikigaya smiles and walks next to her, examining her notebook.

Hikigaya "Well, my mom is a lot of things but an unfair critic she is not. She wouldn't say it sucks unless she knows how to improve it so try not to…"

He trails off as he stares at the cover of her notebook, specifically at the pin Amber gave Shiori. She notices him staring at it and gets a slightly worried look as he doesn't say anything.

Shiori "Hikigaya..?"

His eyes widen as he darts back up stairs.

Hikigaya "Wait right there! Hang on!"

He says while rushing up the stairs. Shiori sweats with a confused look as she waits for a moment. After a few moments, Hikigaya comes rushing back down the stairs.

Hikigaya "I finally found it- Woah!"

He shouts before tumbling down the stairs and slamming into the ground from all the rushing. 

Shiori "Hikigaya! Are you okay?"

She asks while approaching him only for him to lift up his arm with something in his hand, completely ignoring the question.

Hikigaya "I finally remembered where I've seen that pin before!"

Shiori sighs as they both approach her notebook. He places the item in his hand down on the counter next to it as Shiori's eyes widen a bit.

Shiori "What?.."

Hikigaya "Amber gave it to me when I was little, just after we moved schools. I was feeling pretty sad cause I lost my only friend at the time so she gave me this to cheer me up. I couldn't find it until now."

They stare at Hikigaya's pin on the counter. It is the same kind of pin that Amber gave to Shiori but more worn out.

Shiori "Stray Cloud…"

Hikigaya "Yeah, I guess she listened to me everytime I told her that cloud thing I used to say, haha!"

Shiori looks at Hikigaya, surprised and confused.

Shiori "Cloud thing? What cloud thing-"

Hikigaya "Woah! We gotta get going or we'll be late! Come on!"

He says while grabbing his bag and rushing out the front door, Shiori following suit. 

Shiori 'What the heck does he mean, 'Cloud thing'?'

She thinks with a confused and frustrated look on her face. 

Later during lunch, the group sits and eats happily while chatting. As Shiori giggles a bit at a comment Alice makes, a couple of students walk by close behind her holding their trays of food. As soon as they get right behind her, a cup of water they had on their tray tumbles over, drenching Shiori. Everyone is shocked and stunned for a moment as Shiori pauses for a moment.

Student 1 "Oh my gods! I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you."

She leans forward to offer a helping hand only for the rest of her food to come sliding off the tray and into Shiori's lap. Haru and Kitaro get up swiftly, shocked by the second mess made on her as Shiori gets angry. The two students smirk to themselves as Shiori pauses.

Student 1/2 'That's right. Get angry and lash out in front of all these people.'

They think as Shiori glares at them.

Shiori 'What is wrong with her? Is she just stupid?'

She clenches one of her fists before Chizuru speaks.

Chizuru "Shiori! You okay?"

Shiori instantly calms down a bit and exhales.

Shiori "Yeah, I'm fine. Just gonna… go get cleaned up I guess."

Shiori gets up and begins walking away as the two students look surprised and disappointed. They click their tongues before walking away. Alice gets upset and stands too.

Alice "Hey! Where are you two going? Aren't you gonna offer some kind of help?"

She says loudly as Suiyoubi places a hand on her arm. Alice looks at her as Suiyoubi shakes her head softly. Alice gets an upset look before sitting back down. Shiori goes to the restroom with a frustrated look as she begins trying to clean the food off of her skirt. She cleans for a moment before the door opens and Amy peaks her head inside. She looks around a bit before coming to Shiori. She gets a perked up look before entering the bathroom entirely. Shiori looks up with a surprised look.