A Summer Getaway! An Ominous Cave Adventure?

Lucy "I guess everyone knows their partners."

She says with a smile while looking at Hisana taking a seat next to Kitaro. Chizuru nods happily before looking at Touma.

Chizuru "I guess that means we'll be bunking again!"

Touma is shocked for a moment before sweating and nervously looking away.

Touma "R-right.."

He says shyly. Chizuru giggles before putting both her fists into the air.

Chizuru "This is gonna be so exciting! A beach house with plenty of fun places to go to, a summer festival coming up, and so much more! I can't wait to make memories with you guys."

She says passionately as the others smile at her warmly. 

As the sun begins to set, the group gets settled in for the first night of their trip. 

Chizuru "Hey hey hey! Come on, get up you guys, we're burning daylight!"

She shouts happily as she jumps on the bed over Shiori. Shiori makes a grumpy face before rolling over.

Shiori "This is supposed to be vacation…"

Chizuru giggles before getting a surprised look.

Chizuru "Where's Hiki?"

Hikigaya "Down here."

Chizuru and a sleepy Shiori look over the edge of the end of the bed to see Hikigaya on the ground wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. He rolls over to look at them with a blank expression.

Hikigaya "Shiori didn't wanna share the bed."

Shiori "Right, I think that is a perfect place for you, dog."

She says before stepping on his face as she gets off the bed and leaves the room.

Chizuru "Wait for me!"

She says with a smile before stomping on Hikigaya's stomach. Beaten up, Hikigaya just lays on the floor.

Hikigaya "This is gonna be a long vacation…"

Most of the group conveens in the kitchen as Alice enthusiastically spoons cereal into her mouth.

Alice "Good thing you guys went shopping last night cause I woke up starving!"

She says with a mouthful of cereal. She looks over and starts blushing while swallowing her cereal. 

Alice "Wow…"

She looks at Shiori and Hikigaya in their pajamas and sleepy looks on their faces. They sparkle in her eyes.

Alice "Getting to see Fullsky and Watchdog's just woke up in the morning faces, I can't believe it!"

She yells happily with a blush across her face as Sugawara angrily shushes her about the topic. 

Ryuji "What's on the agenda today?"

Lucy "Ask Chizuru, she's actually got a schedule thing going."

She says with a smile as they both look at Chizuru.

Chizuru "That's right! You guys better eat up because we got big plans today! Between the nature walk and that lovely beach, we may not have too much time for anything else."

She says while excitedly looking at an agenda before. 

Suiyoubi "Is everyone already up? I made enough eggs and bacon to go around."

Mormo "Yeah, especially since fangirl here doesn't like breakfast foods in the breakfast time."

He says while pointing his stuffed thumb in her direction.

Alice "You gotta keep the Universe on its toes! I eat snack for breakfast, dinner for lunch and lunch for dinner then no breakfast at all. Can't let anyone know my next move!"

Mormo "Whatever you say girlie."

Lucy "Hisana and Kitaro are still sleeping over there."

She says as Hisana happily sleeps on Kitaro's tummy in between his legs as he snores as well spread out on the couch.

Hikigaya "Is Touma still sleeping?"

Chizuru shakes her head with a smile.

Chizuru "Nuh uh. He's just taking a shower."

She says happily.

Lucy "You should go see if he needs help washing his back."

She says with a mischievous look. Chizuru blushes and lightly scratches her cheek with one finger.

Chizuru "Hehe… He's probably out by now. I'm gonna go get him!"

She says with a determined smile before rushing off. 

Lucy "She's down bad."

Haru "Yep."

They say with smiles on their faces. Chizuru approaches their room before knocking on the door.

Chizuru "Touma! You in there?"

She calls out before turning the handle to the door. She steps in their room not seeing anyone before the door to the attached bathroom slides open. She stops suddenly as Touma steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips. He rubs his head with another towel before noticing Chizuru. She stares at him as an intense blush rushes across her face.

Chizuru "make me a mother…"

She whispers as Touma blushes intensely with a shocked look on his face. He quickly rushes back into the bathroom and slams the door shut.

Touma "S-sorry!"

He stutters. Chizuru still stands there with a dazed and flustered look on her face. 

Chizuru "B-breakfast is ready. Whenever you come out.."

She says before shivering a bit and turning around to leave the room. She stumbles slightly back to the living room where everybody else is. Kitaro wakes up a bit before smiling and rubbing Hisana's head as she does.

Sugawara "Is Touma coming out soon?"

He asks as Lucy and Shiori giggle a bit.

Chizuru "This is gonna be a long vacation…"

She says, still blushing and dazed. 

Later that day, the group all makes their way through the trees along a dirt path up a hill. They sweat as a few hold their backpacks as the heat of the day beats down upon them. Chizuru pants heavily as she tiredly steps along the path following Hikigaya and Haru. 

Chizuru "I don't know why I thought this was a good idea.. I'm not sure I can make it.."

She says between breaths before stopping and bending over on her knees. She rubs her chest as Lucy notices before looking at Chizuru with a concerned look.

Lucy "You sure you're okay? We don't have to finish the hike if you want to head back."

She says with a concerned tone. Chizuru picks up on her tone and quickly composes herself.

Chizuru "No! I don't wanna ruin this for everyone, I was just joking haha!"

She says with a tired laugh. 

Chizuru "Come on, I just needed a sec!"

She stands back up and starts back into the hike as the others follow suit. Lucy's face still shows concern but doesn't push it any further. The group continues for a little while as the trees start to dwindle in numbers and the top of the hill begins to appear. 

Mormo "Hey, when we get to the end, pull over will ya? I'm gettin' real tired from all this hiking."

He says from the backpack of Suiyoubi. She smiles and nods as Kitaro speaks.

Kitaro "What are you tired for? You haven't walked at all."

He says with an irritated tone.

Mormo "Listen buddy, keeping morale up for your group of losers here is pretty drainin' so I'd appreciate it if you stepped up off my back about it."

Kitaro "I'm gonna give you something to step off of in a second. Come here!"

Mormo "Huh? Aghh!"

He yells as Kitaro grabs him by the throat aggressively and starts throwing him around. Eventually, they make it to the top for a gorgeous view of the ocean and beautiful nature around the area. Shiori smiles softly as the warm breeze blows by them. 

Ryuji "This is what I call a vacation."

He says as Shiori nods in agreement. Haru stretches his arms over his head with a satisfied smile.

Haru "That's what I'm talking about! I always feel so full in the sunlight like this."

He says as he stares into the sky. Sugawara blushes a little while looking at him before looking away embarrassed.

Sugawara 'So cute!'

Suiyoubi "Still want me to put you down, Mormo?"

Mormo "No thanks, I think I stretched enough."

He says casually as a big swollen bump is on his head and a bandaid on his cheek from Kitaro beating him up. Hisana sees the view and gets an excited look on her face.

Hisana "Oh wow! Look at that view!"

Kitaro follows behind her with his hands in his pockets.

Kitaro "Can't beat graphics like this."

He says with a smile as Hisana gets an idea.

Hisana "Oh, I know what this place is good for!"

She suddenly gets on one knee and pulls out a ring in a proposal position towards Kitaro.

Hisana "Kitaro, will you be my-"

Kitaro "No."

He says coldly as Hisana cries comically.

Hisana "But I didn't even get to finish…"

Shiori then looks over to see, just a bit aways from them and down the hill, is a dark cave entrance.

Shiori "Check that out."

She elbows Hikigaya and points to the cave. Hikigaya is surprised to see it.

Hikigaya "A dark and ominous cave entrance. Probably pretty scary in there."

Shiori "Yup."

They stare at it for a moment before getting evil smiles across their faces.

Shiori "Come on guys! We're gonna explore that cave!"

She says with an excited smile while pointing at the cave. Chizuru instantly starts sweating nervously.

Chizuru "We're all going..?"