The End Of Summer Vacation. Stranded?

Somewhere on the grassy fields next to the festival, Kitaro sits on the grass leaning on his hands as he looks up with a soft smile on his face. Hisana then leans on his shoulder letting out a pleased sigh.

Hisana "Isn't this so nice? Just you and me and no one around to find out our little secret."

She says before turning his head towards her with one finger and leaning in for a kiss. They get very close before Kitaro places a finger on her lips, stopping her. 

Kitaro "What secret? We're not dating."

Hisana gets a surprised look.

Hisana "Oh yeah!"

She jumps back and gets on one knee as the fireworks explode in the sky.

Hisana "Kitaro, will you take my hand and join me in-"

Kitaro "Sure."

Hisana "O-"

She says with a surprised look before getting super excited.

Hisana "Really??"

Kitaro "No."

Hisana deflates and lays her head on his lap in defeat.

Hisana "Why not?.."

She whines.

Kitaro "If I say no, then the next guy you ask will get to say yes. Why haven't you asked anyone out while we're here?"

He asks, looking down at her in his lap. She gets a surprised look before looking away with a slightly pouty look.

Hisana "Because I don't wanna…"

She says quietly. Kitaro stares at her for a moment before placing his hand on her head. This surprises Hisana but once he starts stroking her hair and gently rubbing her head, her surprise turns to gentle pleasure.

Kitaro "That's alright I guess. I don't mind you here with me."

He says while looking back to the sky. Hisana smiles warmly as she closes her eyes in bliss. Eventually, the night of the summer festival comes to an end and the group makes their way back to the beach house. 

As the night grows thicker, the group all sighs with fatigue and tiredness.

Lucy "This vacation has been awesome but damn, am I tired."

Sugawara "Me too. Considering all the packing and cleaning we have left to do, we should probably go to bed."

Haru "Aw really? But it's our last night in this awesome beach house!"

He whines as Sugawara smiles and waves his hand gently to bring him closer. Haru bends down and leans in close as Sugawara places a hand over his mouth to Haru's ear before whispering something. Haru blushes before jumping back with a big smile on his face.

Haru "Deal!"

He shouts before picking up Sugawara and throwing him over his shoulder.

Sugawara "Goodnight guys!"

He says with a big smile as Haru rushes off to their room. Kitaro turns on the tv and starts up his game.

Kitaro "Yeah, I'll do all that tomorrow. I want to finish this game before we leave."

He leans back while playing his game as Hisana already snoozes on the other side of the couch next to him. 

Suiyoubi "Guess we should all turn in for the night."

She says with a smile as they all head to their rooms. Hikigaya sits down on the edge of the bed in his pajamas with a yawn before noticing Shiori putting some blankets and a pillow on the ground.

Hikigaya "What are you doing?"

He asks with a confused look. Shiori looks at him with a blush on her cheeks.

Shiori "I lost the bet, remember?"

Hikigaya thinks for a moment before blushing and looking down a bit, thinking about the bet.

Hikigaya "The one at the pool.."

She nods before laying down on some blankets and under a couple others. Her back faces the bed as she snuggles a bit.

Shiori "Goodnight, Hiki.."

She says softly before getting a surprised look as she feels something moving behind her. Before she can check, she realizes Hikigaya has gotten under the blankets with her. He presses his back against hers closely as Shiori blushes under the blankets. Hikigaya tightens up a bit with a look of confliction before quickly sitting up and turning to Shiori.

Hikigaya "That's it!"

He says with a blush as Shiori looks at him confused before he tackles her under the blankets, giving her kisses and love as she screams and laughs.

Shiori "Hikigaya! No!"

She shouts as they play under the blankets in joy. 

Come the next morning, the group gathers their belongings and cleans up the few messes they made before grouping together on the front porch of the large home. 

Kitaro "I'm sure gonna miss this place."

Alice "All you did was play games here.."

Kitaro "So what? I can still miss it."

They argue a bit as the others turn towards each other.

Chizuru "Can you believe we're gonna be fourth years when we get back?"

She asks excitedly. 

Lucy "Honestly, I didn't think Hikigaya would make it this far."

She elbows him as he rolls his eyes.

Hikigaya "Har har, that joke was so funny. Hilarious, even."

They laugh a bit as Haru calls out to them from up the trail towards the bus stop.

Haru "Hey guys! I think we got a problem!"

The group with their belongings go up towards the bus stop only to see a notice sheet plastered on the stop's wall.

Haru "'Starting July 31st, this bus stop will no longer be in use. Sorry for the inconvenience.' Hey, what day is it?"

Ryuji "July 31st."

Haru "Oh no. We're stranded here!"

He shouts with his hands grabbing his head in a panic. 

Shiori "Calm down. It's still a little early from when it's scheduled to arrive. Maybe it's still running today?"

Chizuru "Right! Surely they wouldn't leave us out here knowing we're still here."

They conclude as they hear the sputtering of a motor scooter down the way. They turn to see a slightly cleaner Frankle wearing a helmet and riding a beaten up old scooter their way.

Frankle "Yuehehehe! I hope you kids ain't waitin' for that there bus to come! Cause that thing came earlier this mornin' to pick up the last of the folk around here! Didn't you get the message? Yuehehehehe!"

He laughs hysterically before riding on as his scooter sputters and misfires. They all stare at him in a mix of disbelief and frustration. 

Touma"What he supposed to be in District 14?.."

He asks quietly with a sweat drop before Haru and Alice start freaking out.

Haru "What are we gonna do?!"

Alice "We're stranded!"

They start running around in circles panicking as the others try to formulate a plan. 

Hikigaya "I hate to admit it but they're right. We're kinda out of options here."

Hisana "We could just walk."

She says genuinely as Lucy droops.

Lucy "Yeah, I don't know about that…"

Sugawara "Well we have to think of something."

Kitaro looks at Suiyoubi for a moment before approaching her. 

Kitaro "Hey, could you make us like a teleportation spell or something?"

Suiyoubi sweats a bit.

Suiyoubi "Are you kidding? I don't even know if such a spell exists, let alone the intense logistics that go along with it. Especially not for a group this size.."

Kitaro shrugs.

Kitaro "Worth a shot. I thought it'd be cool if you could."

The group speaks about their situation for a moment before Shiori gets an idea.

Shiori "Hey, Hikigaya. What about this?"

She whispers her idea to him for a moment before he looks at her with an unsure look.

Hikigaya "Are you sure? That may not be a good idea.."

Shiori "Eh, it should be fine. They all know anyway and who would believe anyone who said they saw 12 flying highschoolers in the sky?"

Hikigaya smiles a bit at her.

Hikigaya "Alright, sounds like a plan."

He turns towards the group.

Hikigaya "Hey guys!"

They all stop and look at him except Alice and Haru who continue to run around until they slam into each other causing them both to collapse on the ground. Hikigaya smirks at them.

Hikigaya "We got a plan."

Suddenly, the group flies through the air at a high speed. Shiori smiles as her wings spread wide as she holds onto Hikigaya with one hand and Chizuru in the other. Chizuru holds onto Lucy who holds Ryuji who holds Touma holding Kitaro. Hikigaya holds Hisana who holds Suiyoubi who holds Sugawara who's holding onto Haru by the ankle. Haru screams in fear as he dangles through the air. Some of them are excited and enjoy the flight as others are more anxiety stricken. Shiori looks down between her legs and at the tail she formed.

Shiori "How's it going down there?!"

She shouts as Alice cheers and smiles gleefully as Shiori's tail wraps around her waist, allowing Alice to feel as if she's flying on her own.

Alice "This is awesome!"

She shouts with a joyful look on her face. Shiori smiles warmly before looking back ahead.

Shiori "Home, here we come!"

They made it about ¾ of the way home before they were stopped by Chief on reports of highschoolers flying through the air. Shiori and Hikigaya hang their heads as Chief scolds them.

Eventually and without any other complications, they make it home. Shiori drops them off one at a time until eventually she makes her way back home with Hikigaya hanging by her hands like they would do as Fullsky and Hikigaya. As they slow down to land, Hikigaya trips on something, causing him to topple over, taking Shiori down with him. They tumble a bit until Shiori is laying on her back with her wings spread out and Hikigaya over her. He holds himself up by his elbow and hand as they giggle.

Hikigaya "I'd say that's a pretty average landing for us."

Shiori "You're such a dummy."

She giggles out as they press their heads together for a moment before kissing each other softly. Suddenly, the front door opens causing them to quickly stumble to their feet, Shiori swiftly putting her wings and tail away. 

Asami "There you guys are. We were starting to think you got lost. Oh."

She leans against one of the porch posts before noticing their faces and awkward demeanor. Asami smirks a bit.

Asami "I knew that beach house was a good idea."

Shiori and Hikigaya walk past Asami as she continues.

Asami "That's where your dad and I made you."

She says as Hikigaya gets embarrassed.

Hikigaya "Mom!"

Asami chuckles as they all head inside.