Ryuji's Accident. Careers For The Future!

Tsuki "Yeah, I am gonna miss spending so much time together.."

He says softly as Shiori looks at him. She pauses for a moment before putting her hand on his shoulder gently.

Shiori "Don't worry Tsuki. You'll do great."

She says with a warm smile as Tsuki blushes a bit and smiles back. 

Milo "You guys better hurry up and find your careers soon because come next year, we'll be just like you and might need help ourselves!"

She says with a laugh as the group exits the classroom with a melancholic joy in their hearts, watching as the club room is left in the hands of their lowerclassmen. Alice throws her arms behind her head as they walk away.

Alice "Main, I sure am gonna miss the clubroom. Helping all those people and stuff."

Touma "You probably helped the least…"

He says with a sweat drop. Alice smirks as she shrugs her shoulders.

Alice "Yeah but those few will remember the help I offered forever."

The others smile and walk as Chizuru smiles softly, a slight sad feeling in her heart.

Chizuru "It's crazy it's already been two years since we formed the club. All the memories we made and people we helped.."

She says softly, looking back.

Hikigaya "Yep, and now it's behind us. No need to look back."

He says nonchalantly as Chizuru pouts at him a bit. 

Chizuru "You have no sense of delicacy…"

She says, puffing out her cheeks before looking down and smiling a bit. She then skips forward and turns around to face the group while still walking backwards.

Chizuru "But I suppose it doesn't matter where we are. I'm sure we'll help lots of people in the future, no matter what!"

She says with a big smile as the group all agrees. 

Eventually, a day comes where Ryuji approaches Lucy's house. He knocks on the door where Lucy answers. 

Lucy "Ah, so you made it."

Ryuji nods as they go inside. Kenji is sitting at a table with different papers spread in front of him.

Kenji "Ryuji, my boy! Come on, take a seat. We have a lot of things to go over."

He says with a smile as Ryuji joins him at the table.

Kenji "I appreciate you asking for my help on studying for the certification. As a successful businessman and restaurant owner for nearly 20 years now, I think I've got what it takes to-"

Lucy "Hey, dad."

She says, interrupting his long speech about his career.

Kenji "O-oh, right."

He says, sweating a bit as he looks down with an awkward smile.

Kenji "Okay, look here. There are a few different licenses and certifications you'll need just to cook in a restaurant let alone own one and with the way culinary school is these days, they may shoot you down just for being so young. So here's what you should do…"

He trails off as he explains many things to Ryuji. Another day, Ryuji is writing down something on a piece of paper as Lucy helps him with flashcards. Another day comes where Ryuji is by himself on his bed, late at night, studying on his laptop and reading through papers explaining more about what he needs to know. And another day, Lucy and Ryuji sit at Ryuji's table as he reads through a paper on his laptop.

Lucy "Oh, Ryuji, here. My dad made you a packet of things you'll need in the future. He figured it'd help to have an example going forward."

Ryuji smiles warmly as he takes the envelope.

Ryuji "Thank you. I'll give him my thanks next time I come to shadow him at the restaurant."

He says before turning back to the laptop, reading and continuing to write something down. Lucy watches him work as her look shifts slightly to one of concern.

Lucy "Ryuji."

She says softly. He looks up from his paper.

Lucy "Dad said you may get shot down just for being so young. Do you think.. that's gonna happen? Even if you pass the test next year, what are you gonna do if they don't certify you? Should I maybe go-"

Ryuji "Lucy."

He says softly, interrupting her racing, worried thoughts.

Ryuji "I will get certified. One way or another."

He says with confident eyes as he grabs her hand gently. Lucy's worried look calms a bit as she nods.

Lucy "I know you will.."

She says softly as Ryuji's mom steps into the room.

Fuyuko "That's right my baby boy. You try your best and show those no good college judges how talented my son is!"

She says supportively as she hugs him. Ryuji smiles, a bit embarrassed, as Fuyuko steps back. 

Fuyuko "You're going to be a wonderful chef one day. I just know it."

She says softly as Ryuji nods confidently. 

A few weeks go by as Ryuji spends most of his time studying and with Lucy at her house. One day he comes home late, the sun having set as clouds cover the sky, blocking out light from the stars above. He opens the door and steps through with a tired look on his face.

Ryuji "Mom, I'm home."

He closes the door behind him and puts his bag down. He looks around, confused at the lack of sound.

Ryuji "Mom?"

He asks as he begins to realize he's hearing coughing from her room. He quickly rushes to her room and sees her on her knees in the doorway of the bathroom, coughing intensely into her hand, blood spilling with every cough. He panics as he rushes to her side.

Ryuji "Mom! Mom!"

He sees her inhaler right beside her on the ground and quickly grabs it. Upon lifting it however, he realizes it is empty. His panic increases more as he quickly gets up and starts searching frantically through the cabinet on the wall. He searches but finds nothing as his mother struggles to breath through the blood and coughing. He crouches down next to her with fear and anxiety on his face.

Ryuji "Mom, I'm sorry. Dad has the spare, he-"

He hears the door open down the hall and quickly gets up.

Ryuji "Dad! Dad, come here! Mom needs the inhaler!"

He shouts as Jun takes quick notice, drops his suitcase and jacket and rushes to their side, pulling out an inhaler from his pocket. Despite his quiet demeanor, panic and worry is written across his face as he puts the inhaler in Fuyuko's mouth, holding her.

Jun "Breath, Fuyuko. Come on."

After a moment of panicked, strained breathing, she inhales sharply, taking in the medicine. After a moment, she breathes it in again before Jun pulls the inhaler away. Fuyuko coughs and gasps as she slowly regains composure, coughing out bits of blood left in her throat. 

Jun "How did this happen?"

He asks, coldly without looking away from Fuyuko. Ryuji steps back, shaking from the panic as he catches his breath as well.

Ryuji "I-I've been s-so busy with school and studying, I forgot to get the refill for her-"

Before he can finish, Jun backhands him across the face, causing him to stumble back into the bed. Jun stares at him with intense eyes as Fuyuko sharply clenches her fists, still struggling to regain herself.

Jun "You almost killed your mother. All because you were so busy with your shit! You're never home to watch her because you'd rather be thinking about you!"

He shouts as Ryuji trembles, a bit of blood pooling at the corner of his mouth. Jun begins to stand up and face Ryuji.

Jun "You selfish little-"

Before he can completely stand, Fuyuko grabs his shirt sleeve. He stops and looks at her with a concerned look. Fuyuko pants and struggles as she speaks.

Fuyuko "I… am not… my son's responsibility…"

She looks up at him with intense, angry and sad eyes as tears form.

Fuyuko "I would rather DIE than be anymore of a burden on him!"

She screams as she pants, staring at Jun. Jun sweats as he gets a conflicted look. Jun then speaks without looking at his son.

Jun "Please leave the room."

He requests as Ryuji pauses before doing so, closing the door behind him. Ryuji sits at the dining room table with a stressed and sad look when Jun comes from their room. Ryuji looks up to see him with a bit of blood on his shirt but his hands clean and sleeve wet. Jun slowly takes a seat at the table across from Ryuji as he looks down.

Ryuji "Is she okay?.."

He asks softly.

Jun "She is fine. I cleaned her up and put her to bed."

They sit in silence for a moment as Ryuji looks away.

Jun "Ryuji."

He slowly looks back at his father only to get a shocked look when he sees his father with his forehead on the table and hands spread out on the table as well, bowing to him.

Jun "I fear losing your mother… I don't want to lose you too…"

He says as tears begin to fall. Ryuji watches as tears form in his eyes.

Jun "I know I am a terrible father… But please… forgive me, my son..!"

He struggles to get out between sobs and tears. Ryuji rushes out of his chair and to his father's side as he embraces him, Jun hugging his son in return. They cry together after the extreme event that just took place.

A different day… Hikigaya is on the couch in the living room playing a videogame happily as Riku approaches him. Riku stares at Hikigaya for a moment, making him uncomfortable until he speaks to Riku.

Hikigaya "What can I do for you small one?"

He asks with a sweat drip on his face.

Riku "Shouldn't you be working on your future and stuff?"

Hikigaya "I am."

Riku "How?"

Hikigaya "I'm formulating right now. You see this game?"

He points to the TV screen and Riku looks with a surprised look.

Hikigaya "This particular game is very inspirational. It's showing me all the many things I could do with my life."

Riku sweats as he looks back at Hikigaya with a judgemental look.

Riku "It's… a cleaning simulator."

Hikigaya stares at him for a moment before getting back to his game.

Hikigaya "Okay, what do you want? A medal?"

Riku sits down next to him with a worried look.

Riku "No, I was just curious if one day I'd grow as big as you."

Hikigaya looks at him surprised a bit before smiling.

Hikigaya "I don't know. Maybe not."

Riku looks a bit disappointed as Hikigaya rubs him on the head.

Hikigaya "But if you're anything like your sister, you'll grow up nice and strong regardless of your size."

Riku smiles a bit but still has a hint of disappointment on his face. 

Hikigaya "Hey, how about we go bug your sister for a bit?"

Riku then jumps up with an excited smile.