A Winter Vacation Trip? Parents' Dilemma.

In December…

Samuel's class of fourth year students are rowdy in the morning, excited for the winter time and their futures as soon to be adults. They talk loud and mingle as Samuel walks through the door, looking quite tired and worn out. 

Haru "Woah, Ms. Samuel, you look beat."

Samuel "Thanks, I try. I do."

Kuzan "You should take a spa day Ms. S."

Kuzan says cooly from his desk. Samuel cracks her back as she stretches up straight.

Samuel "No no, I'm alright. My girlfriend is just a little too rough with me."

She says casually as the class blushes a bit.

Alice "I don't think you can say that Ms. Samuel."

She says with a smug cat smile, sweating a bit.

Samuel approaches her desk with her binder before preparing to start the day. 

Samuel "It's not my fault she likes to do wrestling for fun. Get your mind out of the gutter."

She says with a confident look, closing one eye to the class. 

Daiki "Ooh did you hear that Hikigaya? She called you stupid!"

Haru "Yeah she did!"

They tease as Hikigaya doesn't even look back at them.

Hikigaya "Did she? I thought she was talking about your moms."

Touma "Vvwip."

Touma sounds from across the class while pointing a finger gun in the air at Hikigaya's comment, causing him to smirk. Haru and Daiki look confused and stunned by his words.

Haru/Daiki "Huh??"

Samuel "Arlight, that's enough about moms and girlfriends. I know you're all excited for winter break but we still have work to do."

Lucy lays her head down and looks away with a displeased look.

Lucy "I'd rather go camping than do more school work…"

She grumbles under her breath as Chizuru's face lights up. 

Chizuru "Ooh! Camping! That's a great idea for winter vacation!"

Sugawara "That could be fun."

Airi "I've always wanted to go camping in the winter."

Alice "Yeah, and I've always wanted to fight a bear!"

She says before shadow boxing in her chair. 

Suiyoubi "We should all go!"

Kuzan "If we do, we should rent out some cabins. I don't do tenting."

Lucy looks surprised and concerned.

Lucy "I was kidding! I don't want to go camping!"

The class then begins discussing a hypothetical camping trip as Samuel's eyebrow twitches in frustration. 

Samuel "You darn kids…"

She growls before shouting at them.

Samuel "Alright! That's enough about camping! It's time to focus up!"

Hisana "Come on Ms. Samuel! Wouldn't a senior winter field trip be super fun?"

Sugawara "We could make it educational, depending on where we go."

He offers as the others encourage the idea. Samuel stares at them for a moment before smirking.

Samuel "Alright, how about we make a deal? You all pass this text with at least a 90% and I'll go talk to Principal Ai about it. But if even on of you gets a score lower than 90, you can kiss your fourth year winter field trip goodbye."

She says with a challenging look. The class sweats nervously a bit as Shiori and Hikigaya look at each other. They then smirk back.

Hikigaya/Shiori "You're on."

Haru "Yeah!"

Suiyoubi "We haven't been studying all highschool for nothing."

Samuel smirks mischievously.

Samuel "Well then. Let's begin."

She says with an evil smile. She passes out the multiple page test to the class as they all get straight to work, trying their best. Samuel watches them with a smug look.

Samuel 'These fools… Not only is the test very difficult, there are a few among them who simply won't be able to keep up!'

She looks at Lucy.

Samuel 'And one who will most likely throw just because she doesn't want to go camping. This deal is entirely one sided.'

She thinks to herself as the students test. Soon, the final student turns in their test to Samuel's desk as she smirks at the pile. Haru blows steam from his nose confidently before walking back to his seat. 

Samuel "Since that's all the tests, why don't we begin with the first one?"

She grabs the first test on the top, being Haru's and flips it over to begin grading. After a moment, she looks up with a plain look.

Samuel "Haru Tanaka. Your score…"

The class listens intently, anticipating the first score they are about to hear.

Samuel "74%."

She says coldly as everyone's jaws drop in shock. Haru's face looks lifeless and cold as he stares ahead blankly. They all turn and face him.

Class "Haru!"

They shout angrily. Samuel clicks her tongue as she stands up with a smug look on her face.

Samuel "Well well, need I continue? It seems our wager has already concluded with the first test. Sorry but it seems there will be no school trip."

The class droops with disappointed looks when suddenly the room phone on Samuel's desk begins to ring. 

Samuel "Would you look at that. Principal Ai is calling already. Maybe I should put her on speaker as I tell her the bad news."

She answers and does just that. 

Samuel "Hello Principal Ai. I have you on speaker, what is it you could be calling about at this hour?"

She answers smugly.

Principal Ai "Hello class 4-1. I hope you are all having a good morning."

Alice "More like a super bummed morning!"

She shouts from her seat.

Principal Ai "Oh? Then perhaps I can brighten your moods a bit. I have just received word about an upcoming school field trip that will take place over the first week of winter vacation. A camping trip for one week to Camp Circle V, a historic site where many culturally enriching events took place."

Outside the classroom, a little down the hall, Principal Ai leans against the wall with a phone in hand and against her ear. She smiles as she continues to talk.

Principal Ai "I'm sure it will be very educational for all of you. Oh, and there will be cabins."

She says as the students' faces begin to light up, Samuel's face in shock.

Kuzan "Cool."

He says with a smile.

Principal Ai "A runner with the paperwork needed for the trip will be there shortly."

She says as soon as a staff member brings in a box with small pamphlets in it. The students each rush up and grab them one by one with excited looks.

Chizuru "No way! This is amazing!"

Airi "How did she know?"

Hisana "I don't know and I don't care!"

Samuel watches the students get excited for the trip in shock as Principal Ai continues.

Principal Ai "That means you will be chaperoning them of course, Ms. Samuel."

Samuel sighs before smiling a bit.

Samuel "Yes ma'am."

Principal Ai doesn't respond and hangs up.

Samuel "I guess that's that. Make sure you get your parents to sign those papers if you want to come. Otherwise, you know the drill. You'll be with Mr. Goda for the duration of the trip, so on and so forth."

She says with a slight sigh of defeat as the class cheers. 

Later that day, Chizuru rushes into her home, closing the door behind her with an excited look. 

Chizuru "Dad! Dad~!"

She calls out with a smile as she enters the living room when Henry comes rushing out of the kitchen with a worried look on his face.

Henry "What?? What is it?? Are you Okay??"

He asks with a slightly panicked expression as Chizuru nods, stepping back a bit from her father's worried grasp.

Chizuru "I'm fine, nothing's wrong."

Pastel follows behind Henry but stops a little bit back, quickly realizing her daughter is fine. 

Chizuru "Oh! Mom, you're home too. Great! Check this out!"

She says excitedly before pulling out the packet and putting it on the table. 

Chizuru "We were just told today about a trip the class is doing over winter vacation! We're going to Camp Circle V!"

Henry grabs the papers and looks at it with a concerned look as Pastel approaches them.

Pastel "That sounds like super fun my dear."

Henry "I don't remember the school saying anything about a winter trip."

Chizuru "Well my friends came up with the idea."

She says with a nervous look while rubbing the back of her head.

Chizuru "B-but don't worry! Ms. Samuel and Principal Ai already approved it! I just need signatures as usual to go."

Henry gets a displeased look.

Henry "I.. don't think this is a good idea. Iris High was supposed to be a prestigious highschool but time and time again, these trips turn into total disasters, putting her in danger. And it's so far away, what if-"

He says with a worried tone as Chizuru's expression begins to drop a little. Pastel steps up and interrupts Henry.

Pastel "I think we need to talk about this."

She says to Chizuru, placing her hand on Henry's hand to calm him down. She then steps closer to Chizuru and leans in to whisper to her.

Pastel "But don't worry, I'll convince your father to let you go.."

She says softly as Chizuru's eyes light up and a big smile spreads across her face. She gives her mother a big hug before rushing off.

Chizuru "Thanks mom!"

She goes upstairs as Pastel watches her. Henry looks at Pastel with a conflicted look.

Henry "You know I'm right. How are we supposed to trust a spur of the moment trip to somewhere so far when their more planned out trip put her in so much danger? We can't just let her do whatever she wants. She's fragile. Who knows when the next time she-"

Pastel "Henry. Please don't."

She turns and looks at him with a worried look.

Pastel "I love my daughter more than anything in the world. I want her safe and healthy as much as you but I swear, I would sooner gut myself before I hold her back from experiencing life."

Her eyes glisten with tears as Henry's expression shifts to soft concern.

Pastel "That girl has already lost so much of her childhood. We have to trust she knows her limits and if she wants to do this then we can't stop her."

She pauses for a moment as Henry looks down with a conflicted look. Pastel exhales softly.

Pastel "Just… be there for her, please? Just this once?"

She asks softly as Chizuru sits on the stairs above the living room where her parents talk. She listens with a sad expression on her face.

Henry "Okay."

He says as Chizuru smiles just a bit but sadness still persists before she gets up and goes to her room.