Etched In Permanence. The Last Day Begins!

The group steps back and admires the look of their names all together, permanently engraved into the post as Alice's eyes begin to shine before she throws his fists into the air.

Alice "My life is so amazing! Thank you all! I love you guys!"

She shouts into the night sky as her voice rings out through the woods. Hisana giggles a bit as emotional tears form in her eyes.

Hisana "Me too."

Haru "Yeah! I couldn't have said it better myself! You guys are the best!"

He says, wrapping his arms around Touma and Hikigaya as they smile too.

Suiyoubi "Despite everything that's happened, I wouldn't want anything to be different. I can only imagine what adventures await us in the future."

She says softly with strong emotion in her voice. 

Ryuji "I know we'll all succeed and grow to be the best we can be."

Sugawara "That's right! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you all!"

Hisana "Just promise you'll never leave then everything else will work out just fine."

Shiori "Yeah."

She says softly. Despite the warm emotions flying through the air, she can't help but get a conflicted look on her face. Lucy notices her look and steps next to her.

Lucy "What's wrong?"

Shiori shakes her head a bit.

Shiori "Nothing. I just…"

She turns and looks at the post, at a specific name carved into it.

Shiori "I wish Chizuru was here with us…"

Lucy stares at the post for a moment as sadness wells inside her chest but she bites down and smiles softly.

Lucy "Me too but we can't waste her memories feeling sad and sorry for ourselves. Now's a time to smile, for her!"

Shiori looks at Lucy for a moment before smacking herself on the face a bit and smiling back.

Shiori "You're right! She'll always be here with us, right here! I can feel it!"

She says, pounding her fist to her chest as Lucy smirks and does the same, both of the girls giggling as tears well in their eyes despite their laughter. As the group continues to talk about their feelings and the future they envision together, Touma watches and smiles softly at the group when he feels a hand tap him on the shoulder. Startled, he turns quickly but sees nothing behind him but the trail they walked up to get to the area. He stares for a moment before he hears his name be called.

Voice "Touma~..."

He calls softly. His eyes widen a bit before he begins down the trail by himself, not telling anyone. As he walks, he hears the voice call his name again.

Voice "Touma~"

Sounding a bit closer now, he looks around, searching for the source of the voice that calls to him. He eventually stops when he can no longer hear it and looks around. A look of disappointment and sadness spreads across his face for a moment before a glowing light begins to grow behind him. Like before, a light hand taps him on the shoulder causing him to turn around and stare for a moment as his eyes grow wide.

Voice "Touma."

It says softly as a wide smile spreads across his face. 

Soon, the night comes to an end as the group hugs each other and heads home, preparing for the last day of school to come.

On a warm summer morning, Shiori walks with her head held high and a soft smile on her face as the breeze blows through her hair, swiping her bangs to the side of her face. She approaches the school front entrance as she stops for a moment. Many students are gathering around the poster boards by the main entrance, looking for their names on the graduation list. A few sigh with relief as some cheer and throw their bags into the air, celebrating early. She stares at the tall building in front of her and the classmates and students around her for a moment before breathing in deep with happiness filling her soul. 

Shiori 'Okay. Last day of highschool. How hard can it be?'

She thinks to herself as she begins to take a step forward but is startled by a voice behind her.

Hikigaya "Hey Shiori! There you are! I've been looking for you!"

He says with a slightly upset look as she turns to him with a surprised and confused look.

Shiori "Hiki? I thought you were gonna sleep in and have your mom take you later?"

Hikigaya steps next to her with an offended look.

Hikigaya "Yeah, I was until I couldn't sleep and decided to chase after you to school. Do you realize how fast you walk? And didn't you hear me calling your name?"

He asks as Shiori sweats a bit with an embarrassed look.

Shiori "N-no.. I guess I was just deep in thought.."

She says with an embarrassed giggle. Hikigaya smiles a bit before lifting her chin up and kissing her softly.

Hikigaya "Nervous?"

Shiori "Y-yeah… a little."

Hikigaya "Don't be. At least you know you passed. Me on the other hand…"

He says while drooping a bit. Shiori giggles while taking his hand in hers.

Shiori "Don't worry, love. Whatever happens, we'll handle it together."

She says with a blush as Hikigaya blushes and smiles back. They eventually head to the board where the others are all waiting.

Haru "Oh man! Isn't this so exciting?! Last day of school, then we're free!"

He cheers as Hisana and Alice nod excitedly. 

Lucy "I'm surprised you actually showed up, Hikigaya."

She teases as Hikigaya looks at her with an upset look.

Hikigaya "Yeah, I bet you are after your oh so kind text this morning."

Lucy "Only the kindest for you."

She says while pulling out her phone and showing her text.

Lucy "Hey, don't bother coming to school. You totally failed, in fact, you're getting sent back to elementary school for how bad you failed."

It reads. 

Sugawara "Okay, okay, no more teasing! Let's get to the board and see what actually happened."

He says as the group relents. They walk together to the board, making their way through the crowd as they read the board. Hikigaya scans the papers until he finds his name, reading 'Passed' by his name. He sighs in relief as a soft smile forms on his face. 

Haru "See?? I knew you made it!"

He shouts while jumping on Hikigaya and wrapping his arm around his neck. Hikigaya looks a bit annoyed by his loud voice but doesn't fight it as Touma walks up and hugs them both tightly, lifting them off the ground.

Touma "Never had a doubt."

He says with a big smile. Shiori watches them and sighs in relief as Kitaro and Lucy step next to her.

Kitaro "Relieved your boyfriend made it?"

Lucy "You totally had doubt, huh?"

She smiles awkwardly.

Shiori "A little.."

She admits as they giggle. 

Ryuji "Don't let him hear you say that."

He says with a smirk as she smiles warmly at them.

Hisana "Yay! We did it! Come on guys! Let's get inside before all the good seats are taken!"

She cheers before rushing in, taking Kitaro's and Sugawara's hands with her. The rest of the group begins to follow when suddenly, a pair of big strong hands place themselves on Shiori's and Hikigaya's shoulders. They stop with shocked looks as Mr. Goda leans down a bit to them.

Goda "Well if it isn't my prized pupils."

He says with a loud voice and a smile.

Shiori "H-hi Mr. Goda. What brings you here..?"

She asks with a concerned look. Goda looks at her surprised.

Goda "I'm here to see my students off, of course! I am a teacher here after all."

Hikigaya "Right, right…"

He says, looking away nervously. Goda smirks.

Goda "Say, why don't we run our course one more time, for old times sake?"

They both stiffen up at his words as Goda starts laughing loudly.

Goda "I'm joking! You two need to laugh more. It's good for the muscles."

He says with a smile as they giggle awkwardly.

Shiori "Right, well we should probably head inside. You know, the ceremony and everything."

Hikigaya "Exactly."

They say and try to walk away.

Goda "Not so fast."

He says as his grip on their shoulders tightens a bit, stopping them. He leans down a bit with a mischievous smile.

Goda "Speaking of the ceremony. Why don't you two come with me?"

He says ominously as they get scared looks. The rest of the group looks back at them as he begins to pull them away despite their struggling.

Suiyoubi "What was that about?"

Alice "They looked scared."

Lucy "Oh, you know Mr. Goda, could be anything."

Touma nods with a sigh as Lucy turns around.

Lucy "I'm sure we'll find them inside. Let's go find the others."

She says as they go inside the school. A bit of time passes as the group is in their seats and many of the students chatter rings throughout the auditorium. Lucy looks around with a concerned look. 

Lucy "Where are they? It's been like an hour now, the ceremony is about to start!"

Touma "You think they got lost?"

Hisana "Oh no! We better go find them!"

She tries to stand but Kitaro grabs her arm and keeps her sitting.

Kitaro "If you leave now, you'll definitely miss it."

Ryuji "It'll be alright. Let's just focus on the ceremony for now."

He comforts her as she nods a bit. On the stage before the crowd, Samuel, Goda and Shuhei stand along with a few other teachers around them. Shuhei steps to the microphone at the podium before clearing his throat.

Shuhei "Ahem. Attention everyone, we are about to begin so please take your seats and hush up."

He says with a smile as the crowd settles.

Shuhei "Now, I'd like to personally welcome Principal Ai to the stage to say a few words about our wonderful graduating class!"

He says enthusiastically as Ai steps onto the stage and to the microphone.

Principal Ai "Hello everyone. I'm so glad to see so many of my students' faces on this day. It brings me so much pleasure seeing how far all of you have come. There is no school in the Districts that I'd rather lead than this one right here and that's thanks to each and every one of you. You all should be very proud of yourselves, as I am in you."

She says warmly as the students get filled with pride and love from their principal. She smiles before speaking once more.

Principal Ai "I'm sure you've heard me talk plenty to all of you throughout the years so instead, I'm going to have a couple students, peers of yours, step forward and talk for me. My proudest examples of how anyone can change and grow. Please welcome Hikigaya Oshiro and Shiori Inabi."

She says, raising her hand to the side as they both anxiously step out onto the stage and towards the podium. The group looks shocked and worried.

Lucy "Oh boy…"

Suiyoubi "Will they be alright?.."