The Weakest System?

My name is Verni Millas and I'm about to transfer to our local's National Highschool. I came from a poor province and intend to enroll here for grade 10.

I decided to come into the city alone and left our home since my mother left our family for a new husband and my father ended himself. It's heavy for me but I have no choice but to be strong in order to survive. I'll try to forget it.

If at least I can finish highschool, I can make my grandfather proud. To be honest, I don't want to do this but I have to since none of us in our family have finished highschool. Other people see us as hopeless.

I hope to find a job as an e-sports gamer or a content creator since it's the only thing I'm good at. You can even say I'm the best at it. I have a gaming account which raked me 1 Million views on tiktok and youtube, and the ad revenue are my only source of income. At least, it's enough to get me through high school without any financial support.

Now that I got transferred to this school, I feel worried. It's the first day of class and I get severely anxious talking to people.

I wonder to myself if it is even possible to graduate without talking anyone in class. Ever since my elementary years, I have no friends and I was always left out from groupings.

I kinda think I'm special in someway.

In the game Lord of Grinds MMORPG my character is an assassin that has the skill Shadow Stealth, I think I have that skill in real life because no one will notice me, even if I will try talking to them.

During the first day of class, we are asked to introduce ourselves. There were so many students that I kinda felt excited.

My self introduction felt like hell, I can't utter without stuttering. "Ni-nice to meet you, my name is V-Verni Millas."

I doubt they can even hear it since I felt wary to louden my voice. Now, that's over I decided to observe on my classmates.

One of them was a girl I cannot forget. She has a long, shiny violet hair and an appealing face to that of a model. She is a beauty with a tall figure and curvy stature. The room glows with her presence since she is also humble and friendly.

Everyone from the class stares at her introduction. "Hello my classmates, it's nice to meet you. My name is Myla Carren, and I'm obsessed with vampires and werewolves. My hobby is reading romance books and..."

She tells a lot about herself however, I know none of them are listening since they would rather stare at her beauty.

Must be nice to have a girlfriend like that I suppose.

One of my guy classmates is leering at her while stroking his chin. As I remember, this one is the son of a city engineer, he has a blond and flashy hair with a deep and arrogant look.

I keep hearing from the girls that he is goodlooking but I fail to see it. Guys like him makes me mad.

We also proceeded to hold the class election for that week.

Shira Valence became our class president. She has a black and long hair tied formally showing her adherance to the school rules. She can also be a beauty but her attitude of being stuck up to the class rules is annoying. She is loyal to the rules word for word that some of us find it annoying. Such as running in the hallways will cost you to be reported to the teacher's office.

There is also Leon, Shira's secretary who's an ultimate simp to her. He always does what she tells him and obeys blindly.

However, I shouldn't care. The only thing I should care about is to end this school year as soon as possible.

It was afternoon, and we were given schedules on who should clean every after class. Mine is only at monday and for some crazy coincidence, I ended up with Myla who's task is cleaning the class' comfort room.

I ended up getting the boy's attention since they wanted my spot so bad. They only needed two people for the CR after all. Right now, we are mopping the floor and I feel at bliss being in the same room as her.

However, it will be the first time I will be talking to Myla and I'm doing my best to deflect her words. Talking with a pretty woman feels difficult.

"You are Verni, right?" Myla says.

I can't believe it that she knows me. Could this be that she has a crush on me? Does she observe me during class as well?

"I-I'm surprised you know my name." I say in a weak quivering voice.

"Well, I already memorized everyones names. Shira, Rendon, Jonathan, Julius, Lara..."

She went on and on, listing down everyones names. Damn, I must be pretty pathetic to assume that she has a thing for me. Since looking at the mirror I look pale, thin and weak. Even my hair is not combed so I think I'm quite ugly. No girl will even like me.

However, I don't think all hope is lost since I will be seeing her every monday afternoon. To others monday may be their worst day but it's my best day.

Until that thing started. While I was about to go to the bathroom, Alfred and his friends noticed me. In this school, Alfred became a popular athlete and is the representative of our school division.

Right now, their schedule is to throw the garbage to the farthest part of the school. It's heavy which is why the athletes were chosen for this task by the president while I was tasked for CR cleaning.

There were six bags of them that were about to be thrown to the dumping site.

Alfred calls out to me, "hey twerp, come here!" He says mockingly with a grin.

Hearing it, my heart panics. I wish I can run but it's no use so I hear them out.

One of his friends meddle in, "why are you doing waddling like a duck? Move your ass faster."

I panicked and run to them fast.

They snicker after I follow their instructions.

Alfred puts his hand on my shoulder. He says with a jeering tone, "hey pal, you see, we still have practice. So why don't throw this garbage for us, huh? Oh, that's right I can take your spot as CR cleaners. We'll call that even, hehe."

This bastard. He just wants to talk to Myla! Besides, carrying all these bags alone will be too much for me which is why a few of them are assigned here.

This makes me mad that I can't control my mouth, "I-I refuse!"

Alfred and his friends dropped their laugh. They looked at me as though I'm but a pest. He throws a punch at my gut causing me to fall on my knees coughing.

He then steps on my back with an annoyed tone, even putting pressure on it causing me to lay flat. "Who the hell are you to refuse us you twerp?! You must be enjoying your time with Myla, huh? You're probably fantasizing about getting her as your girlfriend, huh?"

No, you're wrong! I already know I have no chance with a girl like her. I just want to enjoy my life talking to her.

Tears starts to flow from my eyes.

Joe, one of Alfred's friends sees my pathetic face, he begins laughing. "Hey seriously, this guy is crying. Hahaha!"

Williams adds, "too bad it's just a fantasy, no way that's gonna come true for losers like you. You can't even protect yourself, you weakling."

Alfred harrumphs, he kicks me one more time and signal to his friends. "Be sure to knock him out so that he won't show up next monday."

"Hahaha, aight bet."

After that, his friends began to beat me so bad I think one of my arms broke. Before they left, Carl spits on my face that even Alfred winces. "Hey Carl, that's too much."

"Nah, this way he'll learn his lesson, haha. And don't forget to throw those bags to the back, twig." He says to me.

I got many bruises, but I can manage to throw these six large bags to the dumping site. After pushing myself to do so, I limp to my apartment and got heavy fever. I didn't show up for the next two weeks in class.

The bullying began when I returned to school. Alfred would tell his friends to put gums under my table, spit on my pen and papers, make fun of me and sometimes use me as a punching bag.

One time they used me as a target practice for soccer where they would kick the ball as strong as possible in order to hit my face or stomach. Going to school became hell.

I end up skipping my duty as CR cleaner and got chided by the president. She say one more skip and I will be cleaning the CR for the entire week, and I did, alone.

However, what saddens me the most is I was no longer able to talk with Myla. I don't know what I did to deserve this. I think we only worked as a CR cleaners partner for several times that we became friends.

While I was cleaning, someone hit my head from behind. I got surprised. Is it Alfred?

However, looking behind me, it's Myla, which I'm even more surprised. "Myla, why are you here?"

"Hey, we're partners aren't we? Why did you left me? Alfred told me that you don't want to be cleaning with me so I was stuck with him."

"So-sorry about that Myla, I--"

She interjects, "i can't even believe that you never told me in class. I thought you hated me or something. As for Alfred, that guy never shuts up about his shoe collection."

What's this? For some reason I feel relieved.

Myla then begins smiling, "also, I begin skipping my schedule as well and might as well join you. We are comfort room partners, right?"

She looks at me confused. She peers closer to my face which gets me flustered. "So it's true, huh?" She says annoyed.

"Myla?" Crap, she must have noticed the bruise on my cheek.

"Don't tell me that the boys are bullying you?" Her eyes look fierce and serious. "Have you told class pres about this?"

I gulp seeing Myla is serious. However, I don't want her to get involved with this since it's mine and Alfred's problem. "This is nothing Myla, I just tripped."

Right now, Myla is silent with a serious face. She is probably thinking about something. "You know Verni, Lara and the others have been bullying me as well. Mocking me on social media."

Lara, the influencer who puts on a lot of make up and dresses extravagantly. She is also scummy who is close to Alfred and would often mock me to get his attention. Lara is probably just jealous of Myla's beauty since Myla is naturally beautiful.

"I thought I wouldn't have a problem in highschool, looks like I am wrong."

Myla just laughs it off, "well too bad, we are in the same boat. So as CR cleaners why don't we make a pact that you and I would protect each other. Sounds good?"

She says goofily like its a line from one of her favorite novels.

"Uh.. sure."

Without warning, the sky glows unnaturally through the windows. Like there were lights brighter than the sun. Strange texts and outlines are also appearing on the floor.

Like it is a part of a larger magic circle?


"What's going on?! Ah!" Myla squeals.

The light turns brighter until it engulfs us.

When the light subsides we are in a completely white environment. This isn't earth but I have something I can stand. Though it's a completely white floor.

Looking around me, I notice my classmates are here as well.

They are confused and scared.

Did we just got transported in different realm? My gamer instincts says so.

Oddly enough, I feel calm. Is it because I am prepared for this all this time or do I have nothing to lose in my world if I'm ever gonna get transported?

I wonder. Maybe both.

Looks like Myla is here too and she is speechless.

A glowing ball appears out of nowhere. It brightly shines that it nearly blinds us.


"Another light?!"

"What's going on?"



"Where's the teacher!"

This light feels different. I can sense some presence from the light. Like an eye watching over us.

"Citizens of the 69,420th universe, I welcome you. Pardon me for pulling you out of your realm, but I need you."

A divine-like voice resounds throughout this realm.

Alfred steps forward. "Who the hell are you, you creepy ball?! Is this your doing? Return us immediately!"

We can finally see the true form of the light. It looks like a floating flask, with a burning glow inside it. "You are correct. My name is Kami and that's only the thing you need to know."

"Hey, return to us to our world right now!"

"That's right!"

Kami, the flask laughs, giving an idea there is no hope for return. "You think I went to the trouble in summoning you here just to return you?!"

Kami's glow turns dark. Its voice becomes manic as well. It is now threatening that we can't help but keep quiet.

"You will be sent to the magical world of Gravilus. There, you will get stronger and even become more powerful. Otherwise, that world will be destroyed."

Looks like the same isekai cliche. Even if he says that, we can't complain after being threatened with his aura.

"In the right time, I will come upon Gravilus after my revival and annihilate it! That's where you are supposed to defeat me."

Did he just summon us to defeat himself? That makes no sense.

"That's right, I know what you are thinking but I can't help it. Where's the satisfaction in destroying a world if it's easy. As a destroyer of worlds, I still have some standards to meet. I want you to make reputations among yourselves and stop me when the time comes. Hahaha."

The idea seems insane but it seems he is serious.

Even though scared, my classmates are pissed after hearing what he said.

"Don't screw with me?! Another world? Magic? We don't need that crap. Return us immediately?" Shira, the class president stands forward.

Kami laughs villainously. "One more complaint and I will crush your soul here and now!"

We are taken aback with his threat.

Its words give us an idea that we should not screw around. It has no reason to bluff.

We have no choice but to lay low and do what it says.

"Now that's taken care of, I will impart upon you systems that you will use in the next world."

Even though the situation is out of hand this is what I'm waiting for!

"You will be given points based on your popularity, and you can use it to purchase your system title."

Eh? No way. Popularity? Ain't I the bottom of the hierarchy? I can't believe I will still suck even in Isekai!

Several screen interfaces with texts and details popped up in front of our faces.

[Name: Verni Millas


Total Titles Available (50/50)

Popularity Points - 5


System Title:

True Hero (Level-50)

PP cost - 200

Vampiric Magus (Level-45)

PP cost - 170

Dragon-born Brave (Level -40)

PP cost - 185

Brute Log Warrior (Level- 25)

PP cost - 100

Axe Berserker (Level 35)

PP cost - 150

Elven Arch-Lord (Level 40)

PP cost - 175


My popularity points is 5? How am I suppose to buy all these cool titles?

I am sweating from nervousness. Looks like everyone is starting to choose their system.

All these cool titles are getting taken one by one.

I click what the level beside the titles mean for more information.

[These levels indicators are the starting level for the users]

No way, that feels like cheating. If someone can purchase the True Hero, they will be automatically level 50 at the start.

Seeing my classmates, even the average students of my class have a decent number of popularity points. Most of the titles are being bought every second I waste.

Ugh! Why am I such a loser!

I kept on scrolling until I can find the title that I can buy. It is found on the bottom of the interface and perhaps the weakest of all systems.

[Suicidal divider (Level 1)

PP- 5 ]


Huh? What kind of title is that?! But seeing every title is sold out, looks like I have no choice.

[Buy Suicidal divide?

(Yes) (No)]

I click on yes.

Sad. It seems to be the weakest and the lowest level. Regardless, just what I can do with this title?

Afterward, Kami speaks something unexpected.

"I see. Now that everyone has chosen their titles, for the next procedure, one has to be sacrificed for the summoning to work."