The General Monster

I can create clones in the safe zone but there is no time. If I can't save the clones near that general monster I might not be able to find it again.

I have to return to my clones back there using [Clone Take Over].

It seems I can use this skill on any clone despite my distance from them.

After executing the skill. I return to that location. We are already at the sight of the creature. Golden reptilian skin with bright and threatening eyes. It is sticking on the wall.

The only reason my clones are still here is most likely it is careful. Unlike the other monsters, this one seems to anticipate my moves.

I need to at least land a hit upon that creature.

Here goes. I charge as fast as I can. Oddly enough, I feel lighter and faster compared to back then. It seems I can feel the change with my increased agility.

The chameleon King releases its tongue. It whips as fast as a bullet. That is the thing that struck me from earlier.

I crouch luckily and manage to evade it. It passes over my head. That is close! I then give a command to my other clone to encircle the thing. I currently have 2 clones in this area thus I have to be careful.

I will have to act as a decoy while my other clones sneaks.

I wonder if hitting it with my silk is enough to earn some assists.

"Cast skill."

[Silk shooter!]

I shoot out some silk and the chameleon leaps away from the wall and sticks on the ceiling. It didn't even touch it.

That bastard! "Hey you, just get hit by my silk. It won't even scratch you!"

The chameleon leaps down about to squash me.


I then roll away and ran as fast as I can. My back is full of opening. Now I am under the target of the chameleon.

It then whips my clone cleanly, slicing me into two.

Just after I got hit, I used [Clone Take Over] on the other clone behind the chameleon.

I then hit its side with a punch. It does less than 1% damage but mission accomplished. I then ran as fast as I can.

Since I am in such a predicament, I can't lure it on a strategic location. I have to run to the closest way out of here.

The chameleon then aims its eerie slit eyes at me. It then leaps in my direction. I then enter another path to escape the monster.

It is following behind me. It is extremely fast. I have to exert most of my energy and I can feel the essence of this clone is weakening.

I don't feel tired like my real body but I can feel the energy of this body is dissipating.

I have to at least find a monster that can defeat this monster before this clone disappears. However, I haven't seen any monster stronger than this one.

In this direction I am going, I am moving away from my real body. So there won't be clones coming soon to help.

It looks like it's just this guy and me.

Looking back behind me, I fluster from fear. It is scarier than the cgi of hollywood with the detail on its skin and bright colors.

However, finally, I manage to encounter a Greater Spider in the distance.

Yes! I found one!

"Hey spider! Here! Fight this dude!"

However, to my surprise, the spider crawls back and vanishes.


Could it be? That it is scared of the Chameleon King?

[Answer. General Monsters are only lesser than dungeon boss, but they are the most dominant force of the area which every monsters fear. Their presence alone greatly affects the ecosystem and the food chain of the monsters.]

I can almost cry after hearing it. If no monster is willing to fight it then I can't reap an assist. Also, I have no way of defeating it.

[Answer. After a hostile attack, for the assist function to take effect, the target must be slain under 10 minutes.]

I gulp. I didn't consider this. Then, how much time do I have?

[Answer. You only have 7 minutes left]

I need to think fast or I might need to hit it again. Recalling something from earlier, I then change routes. I know of a location which can take care of this guy.

"System, how much time do I have left?"

[Answer. 3 minute and 37 seconds.]

Geh. I have been running for a while, huh?

Since I have to change routes, my back is open from attacks. I then duck and the whip whizzed above me. I crawl fast, made a u turn and continued running.

Phew. That was scary.

At some point, I manage to arrive to that location. I stand on a cliff and below me is a hot gurgling magma. From my distance, I can see that it is burning hot.

It is enough to melt the strongest steel. I doubt this boss can survive it.

The chameleon charges at me in a fast speed. I then make sure I am open to his attacks. After getting close, I leap off the cliff and let myself fall to the magma. It then leaps along with me to catch me.

The chameleon panics after it sees the lava below us. It shrieks in fear.

I then smirk at the monster. "Hehe, even though I'm a clone, I can't just have myself get killed if I can. Cast skill!"

[Silk shooter]

The web clings on the wall which swings me back to a ground away from the lava. As for the chameleon, it sinks in a satisfying splash.

I then laugh aloud. "Hahaha, you deserve that you moron!"

"System, where is my EXP now?"

[Answer. No data found.]


The chameleon shrieks as it emerges from the lava. It tries to swim back to the ground.

Hey, hey seriously? That guy is still alive?

[-10,000 HP

-10,000 HP

-10,000 HP


However, it is receiving damage as it stays in the lava. I need to trap that thing before it can escape.

For now, it looks like this chameleon will take some time to swim back.

I then send some message to my clones back there to gather all the beast corpses they found and consume it. Perhaps I can unlock some skills useful to push it back.

The chameleon already touches the ground. All it needs is to pull itself back.

Those clones need to hurry.

[New skills Acquired!

+Venom Production

+Noise Creation

+Dark Mist]

[Condition: You are well-sated]

Analyzing them, I finally found one that is useful.

[Noise creation

Sound blow: Create a sound wave to shock and confuse the enemy.

MP: 5

CD: 10 seconds]

The [Noise Creation] skill seems to have originated from the bat cat monster carcass they ate. It will render its opponents deaf and inflict a knock back with such attack.

Just when the chameleon is about to grapple fully on the land, I then cast my skill. [Sound Blow!]

With my mouth open, it releases a strong sound wave that reverberates the surrounding air. The chameleon shrieks as it got push back to the burning magma.

Everytime it tries to swim back, I attack it with my sound blow. Thankfully, it can't swim faster than my cool down and I have barely enough MP left.

Eventually, as it receives damage from the lava it finally bit the dust. I am glad it is finally dead.

[Title earned.

+General Monster slayer

+Jungle Scholar]

[New skill earned


[+100,000 EXP]

[+Level up

+Level up

+Level up


Level: 30]

Sadly, I never have the chance to eat the monster but it seems I got some new skills. Most of all, what the hell is this? I jumped multiple levels from level 19.

Regardless, I need to check each description.

First is my title.

[General Monster Slayer:

-Attacks towards any monsters is 30% more effective.

-Damage received is 50% lower.

-Monster curses and debuffs are 10℅ less effective]

Since I'm still level 30 and the enemies in this area are around 60-100s, I don't think this makes much difference.

I notice the body of the clone I occupy is slowly evaporating. Looks like this clone hit its limit.

I wake up back in my safe zone. I then come down and open my system. I smile knowing I am now level 30. This is my first kill after all and I have to be proud of it.

I then analyze my newly acquired skills.

[Intimidation: If the target is lesser level than the host. You can intimidate a target]

Sigh. This one is useless for now, but it looks like my scan has increased in level.

[Scan (level 3): Shows description of the target]

I target myself and activate scan.

[Name: Verni Millas

System Title: Suicidal Divider


Worldly Titles: General Monster Slayer, Veteran Assister, Jungle Scholar


HP: 15,000/15,000]

Hmm? So I can determine my target's HP now, huh?

[Universal Tome (level 2)]

Looks like my system guide have levelled up as well.

I need to check my last title.

[Jungle Scholar: The user's stat points is increased by learning and training]

What does it mean?

[Answer, you can now increase your stat points without the need for system points.

For example:

To increase your strength, train your muscles.

To increase your agility, perform sprinting and running.

To increase your wisdom, read any books, scrolls and tomes.

To increase your tolerance, continually expose yourself to the environment or condition.

To increase your stamina, continually push yourself into exhaustion.

To increase your defense, continuously, receive damage on moderate levels.

To increase your mind, meditate regularly.]

It looks like my system now provides me with a lot of details.

Though, isn't this pretty neat? That means, I can boost my stat points? I'm now feeling excited. I think I can do it!