Decisive Moment

This opponent is a Flame Affinity type monster. I wonder if my [Meteor Doom] skill with the highest DPS will work.

Though there are games in which even the same elements can be effective against the elemental monsters.

I guess I have to try. Using my [Skill Combiner], I then combine two skills and shoot out [Meteor Doom].

A large meteor is released from my fist. It then flies across the air until it hits Kronos head-on.

It looks like it did nothing.

On top of having no damage to its HP. Its molten sword is now glowing stronger than before. It then swings in our direction, this time there are 5 flying flame slashes in different directions. This swing is even more powerful.

Eh?! This is worse than expected.

My clones are decreasing their numbers one by one.

[Clone Number: 2400]

Seeing the damage, it looks like this boss has no concern for his dungeon.

The terrain for this dungeon now is a mess of rock debris.

That was a dumb move on my part. At least, I learned something useful.

My clones are also steadily decreasing as well since they are being attacked by the monsters around the dungeon. It looks like I only have around 1500 of them left. I send messages to my clones to regroup. They then did as I command. They then gather.

While I'm at a safe distance, I then manage them under my command.

It's better that I'm here so I can strategize how my clones should act efficiently.

Kronos charges his blade again with magna and poses to strike. He swings out a fiery slash, I let my clones spread out to minimize the casualty. About 300 clones are annihilated by that attack.

Every swing eats their number greatly.

By the time they reach Kronos, there are only 1200 of them. I then tell my clones to execute this skill.

It will be fine if the clones do it, thus I let them activate the [Cursing Flame] skill. I made sure to go farther on the backlines since I don't want to get caught up in the explosion if the clones explode.

It is powerful after all that it might even reach here.

The clones then activate the skill.

Small black flames start to consume Kronos' body. As the clones add each other's flames, it becomes bigger and bigger. Eventually, he is devoured by them.

[-10,000 HP

-10,000 HP


I can see Kronos losing his HPs.

However, Kronos is about to swing his giant molten sword. If my clones get hit, the cursing flames might get canceled.

Out of nowhere, Vermil appears, she leaps up several meters from the ground. She then aim her blade fuelled with dark mana to Kronos. [Omnipresent Killer]!

Vermil's body multiplies into 30.

Can she use clones like me?

No, it seems she is just moving too fast that she creates these several after-images. She along with her images charges towards Kronos' arm, thousands of slices are inflicted in a blink of an eye, causing his giant arm to fall apart.

Woah, she is quite powerful.

She then blinks at me with a smile. "Brother, I'll leave everything to you."

At least Kronos' attack is canceled. Though Kronos is regenerating his limb, it will be too late on his part.

Since the clones are turning black, I assume they are about to explode. I tell my clones to use their last strength to come close to Kronos.

They then leap towards Kronos and hug its body. Simultaneously, they erupt violently, taking him out for sure.

Kronos crumbles into rock debris. His remains fall to the ground. His life force is dissipating.

Hahaha, how about that?!

The burning ground is slowly losing its heat until it turns into a comfortable temperature. The glow for the hot surroundings has been dimming as well.

It looks like the temperature went down, huh?

[New Titles Acquired!

+Regular Mythical Slayer ]

[+Level up

+ Level up


Level: 202]

It seems I have reached above level 200 now. As for Vermil, she is around level 170. She has gained some new skills and titles. It looks like her stats have improved as well.

[Maximum Clones: 8,000]

Well, that's good to hear.

I have also gained this item drop.

[Kronos' Essence (Mythical)]

I try asking the system about it but she isn't helpful.

[Answer, Kronos' Essence contains the soul of Kronos]

I think that's pretty obvious. I'm more concerned about what I can do with it.

[Note, data not found]

I sigh. Well, I can't rely on my system for everything. I need to figure out some things myself.

Regardless, I keep Kronos' essence in my spatial bag for now. Since I have two inventories, I will have to avoid placing them in the temporal bag until I can fully understand them.

For now, I let my clones roam free and consume all the monsters that they have found. It's a good opportunity to farm these many fire affinity skills.

I even got some cool loots from Kronos and my clones manage to eat his remains.

"Vermil, do you want some fire affinity skills? I can give you one."

With the use of [Clone Editor], I can add fire skills to her. However, looking at her she seems hesitant and not excited about it.

"Hmm, I think I have grown to like dark affinity skills."

"Nothing stops you from getting other elemental skills. Well, except your skill slots. But you know, the more elements the better."

"Brother, I made up my mind. From now on, I'm just gonna use dark affinity skills." She then tries to reflect. "Is that too much to ask or did I do something wrong?"

"Well, if that's your choice then it's fine with me."

I suppose nothing can stop her mind, huh?

However, in this dungeon, I acquired around +30 fire affinity skills. In total, I have around 250 and a good portion of them are dark skills.

Though some are duplicates that end up becoming an eyesore on my system screen. Seriously, what am I gonna do with this?

I let it stay for now in my system and only gave the dark affinity duplicates to Vermil.

As for my unique skills, it only takes up about less than 1 percent of my skills.

Ren seems fine now. He groans as he wakes up. He then gasps in amusement seeing we beat that thing.

"The stunt both of you pulled earlier was impressive. I'm more curious about you now." Ren seems fine now though he is using his sword as a rod to walk. He still hasn't been fully healed yet.

"Hehe, we are no big deal. Right, Vermil?"

Vermil nods silently in a cute manner.

"Sheesh, no use trying to be humble." He continues limping away. "Well then, let's move to the next domain.

We follow him. I wonder where is the entrance to the next domain.

"So where shall we go now, Ren?"

He points in a specific direction. "Right there. You just have to make a hole through that wall."

Now that he mentions it, regarding the first domain and the second, we just forced ourselves through the walls without taking a break. I think now is the time we should rest since we almost got screwed up by those General Monsters.

"How many domains will be left?"

"5 or 6."

"What, that much?!"

"It can't be helped. Sagus has that many domains in the mythical ring."

If we are gonna continue from here, we might encounter more terrible enemies in the future.

"Ren... I have decided, I will train for now. I feel like I won't be able to defeat him as I am."

Ren sighs he sits down. "If that increases our chances of winning, then I can wait."

If we are going to face that many opponents, I think it's better if I become as strong as I can.

I have become too complacent lately with my stats. I need to raise my stats to the limits!

I imagine my future opponents will be tougher. Especially, the dungeon boss, I mean he is the most powerful mage in the ancients. That title feels heavy.

For now, I will train as much as I can, my clones at least. This might take me a while though.

We wait for a while for my cool down to go down. I then cast 8000 clones which is the maximum I can make. I divided them into 5 groups and repeated the same strategy as before to increase my stats.

I then continue with training my clones.

While they train, in my case all I do is teach Vermil what I know. I continue teaching her how to read and write and even perform some arithmetic.

I used stone tablets as a substitute for paper. I am glad that Vermil is attentive and she seems to take it all in. Though there are times when she just wants to play around with me. Even I her teacher lose focus.

As for Ren, he just sits in one spot crossing his arms for days. I wonder if it's what ghouls usually do or he has that much patience since he is here for almost an eternity. Though there are times when he stands up to train and wield his blade around.

2 weeks have passed and a screen pops up that causes me to stop.


Jungle Scholar: The user's stat points is increased by learning and training


Jungle Scholar title has been expended!


Title lost! ]


Regardless, it seems I abused the title a little that I ended up expending it.

That title is supposed to be cool though since I can increase my stats indefinitely.

[Note: Some worldly titles can be expended while others are permanent. However, you can still renew the titles that you lost]

I assume the only way I can get that title back is to slay another King Chameleon. However, I have no time to look for one. Might as well proceed to the next domain.

In fact, I can see some physical changes in my body. My muscles have largened and I'm slightly taller than before? I used to be so skinny as a twig.

This is interesting.

Not to mention, looking at my system, it seems I made significant progress.

[System Title: Reckless Cloner


Worldly Titles: Grand Assister, Monster Dungeon Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Child of Darkness, Suicidal Hero, Ultimate Sneaker, Heavy Trainer...


Level: 202

Mana points: 130,800/130,800

Cooldown Loan: 0/9 hours


Strength: 2354

Agility: 2253

Defense: 2252

Stamina: 2103

Wisdom: 1215

Mind: 1215

Tolerance: 1120 ]

My mind stats haven't moved that much despite I allocated enough clones for it. I think increasing it becomes harder as time goes on.

I sigh as I stand up. "I think I'm done training for now."

Ren chuckles. "You have the most interesting training regiment I have seen for the longest time. Who would have thought that you can use your clones that way?"

"Well, I came up with it on the fly."

Regardless, I then made a path through the wall using my [Meteor Doom].

Okay, next domain, show me what you got!