The Hollow Dungeon

I stop for a while to think about how shall I explore this domain.

Flying is out of the question.

Since there is a ceiling cavern, I think using my web might be a good way.

First, I use my skill to create clones since I want them to explore with me.

I use my [Silk Shooter] to shoot webs to the ceiling cavern. Once it's secure, I then pull it causing me to rise and swing. Then repeating this process, by shooting a web then swinging and shooting from the other arm, I can explore this dungeon.

I realize this is more fun than I expect. Yeah! So this is how spiderman feels, huh?

The breeze feels cool and refreshing with every swing.

Vermil is carried by one of my clones. She looks concerned at first though she agrees since she trusts me well.

My clones follow me as well and begin to use [Silk Shooter].

However, my clones are not doing well. They can't perform the timing I can pull off on every swing. They are clumsy at this job that they might fall any second.

"Kyaaah!" Vermil is grabbing one of my clones tightly as we traverse across this dungeon.

Looks like this might be too much for her. Will she be fine?

Some of my clones even fall to the bottom and disappear forever. I'm starting to worry if Vermil will be fine with my clone.

Should I tell them to return? I think it's too late at this point.

Regardless, my scan has now leveled up to 6 and it seems it will tell me more details about this dungeon regarding the topography and magical science.

[Answer. This is the domain of Valker or the hollow dungeon, inhabited by air affinity monsters. This dungeon is naturally formed. The oxygen and mana found in the air is similar to the surface ]

Since this dungeon is spacious, it takes us no time to find the next General Monster.

[Wyvernia (Mythical) (General Monster)

Level: 300

HP: 6,000,000]

This monster is a giant wyvern with purely bright feathers. Any air affinity monster in its vicinity gets blown away from the air pressure of its flap.

Here we go again! Looks like the gap between its level and mine is quite high.

Now then, what shall I do?

Even from this distance, I'm being pushed away. Thankfully, I'm still holding my web that keeps me from falling.

Checking at Vermil, she is in the same situation. She is yelling. "Kyaaah! I think I'm at my limit."

Afterward, Wyvernia is now sighting us. As if it knows already that we are the invaders of this dungeon. I guess that's just how it works.

The Wyvernia then screeches. It then dives into our direction.


I then let go of my web and create a clone to use as my foothold and then leap away as quickly as possible.

I dodge the Wyvern, however, as it passes by, an immense airwave blows me away along with Vermil.

All the clones got blown away and fall into the abyss. They are never seen again.

I can't believe I lost all of my clones!

If at least, I can save Vermil.

"Kyah!" Vermil yells as she falls."

I guess I have to use Naruto's techniques when using clones. Using [Character Division] I then create several clones to make a chain of myself to reach her.

Once she gets caught by a clone, I feel some relief. "Thank you, brother."

Out of all the mythical beasts, this one is the most difficult to handle since I don't have a ground to stand on.

I get stressed real quick when Wyvernia is aiming at me again. It flaps its wings in our direction.

Wait, a minute, this pokemon move is quite familiar.

The monster shoots out giant glowing feathers in our direction.

I have no choice but to defend ourselves. I aim my arm and use [Scorch Wall]

This skill will create a firewall that will deal heavy burning damage to anything that passes through it.

I then cast it and tall rigid flames shaped like a wall appears between the monster and us. Once the feather passes by, it loses its momentum and burns into a crisp.

I got surprised when another heavy wind is thrown at the [Scorch Wall], putting it out in an instant.

Tsk, you are pretty annoying. I then use [Blast Rain] at the creature.

I presume fire affinity skills will be effective against this type of creature, but I'm not sure.

After I cast the skill, multiple miniature flame balls the size of marble are fired in an instant. Despite its size, it is actually deadly.

I hope this will work!

Around Wyvernia, a strong air barrier forms. Several consecutive explosions follow after it hit the barrier. However, when it settles down and the smoke clears out, Wyvernia receives no damage.

Seriously not even one HP?

[Answer. Wyvernia has an Absolute Air Shield skill. As long as it is activated, it won't receive any damage]

Geh. You are annoying indeed.

If magical attacks are not gonna work then I need to find a way to get close to that thing.

I then have an idea. I smile. I call out to Vermil who is found at the bottom part of my chains of clones. "Vermil, can you use skills that can negate elemental spells?"

Vermil thinks for a moment. She stares at her system interface. "Yeah, I think I can."

I then tell her the plan regarding what should we do.

For now, I tell her to climb the chain of clones to reach me since I'm at the topmost. While she is at it, I'm readying to activate my skill.

My clones can't activate a skill since they are holding each other. They might fall if they do.

When Vermil arrives close to me, I then ride on her back and cast the skill [Homing Flames] towards Wyvernia. "Vermil jump as fast as you can."

"Yes, brother!"

Since my aim will be off with our stunts, I will be using a skill that creates fireballs that will chase the Wyvern, like a homing missile. This will be essential for our plan.

Firing some [Homing Flames] it then goes towards Wyvernia which it blocks by using the absolute air barrier.

I have to fire repeatedly to make sure the creature stays on the defensive, otherwise, we might get attacked and our plan will be ruined.

As for Vermil, she uses one of my clones as a foothold and jumps. Her first jump is quite high.

Afterward, I then create a clone that pops up behind me with my skill. This clone will kick my back from behind, since Vermil is piggybacking me, it will push us outward towards Wyvernia.

After the kick on my back, I almost choke myself. I can't believe my clone can use that much force.

We repeat it several times until we can come close to the creature.

Regardless, it seems to be working. We are propelling towards our target. After we come close to the creature, it then uses its air barrier.

Vermil uses her [Nullification Infection] skill which nullifies any elemental attack spells. She then slashes the air barrier causing it to get dispelled.

With that chance, I then create 1000 clones which I made around the Wyvern. They then use [Blast Rain] at that moment. I will refrain from using Meteor doom right now since it's slower to cast and we are on mid-air.

After the skill is cast, Wyvernia is showered by uncountable balls of flames.

No matter how much HP it has it won't be able to survive with these many attacks. We then move away just to be safe using my web.

Giant consecutive explosions occur and I can see the HP of the Wyvernia going down steadily until it becomes zero.

And it seems all of my clones are dead since they all fall into the abyss.

At least the battle is over. We then return to the entrance to pick up Ren. He seems to be conscious now though he can barely stand up. "Are you done? Then I'm glad. At this rate, we might be able to reach Sagus in no time."

It seems his arm has grown halfway. At least he looks way better than before.

"Well for now, you should rest."

I have advanced into only 2 levels this time after defeating the beast. I guess this is the only dungeon thus far in which my growth is the lowest.

For now, I have my clones hunt for air affinity monsters and they seem to be doing badly. I can see my clones getting attacked by bat-like monsters. Some are falling and some are dying before they can even fight.


Seeing my system screen there is no air affinity skills update, not one has succeeded in consuming any air affinity beasts, huh?

There are tasty bird-like monsters as well. It seems hunting this way may be too difficult for my clones so I can't use them for now.

I guess I'll have to do it.

We are setting up a fire camp in the entrance where we have a place to stand. I am lucky to bring some wood as well.

I then face my team. "Guys is it okay if we stay here for a few days?"

"I'm fine with any decisions you have, brother." Vermil answers casually.

Ren thinks for a moment before answering. "Hmm, if you are holding out that long for my sake then you should not mind me and go with your journey."

"Well, hehe it's not like that. This is my choice."

"Then no need to ask for my consent."

Since I can't rely on Ren, Vermil, and my clones to hunt for the beasts here, I scour the dungeon alone and hunt for air affinity beasts myself. I just realized how hard things are without being able to use my [Character Division] skill.

Man, this sucks!

Even for nearly a week, I can't achieve what a hundred of my clones can in just a few hours. I got some air affinity skills but it seems I just leveled up to only to one level with all that grinding.


I haven't even got one title this time. Perhaps, I can acquire one in the next domain. Not to mention, I wonder when will this end.

Somehow, I manage to recover the corpse of the Wyvernia somewhere in the depths of the abyss. Thus, I'm able to acquire this one. [Wyvernia Essence (Mythical)]

Regardless, after we are ready, we set out to the next domain.

I wonder what strange place we are gonna visit next.