The Suspicious Shop


For now, we are given several hours until the departure for the Malvis Forest. So we have still time to make plans for logistics and buy the types of equipment we need.

Simon, Mike, and Sena looks glad when I agreed to go with them.

Back on earth, these people are not popular, and often ignorable. During meetings and gatherings they just go along with the decisions of the groups, thus they go unnoticed.

However, back then, I have been keeping an eye on each of my classmates. I had thoughts that I have an obligation to make everyone happy.

I wonder why I even think that way.

Mike says. "Anyway, thank you Myla, or should we call you Master from now on? You are the only one who would ever consider hanging out with us."

I chuckle. "No need to go that far. Just treat me like I was back then okay?"

Showering them with my smile, their eyes glow in bewilderment.

Sena gasps excitedly. "Welcome back Myla! I think this is the you that I know." She then hugs me.

Is that so?

Huh? This feels weird. Ever since I came into this world, I forgot the time I once smiled.

It has been tough, huh?

But what are these feelings? Have I found myself again?

I then sniffle. I then rub my eyes as I try to wipe my tears.

"Huh?! Myla! Did I make you cry?!" Sena says in surprise.

"Huh? Uh, no this is nothing?" This is quite embarrassing. I always do my best to smile to make everyone happy yet I'm crying?

Mike and Simon lower their head, perhaps feeling bad for me.

Simon sighs. "Sorry, we weren't able to help you and Verni."

Mike forces a smile as he pats his bicep. "Don't worry Myla, if someone were to pick on you, we will help you. We are a team now aren't we?"

I'm thankful since I gathered some allies now. Back then I may have had many friends and acquaintances but they were attached to the ideal and perfect version of myself.

Here and now, I have people who accept the real me.

"Thank you, everyone."

Afterward, we decide to buy some equipments. The three guides me into the city square where the market stalls, shops, and guilds are located.

The streets are bustling with middle-class civilians and peasants. The merchants holler to promote their products from goods, merchandise, and equipment.

Living in this place might not be bad. If only I have some money to live by myself. I don't even know what type of currency they use.

Once in a while, we will also come across adventurers. One can recognize them with their battle-oriented appearance, high-level gears, and large weapons.

Using [Scan] I notice most humans are level 10, while city soldiers and guards are around level 15 to 30. The experienced veterans and close to the King are around 40 and even higher. Though they are only one out of every ten thousand soldiers. 50 and up, there are one out of every hundred thousand soldiers.

From the books I read, normally, humans in this world are born at level 5. Depending on their experience in battle, training and how many monsters they slew they can raise their levels just like us.

However, most humans have a maximum level capacity of 20. Those who can go above it are often regarded as adventurers, warriors, heroes, or destined individuals. Though they are rare.

Sir Garfurd is an example.

Summoned heroes like ourselves have no limit on how much we can level up. That's why the citizens of this country look at us with high regard.

We have a lot of potentials that we might even go against the gods of this world.

As we walk, from the sides, a stone flies and hits my face. It bruises my forehead, which I wipe.

The three looked worried after seeing someone throw a stone at me. "Myla, are you fine?"

I then follow where the stone was thrown. A little boy along with his friends is holding some stones. They stare at me with anger.

"Leave our city immediately you monster before you eat us!"

Looks like the rumor that I'm a vampire has already spread to the city.

I sigh.

The people around us stop what they are doing to see what is going on. After they heard that I was a vampire, they become cautious. "Hey, isn't that the woman?"

Mike grits his teeth and turns enraged as he tries to teach the boy a lesson. "Kid, what did you say to her!"

I block Mike's path. "I'll handle this." I then come close to the boy and give him a warm smile. "I think you are mistaken. I'm not gonna eat anyone." When I almost touch him, he slaps my arm away.

The boy clicks his teeth. "Don't touch me you monster!"

He then spins and runs away with his friends.

Oh my, this is painful.

Experiencing rejection would stop anyone from trying further. Thus, I let the boy go.

The three tried to comfort me. However, I keep a strong facade just so they won't worry about me.

I take a deep breath and say, "don't worry about it. Now, let's continue to the shop."

"Are you sure about this? Maybe we can tell everyone that you are a good person." Mike says.

Seeing me brooding, Simon pats his shoulder. "Mike take a hint. Let's go."

"...okay." He says and we continue along.

Afterward, they guide me into a generic weapon shop. Upon opening, the shopkeeper greets us. "Welcome!"

Their display had sets of armor, sword, and various weapons ranging from swords, maces, halberds, chains, and even katanas.

Though physical weapons and the armors don't interest me.

I'm more interested in the potions they have on display. Most of it is tinted in red. Using scan they seem to be a health potion.

[Lesser Health Potion]

There are potions in various colors. Some look more diluted than others and some are inside larger crystal containers.

Looks like there are books and scrolls as well but they are encased inside thick glasses while also being chained. It looks very valuable.

[Fire ball - Fire Affinity - Spell (Common)

Level requirement: 10 ]

[Note: Open the tome to learn skill ]

From the books I read in the castle library, magical spell tomes and books have a unique cover design in contrast to ordinary books. I can attest these are the ones.

However, I have no intentions since I have no fire affinity.

These types of magical books are very valuable that they worth 10x more than a physical weapon.

Mages can learn spells just by reading these tomes, but they need time to learn to cast them efficiently.

For us, since we have systems, casting a spell is as simple as clicking a button. We refer to it as skills. The people in this world, don't know such concepts.

If only there are dark spells out here but there are none.

But I wonder how much they cost.

Sena then asks me. "Myla, how many generic coins do you have by the way?"

"Generic coins?"

What the hell is that? I never heard of that before?

Simon flips a coin in the air. "These."

It's a silver coin with the insignia of Mundren, which looks like a rook piece.

"This is the currency of this world and we use this to purchase our gears. Didn't you receive one too from the King yesterday?"


I tilt my head in confusion. They become confused as well seeing my reaction.

An awkward silence ensues.



"Eh?! Don't tell me you didn't get one?!" Mike breaks the silence.

"That's quite horrible, but I think it's expected. I'm more surprised you weren't aware of this." Simon adds.

Sena is almost on the verge of crying. "Myla, I'm feeling sorry for you."

"Don't worry about it. I'm still fine."

But I can't believe all the heroes received their monthly salary from the King with me as an exception.

Besides, I haven't bought anything here since I have everything I need from the forest and castle.

I have been too focused on learning about magic that I almost forgot the necessities.

"How much did you receive by the way?"

Sena answers. "We have been compensated well this month but the King has given us a new order. Starting next week, he will only employ those heroes that he thinks will be of service to Silvia."

Since it has only been a month and the salary is given monthly, that means my classmates have been paid once and it is recent. No wonder I missed it.

Simon nods in sullen. "Our journey to the forest is also to test us. It's very likely if we don't prove ourselves in the Forest of Malvis, the King will kick us out of the castle."

Mike adds. "We don't mind at first but it seems we are not yet strong enough to join the adventurers guild. The life outside if you are not a noble is pretty tough."

The king must have noticed that not everyone among us heroes can be of use to him. It makes sense for him to resort in that way.

Maybe, if I leave, I can make a living by hunting monsters and selling their remnants to the market. I don't mind to bring these guys with me.

The shopkeeper on the stall is resting his head on his arm as he listens. He is a middle-aged, well-built man who looks chill. "I might be wrong but a pretty young woman with violet hair in strange attire, could you be the rumored vampire?"

I eye him curiously.

I don't know how to respond so I keep my mouth shut for now.

The shopkeeper nods, understanding my silence means he was right. "I see." He looks serious for a moment and glances at my classmates. "The three of you. Can you leave us for a moment?"

The three of them look stunned. They stare at me and the shopkeeper, back and forth wanting to know some answers.

I then face them with a reassuring look. "Can you wait for me outside? I'll catch up."

"But..." Sena says. Simon places his arm on her shoulder with a headshake. They then leave me alone with the shopkeeper in the shop.

When they left, I face the shopkeeper with a serious look.

I don't know what he's into but I hope he has no malintent. He is stronger than an average human but since he is level 14, I can take care of him if he pulls something funny.

The shopkeeper gives me a friendly look. "Don't stare at me like that. Hey, let's make a deal."

"Huh? A deal?"

Using [Warm-Blooded Sensing] I can see his pulse, breathing, and heart rate seems irregular. He seems to be nervous.

The shopkeeper looks around. He then gestures at me to come closer.

"Don't worry, I can assure you nobody is around us?" I say.

"Then that's good to hear." The shopkeeper then scratches his head. "Well, you see, the other day, something unfortunate happened that uh..." He says frantically.

"Sir if you have nothing else to say can I take my leave?"

"Wait, wait, just promise me you won't tell the church about this."

"I can keep some secrets."

The shopkeeper whispers. "I'll be counting on you!"

He makes sure to lock the door of the shop. He is panting hard while he does it.

What is this? He looks scared and desperate that I'm intrigued now.

He then returns to his desk and grabs a key. He then unlocks a door on the floor and gets a chest from it.

The chest is then placed on top of the stall.

He then opens it and shows several items inside it.

I can't believe what I have seen. These are all dark affinity items! Some are even spells tomes.

"Well... Actually, I have these legendary dark affinity spells that might be of use to you."


Magic spells with (Common) labels are less inferior to those with (Rare) and even more to those with (Legendary) labels.

Spells are based on their rarity starting from common, uncommon, rare, legendary, mythical, and divine.

A common spell makes up for 1 out of every 100 uncommon spells. The pattern continues for each rarity.

So a legendary type of spell is a pretty big deal!