Ren's Past

Even with this tense atmosphere between us, I can't fight Ren. I'm sure I can find a solution to deal with this.

"Ren, put your sword down. Let's talk."

"Quite odd. I lied to you that the defeats of the Mythical Creatures are necessary to leave this dungeon yet you are not in the slightest mad about it."

Well, even if it is a lie I can't get mad since he helped me defeat them and allowed me to keep the drops and loots.

Besides, I need some way to get stronger so I can defeat Kami someday for transporting us in this hell-hole.

But if Ren is lying, I wonder what is the truth?

"Even if you lied, you have some good intentions right? I'm willing to listen to the truth?"

Huh? Truth? That's right if I do this I might be able to complete this quest without killing Ren.

However, there's no use. He seems stubborn.

Ren advances again with all of his strength. He seems to be using holy magic as well.

"Seeking Divination! I summon thee!" He yells swinging his Exclusion blade, releasing 7 spirit doves into the air. They are fired into my direction.

Those spirit doves look dangerous. I have to evade!

I then dash away.

However, it seems these doves are chasing me. I leap away trying to dodge each of them diving into my position. It looks like they won't be gone until they hit their target.

Ugh! How annoying!

I cast [Lightning Spear] to strike them. However, my skill just phases through these doves.

Eck! Seriously?!

"It's no use. Seeking divination is only able to touch their targets."


To my surprise, I let my guard down. A dove passes beside me, in that instant, I feel severe pain.

Blood splatters on the ground where I stand.

My left arm has been disintegrated the moment that dove touched my arm.

Damn it! It hurts so much.

I have seen Ren using holy magic before and just took them for granted. I just realized holy magics are actually scary.

Using [Clone Betrayal] I manage to recover. My clone lost an arm while I regained one.

This skill has a cooldown so I have to be careful.

The seven spirit doves are hovering in mid-air. They then dive down into my position again. I have to do several gymnastic maneuvers to dodge each.

Luckily my agility can easily dodge each dove. I think I can keep up.

However, I'm more worried for Ren. This must be advanced holy magic. Seeing him, its taking a great toll.

Ren is releasing some steam and he is panting harder. He is then brought on his knees.

If this drags on, he will be the first one to bite the dust.

"Ren, dispel these spells! We have to talk first."

"It's no use. I made a promise. This is my resolve and I have waited for almost an eternity just for this chance."

In that instant, a frightening monster exudes its presence. I got surprised that it made me speechless and frozen.

A dagger is aimed at Ren's neck. Behind him is a frightening presence. "Remove the spell immediately or I won't hesitate." Someone behind Ren speaks coldly.

It even made Ren lose his iron-will resolve at that moment. He drop his blade and dispelled the doves.

I almost didn't recognize but it's Vermil. I'm glad she came just in time.

Vermil's words are ferocious and strike directly to his soul. "Ren you are a good companion but if you try something against my brother, I'll slay you down." She narrows her eyes as her words stab him heavily.

Looks like she put him into submission. The usual calm and innocent aura around her has turned to those of a beast's.

Looks like she is one of a scary sister.

I then come close to Ren. "Ren, tell us everything. I beg you!"

Ren sighs. "Alright. The spells that keep us in dungeons don't exist but, indeed, they are all connected. Each of the mythical general monsters creates a barrier around the dungeon core. They act as guardians for Sagus. By defeating these mythical beasts, we can take the barrier down on the dungeon core." He drawls.

Just as I thought, he memorized the orientations in the dungeon. He is elaborate back then on where we should advance.

"Can you tell me why did you have to lie to us back then?"

"You lot look strong. If I want to defeat these beasts, I figured I should use you."

I see. I finally understand what is going on. Even if he deceived us this way, the time we spent and the personality he showed us, were all sincere.

"Can you tell me one thing? Why do you want to defeat Sagus that bad?"

"I want to free the sufferings of my people and take revenge. I used to be among the dragon-born, born with the blood of a dragon and a human. It all started that day..."

Ren tells the story that he used to be a Light Lord Guardian and the commander of the Templar Knights of the Holy Light Church.



My father a dragon-born Hero King Dervalin once ruled the last country of the Dragon Borns, Fardol.

And that time, Fardol has allied with Aren.

Aren is governed by the royal family and the holy light church. Both countries have a common goal to eliminate darkness.

To strengthen the bonds between both countries while also working, I volunteered to work as a Templar Knight and ambassador.

In those time frames, several things happened in Fardol that we did not expect.

Oddly enough, after the alliance, more and more dragon-borns have succumbed to performing dark rituals and sacrifices.

King Dervalin is sad at first but he allowed the church to investigate the country as they please and wipe the dark arts users as they deem fit.

More dragon-borns were killed at that time. The root cause for this was unknown and remained unresolved.

Seeing it was pointless, King Dervalin asked the Templar Knights to leave our territory. Perhaps he got fed up with the methods of the church.

The church didn't want to leave and there were some arguments at first but eventually, they left.

At some point, the church found out with some investigations that someone witnessed the Queen performing a dark affinity spell.

The use of dark affinity magic is strictly forbidden and the church has the right to punish those who use them. The rulers and nobles are no exception.

I never got into contact with my parents ever since then. In fact, I even got mad at them after hearing they succumbed to the darkness.

When the entire country is regarded as an enemy of the church, a Holy Crusade is necessary.

Being too brainwashed in the church for staying there as a Templar Knight, I became a soldier for the church. Even if it were against my parents and my people.

My complete loyalty was to the church and not to my people or kingdom.

I was too foolish for not thinking about my brethren. Maybe I was too blinded by my faith. I didn't bat an eye as crusaders attacked our walls, guards, and even the civilians.

I even led a division to slay my people.

Once a holy crusade is declared on a territory. It's only a matter of time before it is erased from the map.

Why didn't I think of the consequences?

Regardless, when the battle is about to be over and my kingdom fell, I stand there facing the King, no, my father.

He never said a word and draws his blade.

We fought for a long time. It was only a matter of luck that I manage to defeat him.

I know my father held back for me and let himself get defeated. There is no way this is what the strongest swordsman can do.

After the chaos, I reflected upon what I did. Everything got into me that I started crying.

I think I'm starting to regret everything at that point!

I lost everything. My parents, kingdom, and even my status as a child of a King.

Afterward, a priest comes to me when I was mourning my father. He is archi-bishop Magwell. He smiles maliciously as he stares at the fallen King. "You did well foolish King of the Dragonborns? With this many corpses, I can revive Sagus and finally control the infinite dungeon! You have been very useful."

Archi-bishop Magwell was the priest who is close to my father. Even before the alliance, they knew each other. We used to trust him that much.

He is once my teacher and he taught me inspiring lessons regarding the church and the gods. Being dignified, humble, and kind is what he taught me.

Being a stubborn brat he taught me how I should act properly as a noble. He also taught me some etiquette. Among all the instructors I went through, he is the only one I like.

He gave me a reason to become a Templar Knight.

Yet what the hell is this!

I can't believe we were being used.

From that point on, I realized he is the one who orchestrated the dark rituals among the citizens. He is also the one who gave my mother a drug that would awaken her a title of [Child of darkness].

The holy crusade and my people being slain was his whole plan.

Amidst the chaos, Magwell summons Sagus of the Ancients from the Infinite Dungeon. My dead brethren's souls are used as a sacrifice for the summoning.

He then uses an ancient type of magic, Infinity Summoning! It is said to be one of the strongest magic. It can summons an infinity dungeon domain in this city.

Magwell is glad at first but things don't go as he plans. His plans backfired.

The mage, Sagus would rather die than be a slave to Magwell, thus he seals the city of Fardol and integrated it into the Infinity Dungeon.

As for the citizens, they became ghouls and lost their will that they became slaves to Sagus. I think I'm one of them, but somehow I managed to hold on to my consciousness and free will.

Magwell, me, and everyone is sealed in this dungeon forever. Our souls won't be able to find peace as long as Sagus is still there.



"I see. So, that's what happened."

Ren then bows in submission. "Do what you have to do to me. Otherwise, the 3 of us might die if you won't finish the quest."

"No, I won't."

Ren panics from confusion. "Huh?! I deceived you, didn't I? You can actually leave this dungeon if you can just dig straight up. Besides, we only have 5 minutes remaining."

"Ren, we are friends, aren't we? If I know a friend is in trouble I will help him."

"Then..." He scratches his head in hesitation and kneels on the ground. He drops his pride as he says. "Please, help me defeat Sagus."

I then smile.

That's what I want to hear from him. We are already close to the Dungeon Core and it's too late to turn back.

"Alright, I will help you."

[Final Quest: Eliminate the deceiver completed! ]

Huh? Did it work? Looks like everything worked as planned.

Now that I made Ren admit the truth and we agreed that we will help him out, there is no deceiver left in my party, thus the quest is complete!

Hehe, it looks like I'm actually smart.