The Beginning after the End


[ Leon ]


Level: 92

System Title: Warlord Samurai ]

Almost two years has passed since Myla's death, and a lot of things has happened.

We ended up fighting the darkness across the land of Gravilus, in this continent, there was a one source of evil. His name is Karthus and he is a dark priest sorcerer, who seeks to unseal the Eastern Overlord. Me and my classmates are about to fight him in a final fight.

Regardless, a lot of things had happened before we reached this point.

After Sena's and Myla's death, there was a lot of conflict that occured with our class. Especially, Rico and Ace, for some reason they planned to assassinate the president. We tried to capture them but they managed to escape, unfortunately.

It was from our incompetence that led to this. Our classmates began to distrust each other, especially to the President for letting Sena and Myla die. Also, Verni's sacrifice was also sad but we had no choice otherwise we will perish.

Their demise was blamed solely on the president but as the secretary of the class, I also accept the responsibility. I can still remember Ace's words back then that caused the president to lose some spirit.

"Shira, you're a self righteous hypocrite. You claim to be righteous, but I bet you were glad when you sacrificed Verni, and neglected our weakest classmates! Their deaths are on your hands." Ace said and after next few days, he attempted to kill the President.

After that event, more than half of our classmates left the Kingdom and went on their lives to who knows where.

The ones who stayed with the President were only a few but it doesn't matter. They are the best team that we could ask. They were the classmates who were close to me and the president.

President Shira was given the title of Marcquess, and a land with a strong army, the Righteous Blades Order in which we are a part of.

Some of us also got some title of nobilities as well, but I'm just a baron. We managed to earn King Wilmer's trust after exposing some nobles who were connected with the Dark Cult of Sagus.

If Sagus was unsealed from the dungeon, he might go havoc in the overworld since I heard he was immortal. He has powerful spells that can destroy a country, no human will be able to defeat him. So we must stop the cult from his revival.

I gotta hand it to the president, she is quite reliable. We managed to defeat some of the cult who were hiding in the shadows, also Julius is excellent in information gathering. Not even the Holy Light Church which is a powerful organization could crack down the cult as fast we did. It only took about 2 years until we managed to stomp every one of them.

The dark cult members were powerful especially with their curse magic, but no obstacle is impossible with my friends on my side.

Right now, we are facing the dark priest Karthus, the final boss of the Cult of Sagus. He is the head and defeating him will end the evil that plague in this land.

He is floating near the major city of the north, Charia, in which he is planning to invade. This place has lots of citizens from nobilities, peasants and travellers from the Central Continent.

The president and most of us heroes are facing a black giant winged serpent which is as tall as a sky scraper. It is facing the wall of the city and we are trying to stop it from advancing.


Level: 90

HP: 800,000]

This is Karthus summoned beast, a legendary type of monster, named Kalia. Its HP is ridiculous, its the highest we encountered yet. Also, its defense with its steel-like armor scales might be high.

Also, Karthus is floating above Kalia wearing mask and a tattered black robe. The mask is said to be an imitation of Sagus' mask. We never saw his face. He is at level 80.

Even though we are higher in level to him, he is still pretty tough with his cursed magic since he is adept in using it. Also, he also has the title of Servant of Darkness. He is way tougher than the cult members thus far.

However, there is no need to panic. We are gonna destroy these cults like we always do. Especially with the president on the front leading the 1200 soldiers of the Rightous Blades Order, "everyone! Charge!"

I smile as I follow behind her. I use the skill [Courageous Heart]. This will increase the Strength, Defense, Agility, Mind stats of my allies by 30% and my own by 60%.

Karthus harrumphs. "Curse you heroes! You are always hindering my plans!" He casts some curse spell and several ghouls emerge from the ground, like zombies.

Before we knew it, there was an army of them.

[Underworlder Ghoul:

Level: 50

HP: 20,000]

They are smaller level than us but they are numerous, and I can't even call them weak. Regardless, nothing is impossible with my friends on my side.

Above me, a giant flying wooden bird toy without any color flies by. Riding them are Fenna and the Storm Calvarin adventurers which is led by Alfred.

Looks like reinforcements have arrived. I don't like them but its better than nothing.


I don't really want to do this but I have no choice. As the auditor of our class I have a duty to help Shira any means necessary.


System:Marionnette Sorcerer

Level 102 ]

I brought the Storm Calvarin here from far north with my reanimated bird toy using my skill [Puppet Grow]. We flew a lot of distance and these idiots still complain.

Alfred grins as he eyes the giant serpent. He is a legendary gold adventurer who is close to become a platinum. He is quite popular in the adventurer guild community that anyone is impressed if you talked to him. "The president is quite greedy for hoarding all of these experience points for herself."

After all, he is a dragon born. Also, his party the Storm Calvarin is also prominent.


Level: 136

System Title: Dragon Born Brave]

Also, there are others here.


Level: 125

System Title: Warrior Summoner ]


Level: 116

System Title: Archer Magician]


Level: 115

System Title: Martial Monk]


Level: 120

System Title: Combatant Defender]


Level: 129

System Title: Essence Manipulator]

William chuckles nonchalantly, staring at me, "regardless, I'm surprised you would bring us here Fenna."

"If the president were to handle Karthus by themselves then it would be too much for us."

"Unlike the others, you are quite smart to know the situation. Unlike those buffons down there pretending to be heroes." William laughs.

Alfred also laughs, "Fenna just so you know, I only came here to defeat Karthus. I won't help the president even if she dies."

Asking them for help means I had no other choice left. I mean, these guys are asshats.

As they gain more fame and power, they began to do unspeakable things, like violating women, abusing slaves and killing those they don't like. They also like to look down on the natives and even commit crime on broad day light. However, due to how the royal family favors them especially the princess, they and the citizens have no choice but to turn a blind eye. Shira and Alfred fought due to this and it only ended into a truce between them. They haven't talked to each other for a long time now.

I even heard Alfred is already dating the princess.

Kelvin is sitting and meditating. He is gathering energy from the environment. He has a unique system that Alfred relies on him a lot since he is a useful support.

"Skill Enhancement!" Kelvin mutters, after a proud snort he says, "your next three skill attacks will be amplified 4x. Go crazy."

"Thanks a lot Kelvin. Hehe!" Alfred says as though he can't wait to let it loose.

Right now, Alfred and his friends are brimming with energy. They began using their skills.

William draws his bow. "Now to save the President's sorry ass Order." He shoots an energy arrow that splits apart into hundreds of pieces. "Storm Shot!" After falling, it pierces across several ghouls at the same time.

Mark drops off from my giant bird toy. Upon landing on the ground, he punches it with his fist causing the ground to crumble downward, causing the ghouls to get caught up with it and fall. "Quake Martial!"

Others are showing off their skills as well which is as impressive. Especially, Carl's ability. He summons an entire army of Spiritual Warrior Knights, which amounts to around a hundred.

He is the reason why the royal family favors them. Each Spiritual Warrior Knight can take on a hundred skilled Imperial Knight.

"Hahaha, I can't wait to try this out!"

Alfred crosses his arms as he grins proudly, seeing his friends who are powerful. He eyes the giant serpent as though its a treasure. "I'll be taking this thing for myself."

He raises his sword and out from his stomach, a light comes out and a large dragon with golden scale appears, roaring. "Selaryun, I call upon you!"

This dragon is the reason why Alfred became well-known. He tamed the great legendary Selaryun, the child of the Ancient Mythical Dragon Valkeryun from the old stories.

[Leon ]

Right now, we are engaging in combat against the ghouls. Slashing and dicing them.

Seeing Alfred and his friends annihilating the ghouls easily, I quickly step up my game. Their group are always ahead of us.

I call to my team behind me. "Everyone! Don't let them beat us!"

They raise their arms feeling motivated!

"Yeah!" Kezia says.


Level: 65

System Title: Spirit Wielder]

Rendon smirks as he readies his Master Spear. "There is no way I'm gonna let these idiots outshadow us!"


Level: 78

System Title: Smith Master]

Nathan goes berserk as he slash across the ghouls with one swing of his Might Ax.


Level: 95

System Title: Log Axe Berserker]

He harrumphs, "these idiots are nothing to me!"

Suddenly, the president speaks sternly which takes our attention. "Everyone, don't let unnecessary things distract you. Just focus on your goal!"


Level: 143

System Title: True Hero]

"Yes, maam!" We answer in unison.

Joe falls on the ground close to us, causing the environment to shake and release some dust. He is wearing a full plated giant armor that is ridiculously large for his body. He snickers as he looks at the president who looks unfazed of his presence. "Class pres, your back must have it hard huh, to carry these class. I feel bad for you."

Rendon grits his teeth as he juggles the spear proficiently on his arm, and then aim it at Joe. "What did you say Joe?!"

Joe snickers seeing we look upset. "Not that she is good in the first place. She just had a good system. If Alfred had that one, he would have accomplished more. Hahaha!"

I grit my teeth and is about to advance. "Joe take that back!"

I can't let anyone insult the president! I'll have to cut him down to teach him a lesson.

The president raises her arm to stop me. "Leon, calm down. Don't let some childish teasing get you worked up. We have a goal here and that is to defeat Karthus."


Seeing the president who is always calm no matter what, I decide to back down. She is truly something else.

She then glares at Joe. "Joe, make sure Alfred hears this. Make this our last reunion. If we meet next time, I'll personally arrest you all and throw you into the dungeon."

Joe cackles. "I'll make sure he hears this, for your sake that is." He lefts afterward.

We feel defeated afterward, but for the president's sake, we knew we have to be stronger. And when we do, we will personally deliver justice to Alfred and his friends for their crimes.

The war continued for three days non-stop. Alfred with his Storm Calvarin party defeated Kalia.

While our team barely managed to defeat Karthus. He is on the ground on the crater with the president close to him.

We are very exhausted that most of us collapsed.

We could barely move and all it takes for the president is to deliver one final blow to end the darkness that plagues this land.

All the adventures we had, conflicts and struggles. I can't believe it's all about to come to an end. It was nice to look back in those moments and how we grew as a person.

The president nods at us before she stands firm and raises her sword on the defeated Karthus. Afterward she swings it down.




Level: 93

System Title: Night Exorcist]

As the head of the underworld guild, I can't let this pass. Lately, a mysterious group called the Phantoms have been killing several of our top members. This has incurred us a lot of loss and messed with our business.

I'll make them pay whoever they are.

It has been two years since I left the kingdom, huh? I think they are looking for me. I hope my enemy this time is not a classmate.

I can take on any classmate as long as its not the President, Alfred or Jonathan.

Regardless, I feel deeply insulted since one of the Phantom requested a service from our guild. To think they would do so after killing a lot of our S class members.

I hear their leader is someone called the Scarlet Queen. A fearsome character that killed a lot of the bigwigs of various cults, or underworld organizations. Anyone will feel uneasy hearing her name. She even has a large bounty on her head.

I will personally visit this person myself.

Right now, we are in the western forest of the central continent. The place is naturally foggy and is very distant from any settlement.

I just came to the meeting spot. This person is mysterious and cautious since she had to bring me here.

From the shadows, out comes a black robed person with a hood. From the slim figure and contours I can tell its a woman. I can't see her face but I can tell she is powerful. No doubt, this is Scarlet Queen. A woman whose presence and demeanor is frightening.

"That was fast." Her voice are cold but something about it strikes me as familiar.

I nod with a natural smile. "We pride ourselves with convenient and quick service. Assassinations, smuggling, arsonist, we can provide it with a price."

"I see, then can you smuggle some supplies for me through the northern borders."

I nod afterward, "anyway, can I ask you a question?"

She stays silent as though waiting for it.

"Have we met before?" My eyes glare at her. No doubt, that accent, I've heard of it before. But where?

"I'm afraid not."

"I see, then, I will make you answer for me." I show her an unsettling grin which caused her to look over her shoulder. A snake comes out from the woods and bites her shoulder.

She use her fingernail to decapitate the snake and shake it off. Regardless, it is already my win the moment the snake bit her.

That snake is from an assassin hiding in the woods. It has a venom which will incapacitate even the toughest A-class monsters.

Scarlet's balance becomes unsteady as though she is about to fall. Looks like the poison is getting into her.

Afterward, a large bald guy with an eye patch and armor comes out from the woods. He grins like a maniac as his fist is coated by enhancing magic. "Smash Rampage!" He flies on top of her, pinning her on the ground and punches her so hard, the ground crumbles below her.

I can't believe but laugh very hard, that's what all it takes to take down the Scarlet Queen. This was a genius trap!

I had a few A-class and S-class assassins in the woods to attack in coordination.

The bald guy is an underworld A-class bounty hunter, Tenkel, the Berserk Iron Hunter. He can turn his targets innards into a mush just by one punch. No doubt, she is good as dead.

There are also other S-class Assassins as well on stand by just in case.

There are big wigs from the underworld and syndicates who want her dead. We would have to collect the bounty from her to repay her damage to the guild.

I can't help but chuckle.

However, Tenkel shouts from anguish. "Ahh! What the hell is this?! Is your stomach made of steel?" Looking at his fist, its bleeding and his fingers are broken.

He is prided and known to have the absolute iron fist. To think that it harmed him than the Scarlet Queen.

The Scarlet Queen lift herself up in a swift motion. She then carress his scared face and bites deep into his neck. He groans from pain and can do nothing about it.

Don't tell me, the Scarlet Queen is a vampire? I never heard of vampires in Munren.

I quickly yell, "bring her down! Now!"

A spear enhanced by magic is shot out from the woods. Scarlet simply uses Tenkel's body as a shield, causing it to pierce through his chest. Scarlet then push him aside.

She is calm and efficient. It shows her experience in battle and bloodshed.

With some motion of her fingers on her shoulder, few ounce of blood flows out off the snake bite.

That must be the poison that she extracted from her blood. So she can use blood magic, huh?

"Do you really think I would ask a bunch of second rates for a job that I can do better?" Scarlet says coldly.

This bitch! Don't tell me, she never intended to ask the guild. She planned this out and we were her targets. No, it must be my men.

"Scarlet, what do you plan to achieve by killing my men?"

"I have a deal. And to achieve that goal, I have to take your lives." In a split of a second, through her hood, I saw a glance of her cold crimson eyes.

I have a bad feeling about this.