The Western Region of Continent


This Groundwell continent is divided in five regions, north, south, east, central and western regions.

Crossing the central region of the continent comprises mostly of plains and deserts. There are few kingdoms but they are scattered about. The central continent is not centralized and composed of independent settlements.

Being a wielder with a system of the [Warlord Samurai: Level 100], I'm quite powerful myself, that the class president trusts me a lot.

Without a need of horse, I traversed the central region for just a few days, whizzing across the land in insane speed, as though I am as light as a feather.

Well, this is one of my passive as a Samurai.

[Lightless: Move about as though the user is weightless]

Not to mention, my agility is quite high as well.

[Samurai's Senses: +20% Agility]

One can easily notice when one is entering the western region. The air will stink and its a barren wasteland with only twigs sticking out of the dried ground.

The air is slightly foggy and dusty as though I am in a windy desert.

I heard that the Northern Overlord, Saint Jerome's forces sealed the Western Overlord, Kaveris, thus the powerful Western empires fell.

Western Overlord Kaveris is an evil monster according to the church. He conducted duel among nations and made them fight for each other with prices, such as magical items and magical weapons.

When Kaveris was sealed, the nations went free for all and a century war occured that everyone thought would never end. But it did on a sad note.

They were too powerful that no countries won.

The magical weapons that Kaveris gave them were very powerful and beyond on what they can handle. Thus, the western continent became a barren land with toxic environment. It's like a post apocalyptic world here.

The survivors struggled to make ends met especially due to the war, it changed the chemistry of the land and air, thus, the air and soil are somewhat toxic. Crops won't grow and people got sick, obviously food became scarce as well.

With nowhere to go they fleed to the north and south.

The countries that managed survive still stand strong here, but the population is few. One is the Valthar City of the west, but its lawless and dangerous.

Well, that's what Julius the Vice-President told me. As expected, he's that knowledgeable.

At some point, I finally arrived in Valthar.

The country is only as large as the city. Corruption, crime and every form of misdeeds are common here.

The ones who remained in this region are often the most capable and powerful, thus fighting to the death here are pretty common. Which is why I must be careful.

Due to my high tolerance as a hero with a system, I can tolerate the air and not get sick.

While wearing a leather hood over my head and robe, I walk down to Valthar. The walls surrounding the city aren't tended for centuries thus I just went through the broken areas.

I would avoid passing through the gates since I expect that's a one place where I could get robbed.

Walking across the streets, it feels like a ghost town which is why I feel uneasy. The windows creaking and banging constantly as it gets blown by the wind. The vibe of being lonely but at the same time being watched.

But my passion for the president is stronger than my fear.

Afterward, several men blocked my path with swords, pikes and knives with malicious look. They wear dirty and teary clothes, so they are probably the locals. Well, what do I expect from this place?

"Yo, traveller hand over your valuables and I--"

He stops speaking and afterward, his head comes flying off with blood smeared on the ground.

Behind them an armored old knight appears, Garfurd, he smiles warmly upon seeing me.

I show a face of glee. If Garfurd is here then Shira is usually nearby.

Garfurd is the strongest soldier of the Silvia Empire. A year ago, he chose to retire from the royal knights and join the Righteous Order. I'm not sure what went on his mind when he did that but King Wilmer allowed him.

He was harsh on us during our training but we deeply respect him. He is like a father figure to us. We fought together against the shadows of this world. So he is irreplacable to us heroes.

The robbers becomes mad seeing the dead body of their friend. "Darton!"

"Damn you, old man!" They turn their swords against him.

In a flash, Garfurd slay the robbers causing their bodies to fall across the ground one by one.

If this was two years ago, I would have asked him why he needed to be that brutal to the enemies but I've been used to it. We've been trained to not show mercy if our enemy is just a nuisance and keeping them alive has no value.

Garfurd waves at me. "Ey chap, I would like to have a chat and have a drink for our reunion, but something urgent came up."

I nod, "yo Sir Garfurd, it's nice to see you."

He laughs lightheartedly. "Come, I bet you can't wait to meet her."

"You bet!"

We walk across the city, but my excitement died down when Garfurd became serious.

"The Infitius cult, we thought we defeated all of those bastards. Looks like a new cult has risen to replace the old one. However, this is something that is not unexpected."

It surprised me of all a sudden. The Infitius cult which was governed by the Cursed Sorcerer Karthus, a loyal worshipper of Sagus. We defeated him back then during the final fight. He was a tough opponent that we almost died, thankfully, with my friends we managed to win. Though we are not sure if he was still alive but he was close near death. I think the masked man had something to do with this.

However, looks like there is a new cult huh? This will be tough.

"A new one? What do you mean?"

"They call themselves the Neo-Infitius Cult! And this one might be worse than the last." Garfurd says sternly.

Those evil guys never stop, huh?

I gulp.

Arriving on the place, inside an old inn which isn't even tended and looks abandoned. We proceed to one of the room.

When Shira comes into view, I feel glad. "Class Pres, it has been a long time."

As I expect, Shira retains that strong demeanor.

She's wearing the legendary paladium light armor which was worn by an ancient legendary figure. We found it on a dungeon when we were fighting strong General Monsters. Also, she is far more powerful now since she was blessed by the three wise sages with the 7 [Crystal of Bravery] which boosts her stats by +500. The Crystals were compatible with her when she turned level 150. Those crystals were national treasure of Aren Kingdom.

Looks like all of us are relying on her, even the King. She is a different breed.

The feeling of my adoreness to her is overflowing.

"Oh, Leon, it's nice to see that you are doing well. You did a good job."

Hearing compliments from the class pres herself makes me blush. "Did I class pres? I barely contributed anything."

"Don't say that Leon, you travelling across the continent to gather information for me was extremely helpful." Afterward, Shira changes her stare to become serious at the edge of the room. "Also, we caught a good lead."

On the edge of the room is an eccentric old man with dark robes with unusual patterns. He has a grey hair, spectacles and he is restrained on a chair with ropes.

Looks like a spell was casted upon him so he can't cast magic.

Despite incapacitated, he looks nonchalant and isn't bit scared. In fact, he even looks confident.

"So what are you gonna do, True Hero? Are you gonna torture me? I heard you are too righteous for such tactics. But I won't tell you anything. Hehe."

Garfurd frowns and when he is about to get violent, Shira stops him. "Stop master, that won't be necessary. We will be sending someone over. But first.."

Afterward, Shira and I left to go to a certain place. As for Garfurd, he is guarding the evil looking old man.

"Class pres, who is that person?"

"A researcher who specialized in higher plane studies and dark arts. I hear he is someone who works for the Neo-Infitius cult."

"Class pres, does the old and the new cult have any connection?"

"We are not certain but I heard rumors that there was a new Eastern Overlord. And the new cult is based on the new overlord. So in terms of ideology, I think both cults are unrelated."

"New Eastern Overlord? How is that possible? Did someone just replaced Sagus?"

"I'm not sure, without good evidence we can't say for certain."

Right now, only one overlord exists in the Groundwell continent, and that is the Lord Saint Jerome. The western and eastern overlord got sealed, the southern overlord vanished.

At least that's what it used to be.

One overlord controls the continent, and that's how the church managed to attain its power and how the humans are able to live in peace. It all thanks to Lord Jerome that the forces of evil are now hiding.

In this continent's history, Lord Jerome is the most benevolent and kind overlord. There will be chaos if another Overlord rises from nowhere.

"However as things are right now, these are just rumors, which is why I have an important mission for you Leon."

As she is leading the way, after a while she stop suddenly, so I stop as well.

"Class pres?"

She throws a glinting gem towards me in which I quickly catch. Inspecting it up close, it's a blood red gem. It even looks pretty but gives off a sinister feeling.

"This is?"

"They call it the bloodstone and I'm not sure regarding the details since that old bastard won't talk."

"Blood stone, huh? I feel uneasy."

"Leon, you are my trusted secretary. Looks like I have another selfish thing to ask of you."

She looks over her shoulder which causes me to blush.

"O-of course! I'll do anything you ask me."

Shira smiles which causes my heart to flutter. "I'm glad that I can count on you. I'll be assigning you to investigate these stones. Can you do it?"

Seeing her smile gives me unexplainable amounts of joy. This is the first time an important mission is given to me as the leader by the class pres. Also, I can't let the president down. "Yes ma'am!" I say with my loudest answer.

We continue strolling til we reached an underground laboratory. It looks creepy with the skulls inside cells, weird paraphernelia on the tables, and even a skeleton hanging on the ceiling which she tells me to ignore.

"Anyway class pres, why are we here?"

"We've come to investigate a bit inside the lab of that researcher while we wait for the others."

"You mean you are waiting for the vice pres? They'll be coming?"

Conveniently, Julius can read minds. He is quite reliable due to his mental spell capabilities.

Shira nods. "They'll be here soon."

However, we hear a noise coming from above, like an explosion. Shira runs quickly out and left the lab, to which I follow.

"Leon! Quickly return to the inn." Shira leaps to the roof of a house and heads out going to that direction of the noise.

Everytime something serious happens, her body would move faster than her mind.

"Huh! What's going on?!" I quickly follow as well. I follow her footsteps and jump on a roof. We jump from one roof to another roof to get there as soon as possible and get a better eye view.

"Class pres, what do you see?"

"Enemies! I saw a glimpse of them standing above the inn. We have to hurry or else they might take the researcher."

If they take the researcher before us we won't be able to get any information.

Afterward we heard another explosion which causes Shira to yell from worry. It's from the inn. Someone blew up the place. "Master!"

"Sir Garfurd!"

When we arrive, Garfurd is still fine albeit bloodied. He is exchanging swings, clashing against each other with someone who is wearing a pitch black cloak, his enemy is only using his sharp fingernails.


"Shira, I'm fine. They've taken the researcher away, forgive me!"

On the roof of the opposite building, a fully dark cloak person stands while holding the researcher. He looks like he is the leader and they have recovered the researcher.

"Hehe, thanks for saving me Scarlet Queen." Says the researcher gratefully.


Scarlet Queen? I heard rumors that it's the name of the vampire brigade that is wrecking havoc in the western region. I can't believe it's them.

I can see 5 of them. Are they the vampires?

What are they doing here? And what's their connection with the cult? I think we saw them back then with the masked man a year ago.

Finally, we'll capture you here and get all the answers!

I ready my blade and cast [Absolute Courage] to myself to enhance my capabilities.

This skill increases my defense and I will be immune to any mental magical effects.

I then jump and charge towards the vampire, she kicks the old man out of the way and after my swing, the vampire raises her sharp fingernails to block my attack.

Powerful shockwaves are sent out across us as we clash against each other's weapons.

However, when my blades came into contact with her sharp nails, a sense of familiarity flows over me.

This nostalgic feeling of mana from the enemy.

It was like during that time when I fought Myla...