Storm Calvarin Adventurers


We spent few days in the fort of Hertfil investigating about the odd red gem and the Neo-infitius but it leads us no where. Right now, we have no progress.

We rested for a while on the tavern to grab some drinks.

A young waitress who's actually cute comes over to me. "Here's your drink." She has a dark brown and long hair with a slender physique and has a supple pair of chest.

"Thank you."

I smile back. Even though the drinks are bad, I can't help but order just to get her attention.

Rendon is oogling on the waitress in which Kezia steps on his foot which causes him to yell from pain.

"Everyone, let's focus on the task at hand."

Rendon sighs with his head resting on his arm. "Even if we do, we have no clue. Well, it doesn't surprise me. Those dark cults are not mysterious for no reason."

Nathan just pours his drink on Rendon's mug. "The beer here is bad. I prefer the beer back on earth."

Don't tell me these guys ordered a drink just to gets the waitress attention. How sly. Even then, my heart belongs to the president alone.

Rendon endured to finish his drink and he didn't enjoy it. I can see the expression on his face and I can tell he is revolted by the taste. He switches Nathan's empty mug and he sits down with a smug.

"Huh? That shit is yours Rendon." Nathan lashes out trying to switch it back.

"Well, that's yours now."

"Huh?!" Nathan grabs Rendon's collar and glares at him closer.

Kezia butts in between them. "Come on guys, don't fight over such silly matters."

Rendon and Nathan stares at Kezia at the same time. "Then you drink it."

Kezia chuckles nervously. "N-no thanks."

I'm right here trying to think, I can't think much since they are loud bunch. I wonder where Garfurd is right now. He said he is going to investigate on his own.

The waitress approaches us. "I overheard you people are the heroes from the other world, right? I hope you are enjoying your drink."

Rendon enthusiastically rises on his chair. "This is the best drink I tasted in my life."

I'm amused he can blurt that lie without hesitation just to please the waitress.

"Miss, do you need something from us?"

"No, no, well, actually I just want to thank you. You saved my hometown back there when you fought against that dark creature. You can have that for free."

We are surprised in hearing it. She must be from Charia when we defeated those Karthus and his summoned beast.

"We whole heartedly appreciate it."

"It's me who is supposed to thank you. While you still can, you can order your dinner as well."

She's quite an angel!

Due to her, she helped out our expenses. I mean we already spent too much. My friends are quite enjoying their lives like there's no tomorrow when it comes to spending. Without the president, they do as they please. Perhaps, it's better if I impose myself as a leader.

Nathan shows a thumbs up on the waitress. "We'll be visiting here from now on."

She chortles softly. "My name is Anna, nice to meet you heroes from the another world."

We smile back to show our appreciation. She's quite a good person.

Even though the drink was bad, the meal was pretty good. Our stomach enjoyed it and we are full. On the second drink, I just had some water since any more drinks will cause me to barf on the floor.

Later, an old man with decent and fashionable clothing comes to our side. His face is mellow during greeting but turns serious afterward. "By any chance, I saw you ask around about something important. And... I need your help."

He probably knows something so we invited him to sit around our table.

He takes off his hat and bows slightly. His mannerism seems noble and he is different from the brutish adventurers in this city. "My name is Sir Stervin, a manager of the S and M trading company. On our route to north from the central region, my caravan got attacked. My men were captured and taken to the east, including my daughter." His eyes are serious and at the same time worried. His hand also trembles as he lowers his head. "Please, help me find them!"

"Sir Stervin, my name is Leon, a warrior of the Righteos Order from Aren. Can I ask, why did you decide to approach us? There are a lot of adventurers here that you can hire."

"I asked around and told me you people were asking for the same thing. The "Neo-Infitius", right?"

We gasp after hearing it.

I look at my team and they nod, approving they are willing to help. We then got more interested in what he has to say further. This is our only lead.

"Go on."

"3 weeks ago, those people attacked us. I only got saved because I took bath on the river. But when I returned to the caravan, everyone was gone. I followed the tracks of the abductors and it led me to the east. I've also asked around and they told me it was the work of a werewolf clan somewhere here."

"Then what about the Neo-Infitius?"

"Those werewolves are part of the cult. A survivor told me from the central region. He overheard them talking that the Eastern Overlord has risen on the overworld."

This was too much information to take in but nonetheless it's quite useful.

"This is quite a bad news, huh?" Nathan says.

"If that is true then those werewolves might have some connection with the Eastern Overlord. It's beyond our capabilities." Rendon says slightly nervous. "If it comes to it, maybe, we should notify the president right now, or maybe the church."

"Everyone, let's investigate more before we call her. Surely, we can find some information about the werewolves." I stand up from my seat.

Sir Stervin shakes his head in disagreement. "No one here has a clue where those werewolves live. If I had, I would have already hired adventurers to attack their settlement and I won't be here."

Rendon yawns as he stretches his arms. "Well, true."

I sit back down from disappointment. "But there are maps of the forest right?"

"Yes Sir Leon, but the forest is quite vast. They live in a secluded village where it may lie on the area where the adventurers may not have explored it yet."

"Scouting the forest may take time, but it's probably our only choice at this point."

"Sir Leon, some of the legendary Storm Calvarins are here. They are a golden emblem adventurer party. One of the best in this land. This might just be their expertise."

Rendon sound susprised. He stands up and slams the table. "Sto-storm Calvarin? Those guys are here?"

"Eh?! Alfred's group?" Kezia says.

"Those bastards, huh? I prefer if we won't stumble upon them."

The Storm Calvarins party are quite famous in Munren. They explored most of the continent with exception of the east and the west, that's why I think they should be here.

They used to be tolerable but now, those guys are problematic that president Shira cut them off. We don't want to get involved with them after the abhorrent acts they commited in the capital.

The door opens and when everyone eyes lays upon the people who entered, they fall silent.

One of them is a young lean guy with a cheeky face and a blond dashing hair. His name is William and he holds the [Archer Magician: Level 130]. He specializes in the unique art of archery magic.

The other is Carl, he is shorter and with a spiky, auburn hair. He holds the system of the [Warrior Summoner: Level 140]. He has high physical prowess but is also able to summon rare and powerful knights.

I kinda wish I bought that system before him. Also, there are some highly ranked adventurers following them. They are Golden and Silver Emblem adventurers.

Golden Emblem are one of the strongest adventurers among the S-class adventurer classification. The S-class adventurers are ranked by Steel, Silver, Gold and Platinum emblems. It can be seen on the emblem they are carrying.

One of the leaders of the Golden Emblem Party is Alfred. I think Alfred may soon surpass the president which I hope won't happen. I mean he's such an asshat after all. However, it seems Alfred and some of them aren't here. It's only William and Carl.

They walk around looking for table since most are occupied. Carl grins. "Looks like there aren't enough chairs." He then puts his hand on the nearest table, and glares at the one who sits on them. "Hey old guy, can't you see my friends are tired from our expedition? I'm sure you know the rules around here."

The adventurer grits his teeth, he slams his mug on the table. "Huh?! Are you looking for trouble?" He blushes from being drunk and can't even sit still.

Carl laughs menacingly. "I guess you deserve some lesson."

Carl kicks the adventurer from his chair, causing him to fly off and land on our table.

Carl's companions seems amused. "Nice kick Carl."

"Definitely teached him a lesson. Hahaha."

Afterward, the people who were with that adventurer stand up and left, afraid of Carl and his company.

"He should've stayed silent."

"He should know what would happen if you were up against the Storm Calvarin."

Anna, the waitress comes to them nervously. She then asks them, "sir if you are here to brew some trouble, I suggest you leave."

Carl's eyes becomes lively seeing Anna from her legs all up to her chest and face. He then grins menacingly. "You're quite hotty, aren't you?"

Anna pretends not to hear but it was obvious her legs are shaking. "Umm sir? I would like to ask you politely."

Carl stand up and boldly holds her hand. He looks straight into her eyes. "I like you. Come with me to my inn. I'll give you a good time."

"But sir, I'm working."

"Don't worry, I'll pay you three times your earn here." Carl forcefully holds her hand to him.

"No!" Anna fights back and slaps him. Upon releasing her, she runs away. She hides behind me.

Carl's expression turns upset. He is mad as he goes up to her. "Damn you woman! All you have to do is come with me and I'll--"

I stand up and unsheath my katana, aimed at his neck. "Carl, your silliness will have to end here."

Rendon grins as well, as though ready to fight. He reveals his pen and after pushing a button it turns into a high-end spear. "I always knew you were an incel back in highschool Carl but I didn't realize it was to this extent."

Nathan reveals his double axe as well. "I won't forgive anyone who would hurt an innocent woman!"

Kezia creates a triangle with her fingers, aiming it towards Carl. "Carl, what you did is deplorable. I'm ashamed that you were a classmate."

"Back then, we were turning a blind eye on your misdeeds, but it won't happen this time!"