The Tavern


I walk inside the city constantly sending out my Imposing Will to the city. Since its range is 500 meters radius in distance, the adventurers around that area begin to fall unconscious.

However, there is one exception. A mage woman can still stand and is unto us. But even then, she is struggling to maintain her stance.

She pants as she says, "who are you people? What do you intend to do to this city?"

Levia harrumphs, "such an upfront, if my lord wills to destroy this city, he would have done so in a blink of an eye. Know your place, human."

Ugh, why did I even bring Levia. Now, my situation is so deep of being misunderstood. I don't even know what to say to calm her down. The truth is, I'm only here to gain some information and not to stir anything up.

Well, since I already knocked out most of them, I might do so with this one.

[Name: Levana

Level: 90

Race: Human

Health Points: 35,000/35,000

Mana Points: 10,000/10,000


Strength: 220

Agility: 120

Defense: 157

Stamina: 256

Wisdom: 490

Mind: 231

Tolerance: 102 ]

Her name is Levana, I see.

Hmm, her level is quite high compared to the other adventurers I came across. Regardless, I can see that the average of the level of these adventurers are around 40.

So she's like a cream of the top of these adventurers, huh?

"Even if you both are powerful. It is my duty to eliminate monsters such as yourselves!" Says Levana.

Her palm shows two fingers up and points it us while casting a spell, "wallowing flames!"

I notice on the ground, flames are appearing and is about to erupt, and in a split second swallowed the two of us.

The fire is warm and didn't do us any harm. Well of course, the gap of our levels are too wide.

Levana is disturbed seeing it didn't affect us. "My most powerful spell, has no effect. No!"

As for Levia, it's obvious that she is pissed. She snaps her finger and Levana's neck twists quickly with a crack, afterward she falls down.

Hearing the crack, that felt like it hurts as hell. Though I already know that Levana is certainly dead. Even the potion won't be enough.

"Forgive me, my lord. I have to take her life since she is a threat."

"It's fine."

I sigh, seeing a woman just croaked in front of me. It's kinda weird since I didn't feel anything, not even my conscience. I think it's true that I may be a monster at heart. Before, I would be disturbed by this.

Regardless, we decide to keep on going on.

Sigh, if only I can walk around this city normally. This is my first encounter with a human settlement after all. Especially, since I'm in the mood to meet and know more people.

Looking around, this place seems to be an ancient castle that was abandoned. The courtyard have stalls, inns, weapon shop, though there are barely any civilians. Most are adventurers.

Man, I feel like buying some things like how a normal human would but the merchants are knocked cold on their stall.

But I guess, I'm no longer considered normal, huh?

I sigh.

Regardless, do I even have a currency that I can use to purchase some stuff? Now that I think about it, I'm quite ignorant about this world. I should look for a library or something.

Eventually, the streets have unconscious adventurers splayed out in every direction. It has gotten quiet since we are the only two conscious ones around here.

The adventurers were easy to knock out. So I have no problem penetrating the city and strolling as we please. If only Vermil and Ren were here.

However, this city is a bit big. Looking around might take some time since I'm in the mood for a stroll.

I use [Character Division x 300] to create some clones. I figure this would be faster. I give a command to my clones to avoid killing a person if possible and just knock them out cold.

I can feel that my emotions are seemingly detaching from humanity. A lot of these titles somehow is changing my psyche. However, I don't want to go that route if I can. I'm still me after all and I can make a conscious decision.

Afterward my clones spread out in multiple directions. My clones are able to use Imposing Will as well but in a lesser magnitude since they also have Sagus' mask on.

Levia seems amused seeing my clones. "Your ability is quite convenient my lord. How many clones can you make?"

Since I trust Levia, perhaps I shall tell her. "I can control 35,000 clones simultaneously but most of them are working in my dungeon. I can only produce 10,000 clones before I reach the maximum."

"You know where each are I assume?"

"Not really know but its some sort of feeling. It's kinda hard to describe it."

Since those clones are too many, it's hard to pinpoint each of them and know where they are. But I should be aware if they are in danger or they are fighting.

Regardless, for now, I feel tired of all this thinking. I offer my hand to Levia. "Ah screw it. Levia, let's forget everything for now and enjoy this city."

I mean I lost 3 years of my life in tht dungeon working in solitude. Damn, I need some sort of reward.

Levia smiles, she curtsies. "Then I shall take you up on that offer. I promised that I would let you forget the feeling of being lonely after all."

Upon holding her hand, I feel the excitement travel across my skin and spine. I mean I never held a woman's hand this boldly before.

Not to mention, I didn't feel anxious. Is it because of my titles that I lost my socially reclusive nature?

Regardless, I'm glad I'm able to show my feelings. I always wanted to do this at least once.

We begin sight seeing. Seeing the statues, buildings and shops in the city and of course, the adventurers sleeping on the streets. This feels unnatural that we have to look after where we step to avoid stepping on them.

Regardless, this is really the middle-ages especially with the stone bricks and leather clothings. I hope I can try wielding an ordinary sword and armor for a change.

While I was inside the Dungeon fighting for my life, I can't believe my classmates enjoyed all of this. Now it's my turn.


My lord reminds me of an old friend. Like you, he is kind to humans even if they were hostile.

I remember back then, I could barely tell the difference between humans and maggots, I didn't care on killing them even the innocent once. It was Melanie who changed me and I can see her in my lord.

Right now, I only swore to take those lives those who threaten us.

I would treasure this moment since I have fun. With him by my side I would be able to enjoy this freedom. I hope everything will still work out in the end.

"Levia, Levia."

"Huh? My lord." I have spaced out and I didn't notice him calling for me. "Please forgive me."

"I'm sure your hungry for spacing out like that. Let's grab something to eat."


We stumbled upon some tavern. Its an old wooden building with an arch-shape roof.

Usually taverns like these offer food or a place to rest just like what I see in medieval shows.

There are also some postings on the billboard. I try reading one and it's just the local news.

I try grabbing one poster, and it reads. "Look out for the abductors from the east! You could be next. Be careful!"


More importantly, it seems I can read them as though it's in my language.

[Answer. Due to the the effects of the Universal Tome, the language in this world will be automatically translated]

How convenient.

"This world is quite worrying and dangerous, huh?"

"You don't need to worry my lord. I'll eliminate them if they get in our way."

I suppose.

We enter the tavern and right before us are the men splaying on the floor. All of them are knocked cold. Looks like no one from this place can resist against this ability, huh? Perhaps, I shall expect this from now on.

I remove the mask and hide it for now. This way, my Imposing Will has died down.

I figure I shall at least revive the waitress who is sleeping on the floor. Perhaps, I shall try this mind affinity skill, [Mental Rejuvenation]. In which according to the description, it purifies the mind of the target from curses or debuffs.

I crouch and try it on her. She wakes up slowly while she rubs her eyes. She squeals upon coming into her senses. She looks frightened after seeing me and crawls backward.

She kneels in front of me. "Please forgive, I'm just a commoner."

Her eyes tells me as though she is looking at a monster. "Uh, hey it's okay. I'm not trying to hurt you."

She begins crying and huddling herself. She won't listen to me that I don't know what to do.

"Umm Levia, what's going on with her?"

"My lord, we live on a completely different plane of existence compared to this creatures. I find it rather odd that you want to talk to them as equals."

"Well, I can't help it since I'm a human. Besides, I have something to ask to her."

"Hmm, Sagus was the same thing. Everyone was afraid of his presence."

"Did Sagus even talk to humans?"

"No, he didn't."

Then a system screen shows up on my face.

[Answer has been found]

[Answer. The Merciless Ruler title has an effect of causing absolute fear to those of the lesser beings]

I finally understand why they are scared even though I removed the mask.

Hey system, can I cancel its effects?

[To cancel the effects of the Merciless Ruler, click to confirm]

[Confirm] [Cancel]

Clicking confirm, I turn to the waitress who was about to piss on the floor. Her expression mellows out upon seeing me.

"Huh? A good-looking guy?" She says while staring at me. She then looks around, "by the way, we need to hide, there was a monster here. Where is it?"

Good-looking? It feels good to hear someone call me that. In fact, seeing a mirror, I can see my looks seems to have glowed. I look pretty cool and tough especially with my fit physique.

[Note: Gaining an Upperworldly Title will maximize your physical status and well-being]

Which is why I never got sick even once and hunger doesn't bother me that much. I'm only eating for pleasure since this body is now something else.

"Now, my lord what do we have to do with her. She will no longer think that there is a monster here, right?"

The waitress doesn't know what to say since she looks like one. "I don't know what's going on anymore. I think I'm probably hallucinating."

She turns her attention to me.

"Anyway, who are you people?"

"We are just passerby. We are hoping to get something to eat."

The waitress stands up. She seems hesitant to serve us anything. "There seems to be some sort of emergency. I can't serve you while we are in this situation."

I guess, that's true.

Levia comes to me and whisper on my ear. "My lord, I can hypnotize her if you wish."

"Stop it Levia. Let's just go."

Just when we are about to leave, the waitress calls us out. "Wait! Since you're already here. You should just take a seat."

"Make up your mind." Levia says to her.

"Forgive me, I figured I could not do something about this. Since the heroes from the otherworld were here earlier I figure we can rest easy."

I stop on my tracks after I hear those words. "Wait? Heroes from the other world?"

She nods. "Yes, they were here earlier. If someone is going to do something about this confusing situation, it should be them."

I clench my fists as I ask with a heavy lips. "B-by any chance, do you know there names?"